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when the world shook-第13部分

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〃Nothing broken;〃 he said triumphantly。 〃He's all right。〃

〃If you had hung over a towel for many hours in most violent

weather you would not say that;〃 groaned Bastin。 〃My inside is a

pulp。 But perhaps you would be kind enough to untie me。〃

〃Bosh!〃 said Bickley as he obeyed。 〃All you want is something

to eat。 Meanwhile; drink this;〃 and he handed him the remains of

the whisky。

Bastin swallowed it every drop; murmuring something about

taking a little wine for his stomach's sake; 〃one of the Pauline

injunctions; you know;〃 after which he was much more cheerful。

Then we hunted about and found some more of the biscuits and

other food with which we filled ourselves after a fashion。

〃I wonder what has happened;〃 said Bastin。 〃I suppose that;

thanks to the skill of the captain; we have after all reached the

haven where we would be。〃

Here he stopped; rubbed his eyes and looked towards the saloon

door which; as I have said; had been wrenched off its hinges; but

appeared to have opened wider than when I observed it last。 Also

Tommy; who was recovering his spirits; uttered a series of low


〃It is a most curious thing;〃 he went on; 〃and I suppose I must

be suffering from hallucinations; but I could swear that just now

I saw looking through that door the same improper young woman

clothed in a few flowers and nothing else; whose photograph in

that abominable and libellous book was indirectly the cause of

our tempestuous voyage。〃

〃Indeed!〃 replied Bickley。 〃Well; so long as she has not got on

the broken…down stays and the Salvation Army bonnet without a

crown; which you may remember she wore after she had fallen into

the hands of your fraternity; I am sure I do not mind。 In fact I

should be delighted to see anything so pleasant。〃

At this moment a distinct sound of female tittering arose from

beyond the door。 Tommy barked and Bickley stepped towards it; but

I called to him。

〃Look out! Where there are women there are sure to be men。 Let

us be ready against accidents。〃

So we armed ourselves with pistols; that is Bickley and I did;

Bastin being fortified solely with a Bible。

Then we advanced; a remarkable and dilapidated trio; and

dragged the door wide。 Instantly there was a scurry and we caught

sight of women's forms wearing only flowers; and but few of

these; running over white sand towards groups of men armed with

odd…looking clubs; some of which were fashioned to the shapes of

swords and spears。 To make an impression I fired two shots with

my revolver into the air; whereupon both men and women fled into

groves of trees and vanished。

〃They don't seem to be accustomed to white people;〃 said

Bickley。 〃Is it possible that we have found a shore upon which no

missionary has set a foot?〃

〃I hope so;〃 said Bastin; 〃seeing that unworthy as I am; then

the opportunities for me would be very great。〃

We stood still and looked about us。 This was what we saw。 All

the after part of the ship from forward of the bridge had

vanished utterly; there was not a trace of it; she had as it were

been cut in two。 More; we were some considerable distance from

the sea which was still raging over a quarter of a mile away

where great white combers struck upon a reef and spouted into the

air。 Behind us was a cliff; apparently of rock but covered with

earth and vegetation; and against this cliff; in which the prow

of the ship was buried; she; or what remained of her; had come to

anchor for the last time。

〃You see what has happened;〃 I said。 〃A great tidal wave has

carried us up here and retreated。〃

〃That's it;〃 exclaimed Bickley。 〃Look at the debris;〃 and he

pointed to torn…up palms; bushes and seaweed piled into heaps

which still ran salt water; also to a number of dead fish that

lay about among them; adding; 〃Well; we are saved anyhow。〃

〃And yet there are people like you who say that there is no

Providence!〃 ejaculated Bastin。

〃I wonder what the views of Captain Astley and the crew are; or

rather were; upon that matter;〃 interrupted Bickley。

〃I don't know;〃 answered Bastin; looking about him vaguely。 〃It

is true that I can't see any of them; but if they are drowned no

doubt it is because their period of usefulness in this world had


〃Let's get down and look about us;〃 I remarked; being anxious

to avoid further argument。

So we scrambled from the remnant of the ship; like Noah

descending out of the ark; as Bastin said; on to the beach

beneath; where Tommy rushed to and fro; gambolling for joy。 Here

we discovered a path which ran diagonally up the side of a cliff

which was nowhere more than fifty or sixty feet in height; and

possibly had once formed the shore of this land; or perhaps that

of a lake。 Up this path we went; following the tracks of many

human feet; and reaching the crest of the cliff; looked about us;

basking as we did so in the beautiful morning sun; for the sky

was now clear of clouds and with that last awful effort; which

destroyed our ship; the cyclone had passed away。

We were standing on a plain down which ran a little stream of

good water whereof Tommy drank greedily; we following his

example。 To the right and left of this plain; further than we

could see; stretched bushland over which towered many palms;

rather ragged now because of the lashing of the gale。 Looking

inland we perceived that the ground sloped gently downwards;

ending at a distance of some miles in a large lake。 Far out in

this lake something like the top of a mountain of a brown colour

rose above the water; and on the edge of it was what from that

distance appeared to be a tumbled ruin。

〃This is all very interesting;〃 I said to Bickley。 〃What do you

make of it?〃

〃I don't quite know。 At first sight I should say that we are

standing on the lip of a crater of some vast extinct volcano。

Look how it curves to north and south and at the slope running

down to the lake。〃

I nodded。

〃Lucky that the tidal wave did not get over the cliff;〃 I said。

〃If it had the people here would have all been drowned out。 I

wonder where they have gone?〃

As I spoke Bastin pointed to the edge of the bush some hundreds

of yards away; where we perceived brown figures slipping about

among the trees。 I suggested that we should go back to the mouth

of our path; so as to have a line of retreat open in case of

necessity; and await events。 So we did and there stood still。 By

degrees the brown figures emerged on to the plain to the number

of some hundreds; and we saw that they were both male and female。

The women were clothed in nothing except flowers and a little

girdle; the men were all armed with wooden weapons and also wore

a girdle but no flowers。 The children; of whom there were many;

were quite naked。

Among these people we observed a tall person clothed in what

seemed to be a magnificent feather cloak; and; walking around and

about him; a number of grotesque forms adorned with hideous masks

and basket…like head…dresses that were surmounted by plumes。

〃The king or chief and his priests or medicine…men! This is

splendid;〃 said Bickley triumphantly。

Bastin also contemplated them with enthusiasm as raw material

upon which he hoped to get to work。

By degrees and very cautiously they approached us。 To our joy;

we perceived that behind them walked several young women who bore

wooden trays of food or fruit。

〃That looks well;〃 I said。 〃They would not make offerings

unless they were friendly。〃

〃The food may be poisoned;〃 remarked Bickley suspiciously。

The crowd advanced; we standing quite still looking as

dignified as we could; I as the tallest in the middle; with Tommy

sitting at my feet。 When they were about five and twenty yards

away; however; that wretched little dog caught sight of the

masked priests。 He growled and then rushed at them barking; his

long black ears flapping as he went。

The effect was instantaneous。 One and all they turned and fled

precipitately; who evidently had never before seen a dog and

looked upon it as a deadly creature。 Yes; even the tall chief and

his masked medicine…men fled like hares pursued by Tommy; who bit

one of them in the leg; evoking a terrific howl。 I called him

back and took him into my arms。 Seeing that he was safe for a

while the crowd reformed and once again advanced。

As they came we noted that they were a wonderfully handsome

people; tall and straight with regularly shaped features and

nothing of the negro about them。 Some of the young women might

even be called beautiful; though those who were elderly had

become corpulent。 The feather…clothed chief; however; was much

disfigured by a huge growth with a narrow stalk to it that hung

from his neck and rested on his shoulder。

〃I'll have that off him before he is a week older;〃 said

Bickley; surveying this deformity with great professional


On they came; the girls with the platters walking ahead。 On one

of these were what looked like joints of baked pork; on another

some plantains and pear…shaped fruits。 They knelt down and

offered these to us。 We contemplated them for a while。 Then

Bickley shook his head and began to rub his stomach with

appropriate contortions。 Clearly they were quick…minded enough for

they saw the point。 At some words the girls brought the platters

to the chief and others; who took from them portions of the food

at hazard and ate them to show that it was not poisoned; we

watching their throats the while to make sure that it was

swallowed。 Then they returned again and we took some of the food

though only Bickley ate; because; as I pointed out to him; being

a doctor who understood the use of antidotes; clearly he should

make the experiment。 However; nothing happened; indeed he said

that it was very good。

After this there came a pause。 Then sudd
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