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when the world shook-第20部分

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canoe was as nearly as possible upset into the lake。

In due course we reached the flat Rock of Offerings; which

proved to be quite as wide as a double croquet lawn and much


〃What are those?〃 I asked; pointing to certain knobs on the

edge of the rock at a spot where a curved projecting point made a

little harbour。

Bickley examined them; and answered:

〃I should say that they are the remains of stone mooring…posts

worn down by many thousands of years of weather。 Yes; look; there

is the cut of the cables upon the base of that one; and very big

cables they must have been。〃

We stared at one anotherthat is; Bickley and I did; for

Bastin was still engaged in contemplating the blackened head of

the god which he had overthrown。

Chapter IX

The Island in the Lake

We made the canoe fast and landed on the great rock; to

perceive that it was really a peninsula。 That is to say; it was

joined to the main land of the lake island by a broad roadway

quite fifty yards across; which appeared to end in the mouth of

the cave。 On this causeway we noted a very remarkable thing;

namely; two grooves separated by an exact distance of nine feet

which ran into the mouth of the cave and vanished there。

〃Explain!〃 said Bickley。

〃Paths;〃 I said; 〃worn by countless feet walking on them for

thousands of years。〃

〃You should cultivate the art of observation; Arbuthnot。 What

do you say; Bastin?〃

He stared at the grooves through his spectacles; and replied:

〃I don't say anything; except that I can't see anybody to make

paths here。 Indeed; the place seems quite unpopulated; and all

the Orofenans told me that they never landed on it because if

they did they would die。 It is a part of their superstitious

nonsense。 If you have any idea in your head you had better tell

us quickly before we breakfast。 I am very hungry。〃

〃You always are;〃 remarked Bickley; 〃even when most people's

appetites might have been affected。 Well; I think that this great

plateau was once a landing…place for flying machines; and that

there is the air…shed or garage。〃

Bastin stared at him。

〃Don't you think we had better breakfast?〃 he said。 〃There are

two roast pigs in that canoe; and lots of other food; enough to

last us a week; I should say。 Of course; I understand that the

blood you have shed has thrown you off your balance。 I believe it

has that effect; except on the most hardened。 Flying machines

were only invented a few years ago by the brothers Wright in


〃Bastin;〃 said Bickley; 〃I begin to regret that I did not leave

you to take part in another breakfast yonderI mean as the

principal dish。〃

〃It was Providence; not you; who prevented it; Bickley;

doubtless because I am unworthy of such a glorious end。〃

〃Then it is lucky that Providence is a good shot with a pistol。

Stop talking nonsense and listen。 If those were paths worn by

feet they would run to the edge of the rock。 They do not。 They

begin there in that gentle depression and slope upwards somewhat

steeply。 The air machines; which were evidently large; lit in the

depression; possibly as a bird does; and then ran on wheels or

sledge skids along the grooves to the air…shed in the mountain。

Come to the cave and you will see。〃

〃Not till we have breakfast;〃 said Bastin。 〃I will get out a

pig。 As a matter of fact; I had no supper last night; as I was

taking a class of native boys and making some arrangements of my


As for me; I only whistled。 It all seemed very feasible。 And

yet how could such things be?

We unloaded the canoe and ate。 Bastin's appetite was splendid。

Indeed; I had to ask him to remember that when this supply was

done I did not know where we should find any more。

〃Take no thought for the morrow;〃 he replied。 〃I have no doubt

it will come from somewhere;〃 and he helped himself to another


Never had I admired him so much。 Not a couple of hours before

he was about to be cruelly murdered and eaten。 But this did not

seem to affect him in the least。 Bastin was the only man I have

ever known with a really perfect faith。 It is a quality worth

having and one that makes for happiness。 What a great thing not

to care whether you are breakfasted on; or breakfast!

〃I see that there is lots of driftwood about here;〃 he

remarked; 〃but unfortunately we have no tea; so in this climate

it is of little use; unless indeed we can catch some fish and

cook them。〃

〃Stop talking about eating and help us to haul up the canoe;〃

said Bickley。

Between the three of us we dragged and carried the canoe a long

way from the lake; fearing lest the natives should come and bear

it off with our provisions。 Then; having given Tommy his

breakfast off the scraps; we walked to the cave。 I glanced at my

companions。 Bickley's face was alight with scientific eagerness。

Here are not dreams or speculations; but facts to be learned; it

seemed to say; and I will learn them。 The past is going to show

me some of its secrets; to tell me how men of long ago lived and

died and how far they had advanced to that point on the road of

civilisation at which I stand in my little hour of existence。

That of Bastin was mildly interested; no more。 Obviously; with

half his mind he was thinking of something else; probably of his

converts on the main island and of the school class fixed for

this hour which circumstances prevented him from attending。

Indeed; like Lot's wife he was casting glances behind him towards

the wicked place from which he had been forced to flee。

Neither the past nor the future had much real interest for

Bastin; any more than they had for Bickley; though for different

reasons。 The former was done with; the latter he was quite

content to leave in other hands。 If he had any clear idea

thereof; probably that undiscovered land appeared to him as a

big; pleasant place where are no unbelievers or erroneous

doctrines; and all sinners will be sternly repressed; in which;

clad in a white surplice with all proper ecclesiastical

trappings; he would argue eternally with the Early Fathers and in

due course utterly annihilate Bickley; that is in a moral sense。

Personally and as a man he was extremely attached to Bickley as a

necessary and wrong…headed nuisance to which he had become


And I! What did I feel? I do not know; I cannot describe。 An

extraordinary attraction; a semi…spiritual exaltation; I think。

That cave mouth might have been a magnet drawing my soul。 With my

body I should have been afraid; as I daresay I was; for our

circumstances were sufficiently desperate。 Here we were;

castaways upon an island; probably uncharted; one of thousands in

the recesses of a vast ocean; from which we had little chance of

escape。 More; having offended the religious instincts of the

primeval inhabitants of that island; we had been forced to flee

to a rocky mountain in the centre of a lake; where; after the

food we had brought with us by accident was consumed; we should

no doubt be forced to choose between death by starvation; or; if

we attempted to retreat; at the hands of justly infuriated

savages。 Yet these facts did not oppress me; for I was being

drawn; drawn to I knew not what; and if it were to doomwell; no


Therefore; none of us cared: Bastin because his faith was equal

to any emergency and there was always that white…robed heaven

waiting for him beyond which his imagination did not go (I often

wondered whether he pictured Mrs。 Bastin as also waiting; if so;

he never said anything about her); Bickley because as a child of

the Present and a servant of knowledge he feared no future;

believing it to be for him non…existent; and was careless as to

when his strenuous hour of life should end; and I because I felt

that yonder lay my true future; yes; and my true past; even

though to discover them I must pass through that portal which we

know as Death。

We reached the mouth of the cave。 It was a vast place; perhaps

the arch of it was a hundred feet high; and I could see that once

all this arch had been adorned with sculptures。 Protected as

these were by the overhanging rock; for the sculptured mouth of

the cave was cut deep into the mountain face; they were still so

worn that it was impossible to discern their details。 Time had

eaten them away like an acid。 But what length of time? I could

not guess; but it must have been stupendous to have worked thus

upon that hard and sheltered rock。

This came home to me with added force when; from subsequent

examination; we learned that the entire mouth of this cave had

been sealed up for unnumbered ages。 It will be remembered that

Marama told me the mountain in the lake had risen much during the

frightful cyclone in which we were wrecked and with it the cave

mouth which previously had been invisible。 From the markings on

the mountain side it was obvious that something of the sort had

happened very recently; at any rate on this eastern face。 That

is; either the flat rock had sunk or the volcano had been thrown


Once in the far past the cave had been as it was when we found

it。 Then it had gone down in such a way that the table…rock

entirely sealed the entrance。 Now this entrance was once more

open; and although of course there was a break in them; the

grooves of which I have spoken ran on into the cave at only a

slightly different level from that at which they lay upon the

flat rock。 And yet; although they had been thus sheltered by a

great stone curtain in front of them; still these sculptures were

worn away by the tooth of Time。 Of course; however; this may have

happened to them before they were buried in some ancient

cataclysm; to be thus resurrected at the hour of our arrival upon

the island。

Without pausing to make any closer examination of these

crumbled carvin
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