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when the world shook-第41部分

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to tell me that you did not recognise your own double in that

man? Shave off your beard and put on his clothes and no one could

distinguish you apart。〃

 I sprang up; dropping my pipe。

〃Now you mention it;〃 I said slowly; 〃I suppose there was a

resemblance。 I didn't look at him very much; I was studying the

simulacrum of Yva。 Also; you know it is some time sinceI mean;

there are no pier…glasses in Orofena。〃

〃The man was you;〃 went on Bickley with conviction。 〃If I were

superstitious I should think it a queer sort of omen。 But as I am

not; I know that I must be mad。〃

〃Why? After all; an ancient man and a modern man might resemble

each other。〃

〃There are degrees in resemblance;〃 said Bickley with one of

his contemptuous snorts。 〃It won't do; Humphrey; my boy;〃 he

added。 〃I can only think of one possible explanationoutside of

the obvious one of madness。〃

〃What is that?〃

〃The Glittering Lady produced what Bastin called that

cinematograph show in some way or other; did she not? She said

that in order to do this she loosed some hidden forces。 I suggest

that she did nothing of the sort。〃

〃Then whence did the pictures come and why?〃

〃From her own brain; in order to impress us with a cock…and…

bull; fairy…book story。 If this were so she would quite naturally

fill the role of the lover of the piece with the last man who had

happened to impress her。 Hence the resemblance。〃

〃You presuppose a great deal; Bickley; including supernatural

cunning and unexampled hypnotic influence。 I don't know; first;

why she should be so anxious to add another impression to the

many we have received in this place; and; secondly; if she was;

how she managed to mesmerise three average but totally different

men into seeing the same things。 My explanation is that you were

deceived as to the likeness; which; mind you; I did not

recognise; nor; apparently; did Bastin。〃

〃Bastin never recognises anything。 But if you are in doubt; ask

Yva herself。 She ought to know。 Now I'm off to try to analyse

that confounded Life…water; which I suspect is of the ordinary

spring variety; lightened up with natural carbonic acid gas and

possibly not uninfluenced by radium。 The trouble is that here I

can only apply some very elementary tests。〃

So he went also; in an opposite direction to Bastin; and I was

left alone with Tommy; who annoyed me much by attempting

continually to wander off into the cave; whence I must recall

him。 I suppose that my experiences of the day; reviewed beneath

the sweet influences of the wonderful tropical night; affected

me。 At any rate; that mystical side of my nature; to which I

think I alluded at the beginning of this record; sprang into

active and; in a sense; unholy life。 The normal vanished; the

abnormal took possession; and that is unholy to most of us

creatures of habit and tradition; at any rate; if we are British。

I lost my footing on the world; my spirit began to wander in

strange places; of course; always supposing that we have a

spirit; which Bickley would deny。

I gave up reason; I surrendered myself to unreason; it is a not

unpleasant process; occasionally。 Supposing now that all we see

and accept is but the merest fragment of the truth; or perhaps

only a refraction thereof? Supposing that we do live again and

again; and that our animating principle; whatever it might be;

does inhabit various bodies; which; naturally enough; it would

shape to its own taste and likeness? Would that taste and

likeness vary so very much over; let us say; a million years or

so; which; after all; is but an hour; or a minute; in the aeons

of Eternity?

On this hypothesis; which is so wild that one begins to suspect

that it may be true; was it impossible that I and that murdered

man of the far past were in fact identical? If the woman were the

same; preserved across the gulf in some unknown fashion; why

should not her lover be the same? What did I sayher lover? Was

I her lover? No; I was the lover of one who had diedmy lost

wife。 Well; if I had died and lived again; why should notwhy

should not that Sleeperhave lived again during her long sleep?

Through all those years the spirit must have had some home; and;

if so; in what shapes did it live? There were points;

similarities; which rushed in upon meoh! it was ridiculous。

Bickley was right。 We were all mad!

There was another thing。 Oro had declared that we were at war

with Germany。 If this were so; how could he know it? Such

knowledge would presume powers of telepathy or vision beyond

those given to man。 I could not believe that he possessed these;

as Bickley said; it would be past experience。 Yet it was most

strange that he who was uninformed as to our national history and

dangers; should have hit upon a country with which we might well

have been plunged into sudden struggle。 Here again I was

bewildered and overcome。 My brain rocked。 I would seek sleep; and

in it escape; or at any rate rest from all these mysteries。

On the following morning we despatched Bastin to keep his

rendezvous in the sepulchre at the proper time。 Had we not done

so I felt sure that he would have forgotten it; for on this

occasion he was for once an unwilling missioner。 He tried to

persuade one of us to come with himeven Bickley would have been

welcome; but we both declared that we could not dream of

interfering in such a professional matter; also that our presence

was forbidden; and would certainly distract the attention of his


〃What you mean;〃 said the gloomy Bastin; 〃is that you intend to

enjoy yourselves up here in the female companionship of the

Glittering Lady whilst I sit thousands of feet underground

attempting to lighten the darkness of a violent old sinner whom I

suspect of being in league with Satan。〃

〃With whom you should be proud to break a lance;〃 said Bickley。

〃So I am; in the daylight。 For instance; when he uses your

mouth to advance his arguments。 Bickley; but this is another

matter。 However; if I do not appear again you will know that I

died in a good cause; and; I hope; try to recover my remains and

give them decent burial。 Also; you might inform the Bishop of how

I came to my end; this is; if you ever get an opportunity; which

is more than doubtful。〃

〃Hurry up; Bastin; hurry up!〃 said the unfeeling Bickley; 〃or

you will be late for your appointment and put your would…be

neophyte into a bad temper。〃

Then Bastin went; carrying under his arm a large Bible printed

in the language of the South Sea Islands。

A little while later Yva appeared; arrayed in her wondrous

robes which; being a man; it is quite impossible for me to

describe。 She saw us looking at these; and; after greeting us

both; also Tommy; who was enraptured at her coming; asked us how

the ladies of our country attired themselves。

We tried to explain; with no striking success。

〃You are as stupid about such matters as were the men of the

Old World;〃 she said; shaking her head and laughing。 〃I thought

that you had with you pictures of ladies you have known which

would show me。〃

Now; in fact; I had in a pocket…book a photograph of my wife in

evening…dress; also a miniature of her head and bust painted on

ivory; a beautiful piece of work done by a master hand; which I

always wore。 These; after a moment's hesitation; I produced and

showed to her; Bickley having gone away for a little while to see

about something connected with his attempted analysis of the

Life…water。 She examined them with great eagerness; and as she

did so I noted that her face grew tender and troubled。

〃This was your wife;〃 she said as one who states what she knows

to be a fact。 I nodded; and she went on:

〃She was sweet and beautiful as a flower; but not so tall as I

am; I think。〃

〃No;〃 I answered; 〃she lacked height; given that she would have

been a lovely woman。〃

〃I am glad you think that women should be tall;〃 she said;

glancing at her shadow。 〃The eyes were such as mine; were they

notin colour; I mean?〃

〃Yes; very like yours; only yours are larger。〃

〃That is a beautiful way of wearing the hair。 Would you be

angry if I tried it? I weary of this old fashion。〃

〃Why should I be angry?〃 I asked。

At this moment Bickley reappeared and she began to talk of the

details of the dress; saying that it showed more of the neck than

had been the custom among the women of her people; but was very


〃That is because we are still barbarians;〃 said Bickley; 〃at

least; our women are; and therefore rely upon primitive methods

of attraction; like the savages yonder。〃

She smiled; and; after a last; long glance; gave me back the

photograph and the miniature; saying as she delivered the latter:

〃I rejoice to see that you are faithful; Humphrey; and wear

this picture on your heart; as well as in it。〃

〃Then you must be a very remarkable woman;〃 said Bickley。

〃Never before did I hear one of your sex rejoice because a man

was faithful to somebody else。〃

〃Has Bickley been disappointed in his love…heart; that he is so

angry to us women?〃 asked Yva innocently of me。 Then; without

waiting for an answer; she inquired of him whether he had been

successful in his analysis of the Life…water。

〃How do you know what I was doing with the Life…water? Did

Bastin tell you?〃 exclaimed Bickley。

〃Bastin told me nothing; except that he was afraid of the

descent to Nyo; that he hated Nyo when he reached it; as indeed I

do; and that he thought that my father; the Lord Oro; was a devil

or evil spirit from some Under…world which he called hell。〃

〃Bastin has an open heart and an open mouth;〃 said Bickley;

〃for which I respect him。 Follow his example if you will; Lady

Yva; and tell us who and what is the Lord Oro; and who and what

are you。〃

〃Have we not done so already? If not; I will
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