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when the world shook-第42部分

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Yva; and tell us who and what is the Lord Oro; and who and what

are you。〃

〃Have we not done so already? If not; I will repeat。 The Lord

Oro and I are two who have lived on from the old time when the

world was different; and yet; I think; the same。 He is a man and

not a god; and I am a woman。 His powers are great because of his

knowledge; which he has gathered from his forefathers and in a

life of a thousand years before he went to sleep。 He can do

things you cannot do。 Thus; he can pass through space and take

others with him; and return again。 He can learn what is happening

in far…off parts of the world; as he did when he told you of the

war in which your country is concerned。 He has terrible powers;

for instance; he can kill; as he killed those savages。 Also; he

knows the secrets of the earth; and; if it pleases him; can

change its turning so that earthquakes happen and sea becomes

land; and land sea; and the places that were hot grow cold; and

those that were cold grow hot。〃

〃All of which things have happened many time in the history of

the globe;〃 said Bickley; 〃without the help of the Lord Oro。〃

〃Others had knowledge before my father; and others doubtless

will have knowledge after him。 Even I; Yva; have some knowledge;

and knowledge is strength。〃

〃Yes;〃 I interposed; 〃but such powers as you attribute to your

father are not given to man。〃

〃You mean to man as you know him; man like Bickley; who thinks

that he has learned everything that was ever learned。 But it is

not so。 Hundreds of thousands of years ago men knew more than it

seems they do today; ten times more; as they lived ten times

longer; or so you tell me。〃

〃Men?〃 I said。

〃Yes; men; not gods or spirits; as the uninstructed nations

supposed them to be。 My father is a man subject to the hopes and

terrors of man。 He desires power which is ambition; and when the

world refused his rule; he destroyed that part of it which

rebelled; which is revenge。 Moreover; above all things he dreads

death; which is fear。 That is why he suspended life in himself

and me for two hundred and fifty thousand years; as his knowledge

gave him strength to do; because death was near and he thought

that sleep was better than death。〃

〃Why should he dread to die;〃 asked Bickley; 〃seeing that sleep

and death are the same?〃

〃Because his knowledge tells him that Sleep and Death are not

the same; as you; in your foolishness; believe; for there Bastin

is wiser than you。 Because for all his wisdom he remains ignorant

of what happens to man when the Light of Life is blown out by the

breath of Fate。 That is why he fears to die and why he talks with

Bastin the Preacher; who says he has the secret of the future。〃

〃And do you fear to die?〃 I asked。

〃No; Humphrey;〃 she answered gently。 〃Because I think that

there is no death; and; having done no wrong; I dread no evil。 I

had dreams while I was asleep; O Humphrey; and it seemed to me


Here she ceased and glanced at where she knew the miniature was

hanging upon my breast。

〃Now;〃 she continued; after a little pause; 〃tell me of your

world; of its history; of its languages; of what happens there;

for I long to know。〃

So then and there; assisted by Bickley; I began the education

of the Lady Yva。 I do not suppose that there was ever a more apt

pupil in the whole earth。 To begin with; she was better

acquainted with every subject on which I touched than I was

myself; all she lacked was information as to its modern aspect。

Her knowledge ended two hundred and fifty thousand years ago; at

which date; however; it would seem that civilisation had already

touched a higher water…mark than it has ever since attained。

Thus; this vanished people understood astronomy; natural

magnetism; the force of gravity; steam; also electricity to some

subtle use of which; I gathered; the lighting of their

underground city was to be attributed。 They had mastered

architecture and the arts; as their buildings and statues showed;

they could fly through the air better than we have learned to do

within the last few years。

More; they; or some of them; had learned the use of the Fourth

Dimension; that is their most instructed individuals; could move

through opposing things; as well as over them; up into them and

across them。 This power these possessed in a two…fold form。 I

mean; that they could either disintegrate their bodies at one

spot and cause them to integrate again at another; or they could

project what the old Egyptians called the Ka or Double; and

modern Theosophists name the Astral Shape; to any distance。

Moreover; this Double; or Astral Shape; while itself invisible;

still; so to speak; had the use of its senses。 It could see; it

could hear; and it could remember; and; on returning to the body;

it could avail itself of the experience thus acquired。

Thus; at least; said Yva; while Bickley contemplated her with a

cold and unbelieving eye。 She even went further and alleged that

in certain instances; individuals of her extinct race had been

able to pass through the ether and to visit other worlds in the

depths of space。

〃Have you ever done that?〃 asked Bickley。

〃Once or twice I dreamed that I did;〃 she replied quietly。

〃We can all dream;〃 he answered。

As it was my lot to make acquaintance with this strange and

uncanny power at a later date; I will say no more of it now。

Telepathy; she declared; was also a developed gift among the

Sons of Wisdom; indeed; they seem to have used it as we use

wireless messages。 Only; in their case; the sending and receiving

stations were skilled and susceptible human beings who went on

duty for so many hours at a time。 Thus intelligence was

transmitted with accuracy and despatch。 Those who had this

faculty were; she said; also very apt at reading the minds of

others and therefore not easy to deceive。

〃Is that how you know that I had been trying to analyse your

Life…water?〃 asked Bickley。

〃Yes;〃 she answered; with her unvarying smile。 〃At the moment I

spoke thereof you were wondering whether my father would be angry

if he knew that you had taken the water in a little flask。〃 She

studied him for a moment; then added: 〃Now you are wondering;

first; whether I did not see you take the water from the fountain

and guess the purpose; and; secondly; whether perhaps Bastin did

not tell me what you were doing with it when we met in the


〃Look here;〃 said the exasperated Bickley; 〃I admit that

telepathy and thought…reading are possible to a certain limited

extent。 But supposing that you possess those powers; as I think

in English; and you do not know English; how can you interpret

what is passing in my mind?〃

〃Perhaps you have been teaching me English all this while

without knowing it; Bickley。 In any case; it matters little;

seeing that what I read is the thought; not the language with

which it is clothed。 The thought comes from your mind to mine

that is; if I wish it; which is not oftenand I interpret it in

my own or other tongues。〃

〃I am glad to hear it is not often; Lady Yva; since thoughts

are generally considered private。〃

〃Yes; and therefore I will read yours no more。 Why should I;

when they are so full of disbelief of all I tell you; and

sometimes of other things about myself which I do not seek to


〃No wonder that; according to the story in the pictures; those

Nations; whom you named Barbarians; made an end of your people;

Lady Yva。〃

〃You are mistaken; Bickley; the Lord Oro made an end of the

Nations; though against my prayer;〃 she added with a sigh

Then Bickley departed in a rage; and did not appear again for

an hour。

〃He is angry;〃 she said; looking after him; 〃nor do I wonder。

It is hard for the very clever like Bickley; who think that they

have mastered all things; to find that after all they are quite

ignorant。 I am sorry for him; and I like him very much。〃

〃Then you would be sorry for me also; Lady Yva?〃

〃Why?〃 she asked with a dazzling smile; 〃when your heart is

athirst for knowledge; gaping for it like a fledgling's mouth for

food; and; as it chances; though I am not very wise; I can

satisfy something of your soul…hunger。〃

〃Not very wise!〃 I repeated。

〃No; Humphrey。 I think that Bastin; who in many ways is so

stupid; has more true wisdom than I have; because he can believe

and accept without question。 After all; the wisdom of my people

is all of the universe and its wonders。 What you think magic is

not magic; it is only gathered knowledge and the finding out of

secrets。 Bickley will tell you the same; although as yet he does

not believe that the mind of man can stretch so far。〃

〃You mean that your wisdom has in it nothing of the spirit?〃

〃Yes; Humphrey; that is what I mean。 I do not even know if

there is such a thing as spirit。 Our god was Fate; Bastin's god

is a spirit; and I think yours also。〃


〃Therefore; I wish you and Bastin to teach me of your god; as

does Oro; my father。 I wantoh! so much; Humphrey; to learn

whether we live after death。〃

〃You!〃 I exclaimed。 〃You who; according to the story; have

slept for two hundred and fifty thousand years! You; who have;

unless I mistake; hinted that during that sleep you may have

lived in other shapes! Do you doubt whether we can live after


〃Yes。 Sleep induced by secret arts is not death; and during

that sleep the I within might wander and inhabit other shapes;

because it is forbidden to be idle。 Moreover; what seems to be

death may not be death; only another form of sleep from which the

I awakes again upon the world。 But at last comes the real death;

when the I is extinguished to the world。 That much I know;

because my people learned it。〃

〃You mean; you know that men and women may live again and again

upon the wo
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