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the home book of verse-3-第19部分

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Mute thanks and secret ecstasy!  Awake;

Voice of sweet song!  Awake; my Heart; awake!

Green vales and icy cliffs; all join my Hymn。

Thou first and chief; sole sovereign of the Vale!

O; struggling with the darkness all the night;

And visited all night by troops of stars;

Or when they climb the sky or when they sink:

Companion of the morning…star at dawn;

Thyself Earth's rosy star; and of the dawn

Co…herald: wake; O wake; and utter praise!

Who sank thy sunless pillars deep in Earth?

Who filled thy countenance with rosy light?

Who made thee parent of perpetual streams?

And you; ye five wild torrents fiercely glad!

Who called you forth from night and utter death;

From dark and icy caverns called you forth;

Down those precipitous; black; jagged rocks;

For ever shattered and the same for ever?

Who gave you your invulnerable life;

Your strength; your speed; your fury; and your joy;

Unceasing thunder and eternal foam?

And who commanded (and the silence came);

Here let the billows stiffen; and have rest?

Ye ice…falls! ye that from the mountain's brow

Adown enormous ravines slope amain …

Torrents; methinks; that heard a mighty voice;

And stopped at once amid their maddest plunge!

Motionless torrents! silent cataracts!

Who made you glorious as the Gates of Heaven

Beneath the keen full moon?  Who bade the sun

Clothe you with rainbows?  Who; with living flowers

Of loveliest blue; spread garlands at your feet? …

God! let the torrents; like a shout of nations;

Answer! and let the ice…plains echo; God!

God! sing ye meadow…streams with gladsome voice!

Ye pine…groves; with your soft and soul…like sounds!

And they too have a voice; yon piles of snow;

And in their perilous fall shall thunder; God!

Ye living flowers that skirt the eternal frost!

Ye wild goats sporting round the eagle's nest!

Ye eagles; playmates of the mountain…storm!

Ye lightnings; the dread arrows of the clouds!

Ye signs and wonders of the elements!

Utter forth God; and fill the hills with praise!

Thou too; hoar Mount! with thy sky…pointing peaks;

Oft from whose feet the avalanche; unheard;

Shoots downward; glittering through the pure serene;

Into the depth of clouds that veil thy breast …

Thou too again; stupendous Mountain! thou

That as I raise my head; awhile bowed low

In adoration; upward from thy base

Slow traveling with dim eyes suffused with tears;

Solemnly seemest; like a vapory cloud;

To rise before me … Rise; O ever rise!

Rise like a cloud of incense; from the Earth!

Thou kingly Spirit throned among the hills;

Thou dread ambassador from Earth to Heaven;

Great Hierarch! tell thou the silent sky;

And tell the stars; and tell yon rising sun;

Earth; with her thousand voices; praises God。

Samuel Taylor Coleridge '1772…1834'


In the night

Gray; heavy clouds muffled the valleys;

And the peaks looked toward God alone。

〃O Master; that movest the wind with a finger;

Humble; idle; futile peaks are we。

Grant that we may run swiftly across the world

To huddle in worship at Thy feet。〃

In the morning

A noise of men at work came through the clear blue miles;

And the little black cities were apparent。

〃O Master; that knowest the meaning of raindrops; 

Humble; idle; futile peaks are we。

Give voice to us; we pray; O Lord;

That we may sing Thy goodness to the sun。〃

In the evening

The far valleys were sprinkled with tiny lights。

〃O Master;

Thou that knowest the value of kings and birds;

Thou hast made us humble; idle; futile peaks。

Thou only needest eternal patience;

We bow to Thy wisdom; O Lord …

Humble; idle; futile peaks。〃

In the night

Gray; heavy clouds muffled the valleys;

And the peaks looked toward God alone。

Stephen Crane '1871…1900'


Next To Everest Highest Of Mountains

O white priest of Eternity; around

Whose lofty summit veiling clouds arise

Of the earth's immemorial sacrifice

To Brahma; in whose breath all lives and dies;

O hierarch enrobed in timeless snows;

First…born of Asia; whose maternal throes

Seem changed now to a million human woes;

Holy thou art and still!  Be so; nor sound

One sigh of all the mystery in thee found。

For in this world too much is overclear;

Immortal ministrant to many lands;

From whose ice altars flow; to fainting sands;

Rivers that each libation poured expands。

Too much is known; O Ganges…giving sire:

Thy people fathom life; and find it dire;

Thy people fathom death; and; in it; fire

To live again; though in Illusion's sphere;

Behold concealed as grief is in a tear。

Wherefore continue; still enshrined; thy rites;

Though dark Tibet; that dread ascetic; falls;

In strange austerity; whose trance appals; …

Before thee; and a suppliant on thee calls。

Continue still thy silence high and sure;

That something beyond fleeting may endure …

Something that shall forevermore allure

Imagination on to mystic flights

Wherein alone no wing of evil lights。

Yea; wrap thy awful gulfs and acolytes

Of lifted granite round with reachless snows。

Stand for eternity; while pilgrim rows

Of all the nations envy thy repose。

Ensheath thy swart sublimities; unscaled;

Be that alone on earth which has not failed;

Be that which never yet has yearned nor ailed;

But since primeval Power upreared thy heights

Has stood above all deaths and all delights。

And though thy loftier brother shall be king;

High…priest be thou to Brahma unrevealed;

While thy white sanctity forever sealed

In icy silence leaves desire congealed。

In ghostly ministrations to the sun;

And to the mendicant stars and the moon…nun;

Be holy still; till east to west has run;

And till no sacrificial suffering

On any shrine is left to tell life's sting。

Cale Young Rice '1872…


Mussoorie and Chakrata Hill

The Jumna flows between

And from Chakrata's hills afar

Mussoorie's vale is seen。

The mountains sing together

In cloud or sunny weather;

The Jumna; through their tether;

Foams white or plunges green。

The mountains stand and laugh at Time;

They pillar up the Earth;

They watch the ages pass; they bring

New centuries to birth。

They feel the daybreak shiver;

They see Time passing ever;

As flows the Jumna River

As breaks the white sea…surf。

They drink the sun in a golden cup

And in blue mist the rain;

With a sudden brightening they meet the lightning

Or ere it strikes the plain。

They seize the sullen thunder

And take it up for plunder

And cast it down and under;

And up and back again。 。 。 。

。 。 。 Here; in the hills of ages

I met thee face to face;

O mother Earth; O lover Earth;

Look down on me with grace。

Give me thy passion burning;

And thy strong patience; turning

All wrath to power; all yearning

To truth; thy dwelling…place。

Julian Grenfell '1888…1915'


By orange grove and palm…tree; we walked the southern shore;

Each day more still and golden than was the day before。

That calm and languid sunshine!  How faint it made us grow

To look on Hemlock Mountain when the storm hangs low!

To see its rocky pastures; its sparse but hardy corn;

The mist roll off its forehead before a harvest morn;

To hear the pine…trees crashing across its gulfs of snow

Upon a roaring midnight when the whirlwinds blow。

Tell not of lost Atlantis; or fabled Avalon;

The olive; or the vineyard; no winter breathes upon;

Away from Hemlock Mountain we could not well forego;

For all the summer islands where the gulf tides flow。

Sarah N。 Cleghorn '1876…


Come down at dawn from windless hills

Into the valley of the lake;

Where yet a larger quiet fills

The hour; and mist and water make

With rocks and reeds and island boughs

One silence and one element;

Where wonder goes surely as once

It went

By Galilean prows。

Moveless the water and the mist;

Moveless the secret air above;

Hushed; as upon some happy tryst

The poised expectancy of love;

What spirit is it that adores

What mighty presence yet unseen?

What consummation works apace


These rapt enchanted shores?

Never did virgin beauty wake

Devouter to the bridal feast

Than moves this hour upon the lake

In adoration to the east。

Here is the bride a god may know;

The primal will; the young consent;

Till surely upon the appointed mood Intent

The god shall leap … and; lo;

Over the lake's end strikes the sun …

White; flameless fire; some purity

Thrilling the mist; a splendor won

Out of the world's heart。  Let there be

Thoughts; and atonements; and desires;

Proud limbs; and undeliberate tongue;

Where now we move with mortal care Among

Immortal dews and fires。

So the old mating goes apace;

Wind with the sea; and blood with thought;

Lover with lover; and the grace

Of understanding comes unsought

When stars into the twilight steer;

Or thrushes build among the may;

Or wonder moves between the hills;

And day

Comes up on Rydal mere。

John Drinkwater '1882…


I love the stony pasture

That no one else will have。

The old gray rocks so friendly seem;

So durable and brave。

In tranquil contemplation

It watches through the year;

Seeing the frosty stars arise;

The slender moons appear。

Its music is the rain…wind;

Its choristers the birds;

And there are secrets in its heart

Too wonderful for words。

It keeps the bright…eyed creatures

That play about its walls;

Though long ago its milking herds

Were banished from their stalls。

Only the children come there;

For buttercups in May;

Or nuts in autumn; where it lies

Dreaming the hours away。

Long since its strength was given

To making good increase;

And now its soul is turned again

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