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All the schools have taught me; yet

I recall each trivial thing

In a golden far off Spring; …

Give me whispered hints how I

May instruct my heart to fly

Where the baffling Vision gleams

Till I overtake my dreams;

And the impossible be done

When the Wish and Deed grow one!

Frederic Lawrence Knowles '1869…1905'


One lesson; Nature; let me learn of thee;

One lesson which in every wind is blown;

One lesson of two duties kept at one

Though the loud world proclaim their enmity …

Of toil unsevered from tranquillity;

Of labor; that in lasting fruit outgrows

Far noisier schemes; accomplished in repose;

Too great for haste; too high for rivalry。

Yes; while on earth a thousand discords ring;

Man's fitful uproar mingling with his toil;

Still do thy sleepless ministers move on;

Their glorious tasks in silence perfecting;

Still working; blaming still our vain turmoil;

Laborers that shall not fail; when man is gone。

Matthew Arnold '1822…1888'


As a fond mother; when the day is o'er;

Leads by the hand her little child to bed;

Half willing; half reluctant to be led;

And leave his broken playthings on the floor;

Still gazing at them through the open door;

Nor wholly reassured and comforted

By promises of others in their stead;

Which; though more splendid; may not please him more;

So Nature deals with us; and takes away

Our playthings one by one; and by the hand

Leads us to rest so gently; that we go

Scarce knowing if we wish to go or stay;

Being too full of sleep to understand

How far the unknown transcends the what we know。

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow '1807…1882'


As an old mercer in some sleepy town

Swings wide his windows new day after day;

Sets all his wares around in arch array

To please the taste of passers up and down; …

His hoard of handy things of trite renown;

Of sweets and spices and of faint perfumes;

Of silks and prints; … and at the last illumes

His tiny panes to foil the evening's frown;

So Nature spreads her proffered treasures: such

As daily dazzle at the morning's rise; …

Fair show of isle and ocean merchandise;

And airy offerings filmy to the touch;

Then; lest we like not these; in Dark's bazaars

She nightly tempts us with her store of stars。

Mahlon Leonard Fisher '1874…


To…day I have grown taller from walking with the trees;

The seven sister…poplars who go softly in a line;

And I think my heart is whiter for its parley with a star

That trembled out at nightfall and hung above the pine。

The call…note of a redbird from the cedars in the dusk

Woke his happy mate within me to an answer free and fine;

And a sudden angel beckoned from a column of blue smoke …

Lord; who am I that they should stoop … these holy folk of thine?

Karle Wilson Baker '1878…


Here is the place where Loveliness keeps house;

Between the river and the wooded hills;

Within a valley where the Springtime spills

Her firstling wind…flowers under blossoming boughs:

Where Summer sits braiding her warm; white brows

With bramble…roses; and where Autumn fills

Her lap with asters; and old Winter frills

With crimson haw and hip his snowy blouse。

Here you may meet with Beauty。  Here she sits

Gazing upon the moon; or all the day

Tuning a wood…thrush flute; remote; unseen;

Or when the storm is out; 'tis she who flits

From rock to rock; a form of flying spray;

Shouting; beneath the leaves' tumultuous green。

Madison Cawein '1865…1914'


O world; I cannot hold thee close enough!

Thy winds; thy wide gray skies!

Thy mists; that roll and rise!

Thy woods; this autumn day; that ache and sag

And all but cry with color!  That gaunt crag

To crush!  To lift the lean of that black bluff!

World; world; I cannot get thee close enough!

Long have I known a glory in it all

But never knew I this。

Here such a passion is

As stretcheth me apart。  Lord; I do fear

Thou'st made the world too beautiful this year。

My soul is all but out of me … let fall

No burning leaf; prithee; let no bird call。

Edna St。 Vincent Millay '1892…


Where hints of racy sap and gum

Out of the old dark forest come;

Where birds their beaks like hammers wield;

And pith is pierced and bark is peeled;

Where the green walnut's outer rind

Gives precious bitterness to the wind;

There lurks the sweet creative power;

As lurks the honey in the flower。

In winter's bud that bursts in spring;

In nut of autumn's ripening;

In acrid bulb beneath the mold;

Sleeps the elixir; strong and old;

That Rosicrucians sought in vain; …

Life that renews itself again!

What bottled perfume is so good

As fragrance of split tulip…wood?

What fabled drink of god or muse

Was rich as purple mulberry juice?

And what school…polished gem of thought

Is like the rune from Nature caught?

He is a poet strong and true

Who loves wild thyme and honey…dew;

And like a brown bee works and sings

With morning freshness on his wings;

And a golden burden on his thighs; …

The pollen…dust of centuries!

Maurice Thompson '1844…1901'


All around him Patmos lies;

Who hath spirit…gifted eyes;

Who his happy sight can suit

To the great and the minute。

Doubt not but he holds in view

A new earth and heaven new;

Doubt not but his ear doth catch

Strain nor voice nor reed can match:

Many a silver; sphery note

Shall within his hearing float。

All around him Patmos lies;

Who unto God's priestess flies:

Thou; O Nature; bid him see;

Through all guises worn by thee;

A divine apocalypse。

Manifold his fellowships:

Now the rocks their archives ope;

Voiceless creatures tell their hope

In a language symbol…wrought;

Groves to him sigh out their thought;

Musings of the flower and grass

Through his quiet spirit pass。

'Twixt new earth and heaven new

He hath traced and holds the clue;

Number his delights ye may not;

Fleets the year but these decay not。

Now the freshets of the rain;

Bounding on from hill to plain;

Show him earthly streams have rise

In the bosom of the skies。

Now he feels the morning thrill;

As upmounts; unseen and still;

Dew the wing of evening drops。

Now the frost; that meets and stops

Summer's feet in tender sward;

Greets him; breathing heavenward。

Hieroglyphics writes the snow;

Through the silence falling slow;

Types of star and petaled bloom

A white missal…page illume。

By these floating symbols fine;

Heaven…truth shall be divine。

All around him Patmos lies;

Who hath spirit…gifted eyes;

He need not afar remove;

He need not the times reprove;

Who would hold perpetual lease

Of an isle in seas of peace。

Edith M。 Thomas '1854…1925'



Phoebus; arise;

And paint the sable skies

With azure; white; and red:

Rouse Memnon's mother from her Tithon's bed;

That she thy career may with roses spread:

The nightingales thy coming each where sing;

Make an eternal Spring!

Give life to this dark world which lieth dead;

Spread forth thy golden hair

In larger locks than thou wast wont before;

And; emperor…like; decore

With diadem of pearl thy temples fair:

Chase hence the ugly night;

Which serves but to make dear thy glorious light。

This is that happy morn;

That day; long…wished day;

Of all my life so dark;

(If cruel stars have not my ruin sworn;

And fates not hope betray;)

Which; only white; deserves

A diamond for ever should it mark。

This is the morn should bring unto this grove

My Love; to hear and recompense my love。

Fair king; who all preserves;

But show thy blushing beams;

And thou two sweeter eyes

Shalt see; than those which by Peneus' streams

Did once thy heart surprise。

Nay; suns; which shine as clear

As thou; when two thou didst to Rome appear。

Now; Flora; deck thyself in fairest guise:

If that ye; winds; would hear

A voice surpassing far Amphion's lyre;

Your stormy chiding stay;

Let Zephyr only breathe;

And with her tresses play;

Kissing sometimes these purple ports of death。

… The winds all silent are;

And Phoebus in his chair

Ensaffroning sea and air;

Makes vanish every star:

Night like a drunkard reels

Beyond the hills; to shun his flaming wheels;

The fields with flowers are decked in every hue;

The clouds bespangle with bright gold their blue:

Here is the pleasant place;

And everything save her; who all should grace。

William Drummond '1585…1649'


The sleepless Hours who watch me as I lie;

Curtained with star…inwoven tapestries;

From the broad moonlight of the sky;

Fanning the busy dreams from my dim eyes; …

Waken me when their Mother; the gray Dawn;

Tells them that dreams and that the moon is gone。

Then I arise; and climbing Heaven's blue dome;

I walk over the mountains and the waves;

Leaving my robe upon the ocean foam;

My footsteps pave the clouds with fire; the caves

Are filled with my bright presence; and the air

Leaves the green Earth to my embraces bare。

The sunbeams are my shafts; with which I kill

Deceit; that loves the night and fears the day;

All men who do or even imagine ill

Fly me; and from the glory of my ray

Good minds and open actions take new might;

Until diminished by the reign of Night。

I feed the clouds; the rainbows; and the flowers;

With their ethereal colors; the Moon's globe;

And the pure stars in their eternal bowers;

Are cinctured with my power as with a robe;

Whatever lamps on Earth or Heaven may shine;

Are portions of one power; which is mine。

I stand at noon upon the peak of Heaven;

Then with unwilling steps I wander down

Into the clouds of the Atlantic 
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