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To making good increase;

And now its soul is turned again

To beauty and to peace。

There in the early springtime

The violets are blue;

And adder…tongues in coats of gold

Are garmented anew。 

There bayberry and aster

Are crowded on its floors;

When marching summer halts to praise

The Lord of Out…of…doors。

And there October passes

In gorgeous livery; …

In purple ash; and crimson oak;

And golden tulip tree。

And when the winds of winter

Their bugle blasts begin;

The snowy hosts of heaven arrive

To pitch their tents therein。

Bliss Carman '1861…1929'


Ye have been fresh and green;

Ye have been filled with flowers;

And ye the walks have been

Where maids have spent their hours。

Ye have beheld how they

With wicker arks did come

To kiss and bear away

The richer cowslips home。

Ye've heard them sweetly sing;

And seen them in a round;

Each virgin; like a Spring;

With honeysuckles crowned。

But now we see none here

Whose silvery feet did tread;

And with dishevelled hair

Adorned this smoother mead。

Like unthrifts; having spent

Your stock; and needy grown;

Ye're left here to lament

Your poor estates; alone。

Robert Herrick '1591…1674'


I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers

From the seas and the streams;

I bear light shade for the leaves when laid

In their noonday dreams。 

From my wings are shaken the dews that waken

The sweet buds every one;

When rocked to rest on their mother's breast;

As she dances about the sun。

I wield the flail of the lashing hail;

And whiten the green plains under;

And then again I dissolve it in rain;

And laugh as I pass in thunder。

I sift the snow on the mountains below;

And their great pines groan aghast;

And all the night 'tis my pillow white;

While I sleep in the arms of the blast。

Sublime on the towers of my skiey bowers

Lightning my pilot sits;

In a cavern under is fettered the thunder;

It struggles and howls at fits。

Over earth and ocean; with gentle motion;

This pilot is guiding me;

Lured by the love of the Genii that move

In the depths of the purple sea;

Over the rills; and the crags; and the hills;

Over the lakes and the plains;

Wherever he dream; under mountain or stream;

The Spirit he loves remains;

And I all the while bask in heaven's blue smile;

Whilst he is dissolving in rains。

The sanguine Sunrise; with his meteor eyes;

And his burning plumes outspread;

Leaps on the back of my sailing rack;

When the morning star shines dead;

As on the jag of a mountain…crag;

Which an earthquake rocks and swings;

An eagle alit one moment may sit

In the light of its golden wings。

And; when Sunset may breathe; from the lit sea beneath;

Its ardors of rest and of love;

And the crimson pall of eve may fall

From the depth of heaven above;

With wings folded I rest on mine airy nest;

As still as a brooding dove。

That orbed maiden with white fire laden;

Whom mortals call the Moon;

Glides glimmering o'er my fleece…like floor;

By the midnight breezes strewn;

And wherever the beat of her unseen feet;

Which only the angels hear;

May have broken the woof of my tent's thin roof;

The Stars peep behind her and peer。

And I laugh to see them whirl and flee

Like a swarm of golden bees;

When I widen the rent in my wind…built tent;

Till the calm rivers; lakes; and seas;

Like strips of the sky fallen through me on high;

Are each paved with the moon and these。

I bind the Sun's throne with a burning zone;

And the Moon's with a girdle of pearl;

The volcanoes are dim; and the Stars reel and swim;

When the Whirlwinds my banner unfurl。

From cape to cape; with a bridge…like shape;

Over a torrent sea;

Sunbeam…proof; I hang like a roof; 

The mountains its columns be。

The triumphal arch through which I march;

With hurricane; fire; and snow;

When the Powers of the air are chained to my chair;

Is the million…colored bow;

The Sphere…fire above its soft colors wove;

While the moist Earth was laughing below。 

I am the daughter of Earth and Water;

And the nursling of the Sky:

I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores;

I change; but I cannot die。

For after the rain; when with never a stain

The pavilion of heaven is bare;

And the winds and sunbeams with their convex gleams

Build up the blue dome of air;

I silently laugh at my own cenotaph;

And out of the caverns of rain;

Like a child from the womb; like a ghost from the tomb

I arise; and unbuild it again。

Percy Bysshe Shelley '1792…1822'


It is not raining rain for me;

It's raining daffodils;

In every dimpled drop I see

Wild flowers on the hills。

The clouds of gray engulf the day

And overwhelm the town;

It is not raining rain to me;

It's raining roses down。

It is not raining rain to me;

But fields of clover bloom;

Where any buccaneering bee

Can find a bed and room。

A health unto the happy;

A fig for him who frets!

It is not raining rain to me;

It's raining violets。

Robert Loveman '1864…1923'


O gentle; gentle summer rain;

Let not the silver lily pine;

The drooping lily pine in vain

To feel that dewy touch of thine; …

To drink thy freshness once again;

O gentle; gentle summer rain!

In heat the landscape quivering lies;

The cattle pant beneath the tree;

Through parching air and purple skies

The earth looks up; in vain; for thee;

For thee … for thee; it looks in vain

O gentle; gentle summer rain。

Come thou; and brim the meadow streams;

And soften all the hills with mist;

O falling dew! from burning dreams

By thee shall herb and flower be kissed;

And Earth shall bless thee yet again;

O gentle; gentle summer rain。

William Cox Bennett '1820…1895'


The April rain; the April rain;

Comes slanting down in fitful showers;

Then from the furrow shoots the grain;

And banks are edged with nestling flowers;

And in gray shaw and woodland bowers

The cuckoo through the April rain

Calls once again。

The April sun; the April sun;

Glints through the rain in fitful splendor;

And in gray shaw and woodland dun

The little leaves spring forth and tender

Their infant hands; yet weak and slender;

For warmth towards the April sun;

One after one。

And between shower and shine hath birth

The rainbow's evanescent glory;

Heaven's light that breaks on mist of earth!

Frail symbol of our human story;

It flowers through showers where; looming hoary;

The rain…clouds flash with April mirth;

Like Life on earth。

Mathilde Blind '1841…1896'


Triumphal arch; that fill'st the sky

When storms prepare to part;

I ask not proud Philosophy

To teach me what thou art; …

Still seem; as to my childhood's sight;

A midway station given

For happy spirits to alight

Betwixt the earth and heaven。

Can all that Optics teach unfold

Thy form to please me so;

As when I dreamt of gems and gold

Hid in thy radiant bow?

When Science from Creation's face

Enchantment's veil withdraws;

What lovely visions yield their place

To cold material laws!

And yet; fair bow; no fabling dreams;

But words of the Most High;

Have told why first thy robe of beams

Was woven in the sky。

When o'er the green; undeluged earth

Heaven's covenant thou didst shine;

How came the world's gray fathers forth

To watch thy sacred sign!

And when its yellow luster smiled

O'er mountains yet untrod;

Each mother held aloft her child

To bless the bow of God。

Methinks; thy jubilee to keep;

The first…made anthem rang

On earth; delivered from the deep;

And the first poet sang。

Nor ever shall the Muse's eye

Unraptured greet thy beam;

Theme of primeval prophecy;

Be still the prophet's theme!

The earth to thee her incense yields;

The lark thy welcome sings;

When; glittering in the freshened fields;

The snowy mushroom springs。

How glorious is thy girdle; cast

O'er mountain; tower; and town;

Or mirrored in the ocean vast;

A thousand fathoms down!

As fresh in yon horizon dark;

As young thy beauties seem;

As when the eagle from the ark

First sported in thy beam:

For; faithful to its sacred page;

Heaven still rebuilds thy span;

Nor lets the type grow pale with age;

That first spoke peace to man。

Thomas Campbell '1777…1844'



A garden is a lovesome thing; God wot!

Rose plot;

Fringed pool;

Ferned grot …

The veriest school

Of peace; and yet the fool

Contends that God is not …

Not God! in gardens! when the eve is cool?

Nay; but I have a sign:

'Tis very sure God walks in mine。

Thomas Edward Brown '1830…1897'


How vainly men themselves amaze

To win the palm; the oak; or bays;

And their incessant labors see

Crowned from some single herb or tree;

Whose short and narrow…verged shade

Does prudently their toils upbraid;

While all the flowers and trees do close

To weave the garlands of repose!

Fair Quiet; have I found thee here;

And Innocence; thy sister dear?

Mistaken long; I sought you then

In busy companies of men:

Your sacred plants; if here below;

Only among the plants will grow;

Society is all but rude

To this delicious solitude。

No white nor red was ever seen

So amorous as this lovely green。

Fond lovers; cruel as their flame;

Cut in these trees their mistress' name:

Little; alas! they know or heed

How far these beauties hers exceed!

Fair trees! where'er your barks I wound;

No name shall but your own he found。

When we have run our passions' heat;

Love hither makes his best retreat:

The g
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