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Nick the glad silent moments as they pass;

O sweet and tiny cousins; that belong

One to the fields; the other to the hearth;

Both have your sunshine; both; though small; are strong

At your clear hearts; and both seem given to earth

To sing in thoughtful ears their natural song …

In…doors and out; summer and winter; Mirth。

Leigh Hunt '1784…1859'


Little inmate; full of mirth;

Chirping on my kitchen hearth;

Wheresoe'er be thine abode

Always harbinger of good;

Pay me for thy warm retreat

With a song more soft and sweet;

In return thou shalt receive

Such a strain as I can give。

Thus thy praise shall be expressed;

Inoffensive; welcome guest!

While the rat is on the scout;

And the mouse with curious snout;

With what vermin else infest

Every dish; and spoil the best;

Frisking thus before the fire; 

Thou hast all thy heart's desire。

Though in voice and shape they be

Formed as if akin to thee;

Thou surpassest; happier far;

Happiest grasshoppers that are;

Theirs is but a summer's song;

Thine endures the winter long;

Unimpaired; and shrill; and clear;

Melody throughout the year。

Neither night nor dawn of day

Puts a period to thy play:

Sing then … and extend thy span

Far beyond the date of man;

Wretched man; whose years are spent 

In repining discontent;

Lives not; aged though he be;

Half a span; compared with thee。

From the Latin of Vincent Bourne;

by William Cowper '1731…1800'


Voice of summer; keen and shrill;

Chirping round my winter fire;

Of thy song I never tire;

Weary others as they will;

For thy song with summer's filled …

Filled with sunshine; filled with June;

Firelight echo of that noon

Heard in fields when all is stilled

In the golden light of May;

Bringing scents of new…mown hay;

Bees; and birds; and flowers away;

Prithee; haunt my fireside still;

Voice of summer; keen and shrill。

William Cox Bennett '1820…1895'


I love to hear thine earnest voice;

Wherever thou art hid;

Thou testy little dogmatist;

Thou pretty Katydid!

Thou mindest me of gentlefolks; …

Old gentlefolks are they; …

Thou say'st an undisputed thing

In such a solemn way。

Thou art a female; Katydid!

I know it by the trill 

That quivers through thy piercing notes;

So petulant and shrill;

I think there is a knot of you

Beneath the hollow tree; …

A knot of spinster Katydids; …

Do Katydids drink tea?

Oh; tell me where did Katy live;

And what did Katy do?

And was she very fair and young;

And yet so wicked; too?

Did Katy love a naughty man;

Or kiss more cheeks than one?

I warrant Katy did no more

Than many a Kate has done。

Dear me!  I'll tell you all about

My fuss with little Jane;

And Ann; with whom I used to walk

So often down the lane;

And all that tore their locks of black;

Or wet their eyes of blue; …

Pray tell me; sweetest Katydid;

What did poor Katy do?

Ah no! the living oak shall crash;

That stood for ages still;

The rock shall rend its mossy base

And thunder down the hill;

Before the little Katydid 

Shall add one word; to tell

The mystic story of the maid

Whose name she knows so well。

Peace to the ever…murmuring race!

And when the latest one

Shall fold in death her feeble wings

Beneath the autumn sun;

Then shall she raise her fainting voice;

And lift her drooping lid;

And then the child of future years

Shall hear what Katy did。

Oliver Wendell Holmes '1809…1894'


To grass; or leaf; or fruit; or wall;

The snail sticks close; nor fears to fall;

As if he grew there; house and all


Within that house secure he hides;

When danger imminent betides;

Of storm; or other harm besides

Of weather。

Give but his horns the slightest touch;

His self…collecting power is such;

He shrinks into his house with much


Where'er he dwells; he dwells alone;

Except himself; has chattels none;

Well satisfied to be his own

Whole treasure。

Thus; hermit…like; his life he leads;

Nor partner of his banquet needs;

And if he meets one; only feeds

The faster。

Who seeks him must be worse than blind

(He and his house are so combined);

If; finding it; he fails to find

Its master。

From the Latin of Vincent Bourne;

by William Cowper '1731…1800'


The frugal snail; with forecast of repose;

Carries his house with him where'er he goes;

Peeps out; … and if there comes a shower of rain;

Retreats to his small domicile amain。

Touch but a tip of him; a horn; … 'tis well; …

He curls up in his sanctuary shell。

He's his own landlord; his own tenant; stay

Long as he will; he dreads no Quarter Day。

Himself he boards and lodges; both invites

And feasts himself; sleeps with himself o' nights。

He spares the upholsterer trouble to procure

Chattels; himself is his own furniture;

And his sole riches。  Whereso'er he roam; …

Knock when you will; … he's sure to be at home。

From the Latin of Vincent Bourne;

by Charles Lamb '1775…1834'


Burly; dozing humble…bee;

Where thou art is clime for me。

Let them sail for Porto Rique;

Far…off heats through seas to seek;

I will follow thee alone;

Thou animated torrid…zone!

Zigzag steerer; desert cheerer;

Let me chase thy waving lines;

Keep me nearer; me thy hearer;

Singing over shrubs and vines。

Insect lover of the sun;

Joy of thy dominion!

Sailor of the atmosphere;

Swimmer through the waves of air;

Voyager of light and noon;

Epicurean of June;

Wait; I prithee; till I come

Within earshot of thy hum; …

All without is martyrdom。

When the south wind; in May days;

With a net of shining haze

Silvers the horizon wall;

And with softness touching all;

Tints the human countenance

With a color of romance;

And infusing subtle heats;

Turns the sod to violets;

Thou; in sunny solitudes;

Rover of the underwoods;

The green silence dost displace

With thy mellow; breezy bass。

Hot midsummer's petted crone;

Sweet to me thy drowsy tone

Tells of countless sunny hours;

Long days; and solid banks of flowers;

Of gulfs of sweetness without bound

In Indian wildernesses found;

Of Syrian peace; immortal leisure;

Firmest cheer; and birdlike pleasure。

Aught unsavory or unclean

Hath my insect never seen;

But violets and bilberry bells;

Maple…sap and daffodels;

Grass with green flag half…mast high;

Succory to match the sky;

Columbine with horn of honey;

Scented fern; and agrimony;

Clover; catchfly; adder's tongue

And brier…roses; dwelt among;

All beside was unknown waste;

All was picture as he passed。

Wiser far than human seer;

Yellow…breeched philosopher!

Seeing only what is fair;

Sipping only what is sweet;

Thou dost mock at fate and care;

Leave the chaff; and take the wheat。

When the fierce northwestern blast

Cools sea and land so far and fast;

Thou already slumberest deep;

Woe and want thou canst outsleep;

Want and woe; which torture us;

Thy sleep makes ridiculous。

Ralph Waldo Emerson '1803…1882'


I've watched you now a full half…hour;

Self…poised upon that yellow flower;

And; little Butterfly! indeed

I know not if you sleep or feed。

How motionless! not frozen seas

More motionless! and then

What joy awaits you; when the breeze

Has found you out among the trees;

And calls you forth again!

This plot of orchard…ground is ours;

My trees they are; my Sister's flowers;

Here rest your wings when they are weary;

Here lodge as in a sanctuary!

Come often to us; fear no wrong;

Sit near us on the bough!

We'll talk of sunshine and of song;

And summer days; when we are young;

Sweet childish days; that were as long

As twenty days are now。

William Wordsworth '1770…1850'


Thou spark of life that wavest wings of gold;

Thou songless wanderer mid the songful birds;

With Nature's secrets in thy tints unrolled

Through gorgeous cipher; past the reach of words;

Yet dear to every child

In glad pursuit beguiled;

Living his unspoiled days mid flowers and flocks and herds!

Thou winged blossom; liberated thing;

What secret tie binds thee to other flowers;

Still held within the garden's fostering?

Will they too soar with the completed hours;

Take flight; and be like thee

Irrevocably free;

Hovering at will o'er their parental bowers?

Or is thy luster drawn from heavenly hues; …

A sumptuous drifting fragment of the sky;

Caught when the sunset its last glance imbues

With sudden splendor; and the tree…tops high

Grasp that swift blazonry;

Then lend those tints to thee;

On thee to float a few short hours; and die?

Birds have their nests; they rear their eager young;

And flit on errands all the livelong day;

Each fieldmouse keeps the homestead whence it sprung;

But thou art Nature's freeman; … free to stray

Unfettered through the wood;

Seeking thine airy food;

The sweetness spiced on every blossomed spray。

The garden one wide banquet spreads for thee;

O daintiest reveller of the joyous earth!

One drop of honey gives satiety;

A second draught would drug thee past all mirth。

Thy feast no orgy shows;

Thy calm eyes never close;

Thou soberest sprite to which the sun gives birth。

And yet the soul of man upon thy wings

Forever soars in aspiration; thou

His emblem of the new career that springs

When death's arrest bids all his spirit bow。

He seeks his hope in thee

Of immortality。

Symbol of life; me with such faith endow!

Thomas Wentworth Higginson '1823…1911'


I hold you at last in my hand;

Exquisite child of the air。

Can I ever understand

How you grew to be s
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