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And hears their simple bell; and marks o'er all

Thy dewy fingers draw

The gradual dusky veil。

While Spring shall pour his showers; as of the wont;

And bathe thy breathing tresses; meekest Eve!

While Summer loves to sport

Beneath thy lingering light;

While sallow Autumn fills thy lap with leaves;

Or Winter; yelling through the troublous air;

Affrights thy shrinking train;

And rudely rends thy robes:

So long; regardful of thy quiet rule;

Shall Fancy; Friendship; Science; smiling Peace;

Thy gentlest influence own;

And hymn thy favorite name!

William Collins '1721…1759'


It is a beauteous evening; calm and free;

The holy time is quiet as a Nun

Breathless with adoration; the broad sun

Is sinking down in his tranquility;

The gentleness of heaven broods o'er the Sea;

Listen! the mighty Being is awake;

And doth with his eternal motion make

A sound like thunder … everlastingly。

Dear Child! dear Girl! that walkest with me here;

If thou appear untouched by solemn thought;

Thy nature is not therefore less divine:

Thou liest in Abraham's bosom all the year;

And worship'st at the Temple's inner shrine;

God being with thee when we know it not。

William Wordsworth '1770…1850'


Skies to the West are stained with madder;

Amber light on the rare blue hills;

The sough of the pines is growing sadder;

From the meadow…lands sound the whippoorwills。

Air is sweet with the breath of clover;

Dusk is on; and the day is over。

Skies to the East are streaked with golden;

Tremulous light on the darkening pond;

Glow…worms pale; to the dark beholden;

Twitterings hush in the hedge beyond。

Air is sweet with the breath of clover;

Silver the hills where the moon climbs over。

Robert Adger Bowen '1868…


O that the pines which crown yon steep

Their fires might ne'er surrender!

O that yon fervid knoll might keep;

While lasts the world; its splendor!

Pale poplars on the breeze that lean; 

And in the sunset shiver;

O that your golden stems might screen

For aye yon glassy river!

That yon white bird on homeward wing

Soft…sliding without motion;

And now in blue air vanishing

Like snow…flake lost in ocean;

Beyond our sight might never flee;

Yet forward still be flying;

And all the dying day might be

Immortal in its dying!

Pellucid thus in saintly trance;

Thus mute in expectation;

What waits the earth?  Deliverance?

Ah no!  Transfiguration!

She dreams of that 〃New Earth〃 divine;

Conceived of seed immortal;

She sings 〃Not mine the holier shrine;

Yet mine the steps and portal!〃

Aubrey Thomas de Vere '1814…1902'


In the cool of the evening; when the low sweet whispers waken;

When the laborers turn them homeward; and the weary have their will;

When the censers of the roses o'er the forest aisles are shaken;

Is it but the wind that cometh o'er the far green hill?

For they say 'tis but the sunset winds that wander through the heather;

Rustle all the meadow…grass and bend the dewy fern;

They say 'tis but the winds that bow the reeds in prayer together;

And fill the shaken pools with fire along the shadowy burn。

In the beauty of the twilight; in the Garden that He loveth;

They have veiled His lovely vesture with the darkness of a name!

Through His Garden; through His Garden; it is but the wind that moveth;

No more!  But O the miracle; the miracle is the same。

In the cool of the evening; when the sky is an old story;

Slowly dying; but remembered; ay; and loved with passion still 。 。 。

Hush! 。 。 。 the fringes of His garment; in the fading golden glory

Softly rustling as He cometh o'er the far green hill。

Alfred Noyes '1880…


Spirit of Twilight; through your folded wings

I catch a glimpse of your averted face;

And rapturous on a sudden; my soul sings

〃Is not this common earth a holy place?〃

Spirit of Twilight; you are like a song

That sleeps; and waits a singer; … like a hymn

That God finds lovely and keeps near Him long;

Till it is choired by aureoled cherubim。

Spirit of Twilight; in the golden gloom

Of dreamland dim I sought you; and I found

A woman sitting in a silent room

Full of white flowers that moved and made no sound。

These white flowers were the thoughts you bring to all;

And the room's name is Mystery where you sit;

Woman whom we call Twilight; when night's pall

You lift across our Earth to cover it。

Olive Custance '1874…


The twilight hours; like birds; flew by;

As lightly and as free;

Ten thousand stars were in the sky;

Ten thousand on the sea;

For every wave; with dimpled face;

That leaped upon the air;

Had caught a star in its embrace;

And held it trembling there。

Amelia C。 Welby '1819…1852'



The ferries ply like shuttles in a loom;

And many barques come in across the bay

To lights and bells that signal through the gloom

Of twilight gray;

And like the brown soft flutter of the snow

The wide…winged sea…birds droop from closing skies;

And hover near the water; circling low;

As the day dies。

The city like a shadowed castle stands;

Its turrets indistinctly touching night;

Like earth…born stars far fetched from faerie lands;

Its lamps are bright。

This is my hour; … when wonder springs anew

To see the towers ascending; pale and high;

And the long seaward distances of blue;

And the dim sky。


This is my hour; between the day and night;

The sun has set and all the world is still;

The afterglow upon the distant hill

Is as a holy light。

This is my hour; between the sun and moon;

The little stars are gathering in the sky;

There is no sound but one bird's startled cry; …

One note that ceases soon。

The gardens and; far off; the meadow…land;

Are like the fading depths beneath a sea;

While over waves of misty shadows we

Drift onward; hand in hand。

This is my hour; that you have called your own;

Its hushed beauty silently we share; …

Touched by the wistful wonder in the air

That leaves us so alone。


In rain and twilight mist the city street;

Hushed and half…hidden; might this instant be

A dark canal beneath our balcony;

Like one in Venice; Sweet。

The street…lights blossom; star…wise; one by one;

A lofty tower the shadows have not hid

Stands out … part column and part pyramid …

Holy to look upon。

The dusk grows deeper; and on silver wings

The twilight flutters like a weary gull

Toward some sea…island; lost and beautiful;

Where a sea…syren sings。

〃This is my hour;〃 you breathe with quiet lips;

And filled with beauty; dreaming and devout;

We sit in silence; while our thoughts go out …

Like treasure…seeking ships。

Zoe Akins '1886…


Star that bringest home the bee;

And sett'st the weary laborer free!

If any star shed peace; 'tis thou

That send'st it from above;

Appearing when Heaven's breath and brow

Are sweet as hers we love。

Come to the luxuriant skies;

Whilst the landscape's odors rise;

Whilst far…off lowing herds are heard

And songs when toil is done;

From cottages whose smoke unstirred

Curls yellow in the sun。

Star of love's soft interviews;

Parted lovers on thee muse;

Their remembrancer in Heaven

Of thrilling vows thou art;

Too delicious to be riven

By absence from the heart。

Thomas Campbell '1777…1844'


A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun;

A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow;

Long had I watched the glory moving on

O'er the still radiance of the lake below。

Tranquil its spirit seemed; and floated slow!

Even in its very motion there was rest;

While every breath of eve that chanced to blow

Wafted the traveller to the beauteous west。

Emblem; methought; of the departed soul!

To whose white robe the gleam of bliss is given;

And by the breath of mercy made to roll

Right onwards to the golden gates of heaven;

Where to the eye of faith it peaceful lies;

And tells to man his glorious destinies。

John Wilson '1785…1854'


From 〃Cynthia's Revels〃

Queen and huntress; chaste and fair;

Now the sun is laid to sleep;

Seated in thy silver chair;

State in wonted manner keep:

Hesperus entreats thy light;

Goddess excellently bright。

Earth; let not thy envious shade

Dare itself to interpose;

Cynthia's shining orb was made

Heaven to clear; when day did close:

Bless us then with wished sight;

Goddess excellently bright。

Lay thy bow of pearl apart;

And thy crystal…shining quiver;

Give unto the flying hart

Space to breathe; how short soever:

Thou that mak'st a day of night;

Goddess excellently bright。

Ben Jonson '1573?…1637'


All that I know

Of a certain star

Is; it can throw

(Like the angled spar)

Now a dart of red;

Now a dart of blue;

Till my friends have said

They would fain see; too;

My star that dartles the red and the blue!

Then it stops like a bird; like a flower; hangs furled:

They must solace themselves with the Saturn above it。

What matter to me if their star is a world?

Mine has opened its soul to me; therefore I love it。

Robert Browning '1812…1889'


The sun descending in the West;

The evening star does shine;

The birds are silent in their nest;

And I must seek for mine。

The moon; like a flower

In heaven's high bower;

With silent delight

Sits and smiles on the night。

Farewell; green fields and happy grove;

Where flocks have ta'en delight;

Where lambs have nibbled; silent move

The feet of angels bright:

Unseen; they pour blessing;

And j
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