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Strike in; strike in! … the sparks begin to dull their rustling red;

Our hammers ring with sharper din … our work will soon be sped;

Our anchor soon must change his bed of fiery rich array

For a hammock at the roaring bows; or an oozy couch of clay;

Our anchor soon must change the lay of merry craftsmen here

For the yeo…heave…o; and the heave…away; and the sighing seamen's cheer …

When; weighing slow; at eve they go; far; far from love and home;

And sobbing sweethearts; in a row; wail o'er the ocean… foam。

In livid and obdurate gloom; he darkens down at last;

A shapely one he is; and strong; as e'er from cat was cast。

O trusted and trustworthy guard! if thou hadst life like me;

What pleasure would thy toils reward beneath the deep…green sea!

O deep sea…diver; who might then behold such sights as thou? …

The hoary monster's palaces! … Methinks what joy 'twere now

To go plumb…plunging down; amid the assembly of the whales;

And feel the churned sea round me boil beneath their scourging tails!

Then deep in tangle…woods to fight the fierce sea…unicorn;

And send him foiled and bellowing back; for all his ivory horn;

To leave the subtle sworder…fish of bony blade forlorn;

And for the ghastly…grinning shark; to laugh his jaws to scorn:

To leap down on the kraken's back; where 'mid Norwegian isles

He lies; a lubber anchorage for sudden shallowed miles …

Till; snorting like an under…sea volcano; off he rolls;

Meanwhile to swing; a…buffeting the far astonished shoals

Of his back…browsing ocean…calves; or; haply; in a cove

Shell…strown; and consecrate of old to some Undine's love;

To find the long…haired mermaidens; or; hard by icy lands;

To wrestle with the sea…serpent; upon cerulean sands。

O broad…armed fisher of the deep! whose sports can equal thine?

The Dolphin weighs a thousand tons; that tugs thy cable… line;

And night by night 'tis thy delight; thy glory day by day;

Through sable sea and breaker white the giant game to play。

But; shamer of our little sports! forgive the name I gave:

A fisher's joy is to destroy … thine office is to save。

O lodger in the sea…kings' halls! couldst thou but understand

Whose be the white bones by thy side … or who that dripping band;

Slow swaying in the heaving wave; that round about thee bend;

With sounds like breakers in a dream blessing their ancient friend …

Oh; couldst thou know what heroes glide with larger steps round thee;

Thine iron side would swell with pride …  thou'dst leap within the sea!

Give honor to their memories who left the pleasant strand

To shed their blood so freely for the love of fatherland …

Who left their chance of quiet age and grassy churchyard grave

So freely; for a restless bed amid the tossing wave!

Oh; though our anchor may not be all I have fondly sung;

Honor him for their memory whose bones he goes among!

Samuel Ferguson '1810…1886'


My soul to…day

Is far away;

Sailing the Vesuvian Bay;

My winged boat;

A bird afloat;

Swings round the purple peaks remote: …

Round purple peaks

It sails; and seeks

Blue inlets and their crystal creeks;

Where high rocks throw;

Through deeps below;

A duplicated golden glow。

Far; vague; and dim;

The mountains swim;

While on Vesuvius' misty brim;

With outstretched hands;

The gray smoke stands

O'erlooking the volcanic lands。

Here Ischia smiles

O'er liquid miles;

And yonder; bluest of the isles;

Calm Capri waits;

Her sapphire gates

Beguiling to her bright estates。

I heed not; if

My rippling skiff

Float swift or slow from cliff to cliff;

With dreamful eyes

My spirit lies

Under the walls of Paradise。

Under the walls

Where swells and falls

The Bay's deep breast at intervals;

At peace I lie;

Blown softly by;

A cloud upon this liquid sky。

The day; so mild;

Is Heaven's own child;

With Earth and Ocean reconciled;

The airs I feel

Around me steal

Are murmuring to the murmuring keel。

Over the rail

My hand I trail

Within the shadow of the sail;

A joy intense;

The cooling sense

Glides down my drowsy indolence。

With dreamful eyes

My spirit lies

Where Summer sings and never dies; …

O'erveiled with vines

She glows and shines

Among her future oil and wines。

Her children; hid

The cliffs amid;

Are gamboling with the gamboling kid;

Or down the walls;

With tipsy calls;

Laugh on the rocks like waterfalls。

The fisher's child;

With tresses wild;

Unto the smooth; bright sand beguiled;

With glowing lips

Sings as she skips;

Or gazes at the far…off ships。

Yon deep bark goes

Where traffic blows;

From lands of sun to lands of snows; …

This happier one;

Its course is run

From lands of snow to lands of sun。

O happy ship;

To rise and dip;

With the blue crystal at your lip!

O happy crew;

My heart with you

Sails; and sails; and sings anew!

No more; no more

The worldly shore

Upbraids me with its loud uproar!

With dreamful eyes

My spirit lies

Under the walls of Paradise!

Thomas Buchanan Read '1822…1872'


〃Ho; sailor of the sea!

How's my boy … my boy?〃

〃What's your boy's name; good wife;

And in what good ship sailed he?〃

〃My boy John …

He that went to sea …

What care I for the ship; sailor?

My boy's my boy to me。

〃You come back from sea

And not know my John?

I might as well have asked some landsman

Yonder down in the town。

There's not an ass in all the parish

But he knows my John。

〃How's my boy … my boy?

And unless you let me know;

I'll swear you are no sailor;

Blue jacket or no;

Brass button or no; sailor;

Anchor and crown or no!

Sure his ship was the Jolly Briton。〃 …

〃Speak low; woman; speak low!〃

〃And why should I speak low; sailor;

About my own boy John?

If I was loud as I am proud

I'd sing him o'er the town!

Why should I speak low; sailor?〃

〃That good ship went down。〃

〃How's my boy … my boy?

What care I for the ship; sailor;

I never was aboard her。

Be she afloat; or be she aground;

Sinking or swimming; I'll be bound;

Her owners can afford her!

I say; how's my John?〃

〃Every man on board went down;

Every man aboard her。〃

〃How's my boy … my boy?

What care I for the men; sailor?

I'm not their mother …

How's my boy … my boy?

Tell me of him and no other!

How's my boy … my boy?〃

Sydney Dobell '1824…1874'


As I came round the harbor buoy;

The lights began to gleam;

No wave the land…locked water stirred;

The crags were white as cream;

And I marked my love by candlelight

Sewing her long white seam。

It's aye sewing ashore; my dear;

Watch and steer at sea;

It's reef and furl; and haul the line;

Set sail and think of thee。

I climbed to reach her cottage door;

O sweetly my love sings!

Like a shaft of light her voice breaks forth;

My soul to meet it springs

As the shining water leaped of old;

When stirred by angel wings。

Aye longing to list anew;

Awake and in my dream;

But never a song she sang like this;

Sewing her long white seam。

Fair fall the lights; the harbor lights;

That brought me in to thee;

And peace drop down on that low roof

For the sight that I did see;

And the voice; my dear; that rang so clear

All for the love of me。

For O; for O; with brows bent low

By the candle's flickering gleam;

Her wedding…gown it was she wrought。

Sewing the long white seam。

Jean Ingelow '1820…1897'


The clouds are scudding across the moon;

A misty light is on the sea;

The wind in the shrouds has a wintry tune;

And the foam is flying free。

Brothers; a night of terror and gloom

Speaks in the cloud and gathering roar;

Thank God; He has given us broad sea…room;

A thousand miles from shore。

Down with the hatches on those who sleep!

The wild and whistling deck have we;

Good watch; my brothers; to…night we'll keep;

While the tempest is on the sea!

Though the rigging shriek in his terrible grip;

And the naked spars be snapped away;

Lashed to the helm; we'll drive our ship

In the teeth of the whelming spray!

Hark! how the surges o'erleap the deck!

Hark! how the pitiless tempest raves!

Ah; daylight will look upon many a wreck

Drifting over the desert waves。

Yet; courage; brothers! we trust the wave;

With God above us; our guiding chart。

So; whether to harbor or ocean…grave;

Be it still with a cheery heart!

Bayard Taylor '1825…1878'


In slumbers of midnight the sailor…boy lay;

His hammock swung loose at the sport of the wind;

But watch…worn and weary; his cares flew away;

And visions of happiness danced o'er his mind。

He dreamed of his home; of his dear native bowers;

And pleasures that waited on life's merry morn;

While Memory stood sideways; half covered with flowers;

And restored every rose; but secreted its thorn。

Then Fancy her magical pinions spread wide;

And bade the young dreamer in ecstasy rise;

Now far; far behind him the green waters glide;

And the cot of his forefathers blesses his eyes。

The jessamine clambers in flowers o'er the thatch;

And the swallow sings sweet from her nest in the wall;

All trembling with transport he raises the latch;

And the voices of loved ones reply to his call。

A father bends o'er him with looks of delight;

His cheek is impearled with a mother's warm tear;

And the lips of the boy in a love…kiss unite

With the lips of the maid whom his bosom holds dear。

The heart of the sleeper beats high in his breast;

Joy quickens his pulses; his hardships seem o'er;

And a murmur of happiness steals through his rest; …

〃O God! thou hast blessed me; … I ask for no more。〃

Ah! whence is that flame which now bursts on his eye?

Ah! what is that sound wh
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