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the home book of verse-3-第43部分

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Ah! whence is that flame which now bursts on his eye?

Ah! what is that sound which now larums his ear?

'Tis the lightning's red glare; painting hell on the sky!

'Tis the crash of the thunder; the groan of the sphere!

He springs from his hammock; he flies to the deck;

Amazement confronts him with images dire;

Wild winds and mad waves drive the vessel a wreck;

The masts fly in splinters; the shrouds are on fire。

Like mountains the billows tremendously swell;

In vain the lost wretch calls on mercy to save;

Unseen hands of spirits are ringing his knell;

And the death…angel flaps his broad wing o'er the wave!

O sailor…boy; woe to thy dream of delight!

In darkness dissolves the gay frost…work of bliss。

Where now is the picture that Fancy touched bright; …

Thy parents' fond pressure; and love's honeyed kiss?

O sailor…boy! sailor…boy! never again

Shall home; love; or kindred thy wishes repay;

Unblessed and unhonored; down deep in the main;

Full many a fathom; thy frame shall decay。

No tomb shall e'er plead to remembrance for thee;

Or redeem form or fame from the merciless surge;

But the white foam of waves shall thy winding…sheet be;

And winds; in the midnight of winter; thy dirge!

On a bed of green sea…flowers thy limbs shall be laid; …

Around thy white bones the red coral shall grow;

Of thy fair yellow locks threads of amber be made;

And every part suit to thy mansion below。

Days; months; years; and ages shall circle away;

And still the vast waters above thee shall roll;

Earth loses thy pattern forever and aye; …

O sailor…boy! sailor…boy! peace to thy soul!

William Dimond '1780?…1837?'


No stir in the air; no stir in the sea;

The ship was still as she could be;

Her sails from Heaven received no motion;

Her keel was steady in the ocean。

Without either sign or sound of their shock;

The waves flowed over the Inchcape Rock;

So little they rose; so little they fell;

They did not move the Inchcape Bell。

The holy Abbot of Aberbrothok

Had placed that bell on the Inchcape Rock;

On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung;

And over the waves its warning rung。

When the rock was hid by the surges' swell;

The mariners heard the warning bell;

And then they knew the perilous Rock;

And blessed the Abbot of Aberbrothok。

The Sun in heaven was shining gay;

All things were joyful on that day;

The sea…birds screamed as they wheeled around;

And there was joyance in their sound。

The buoy of the Inchcape Bell was seen;

A darker speck on the ocean green;

Sir Ralph; the Rover; walked his deck;

And he fixed his eye on the darker speck。

He felt the cheering power of spring;

It made him whistle; it made him sing;

His heart was mirthful to excess;

But the Rover's mirth was wickedness。

His eye was on the Inchcape float;

Quoth he; 〃My men; put out the boat;

And row me to the Inchcape Rock;

And I'll plague the Abbot of Aberbrothok。〃

The boat is lowered; the boatmen row;

And to the Inchcape Rock they go;

Sir Ralph bent over from the boat;

And cut the Bell from the Inchcape float。

Down sank the Bell with a gurgling sound;

The bubbles rose; and burst around。

Quoth Sir Ralph; 〃The next who comes to the Rock

Will not bless the Abbot of Aberbrothok。〃

Sir Ralph; the Rover; sailed away;

He scoured the seas for many a day;

And now; grown rich with plundered store;

He steers his course for Scotland's shore。

So thick a haze o'erspreads the sky

They cannot see the Sun on high;

The wind hath blown a gale all day;

At evening it hath died away。

On the deck the Rover takes his stand;

So dark it is they see no land。

Quoth Sir Ralph; 〃It will be lighter soon;

For there is the dawn of the rising Moon。〃

〃Canst hear;〃 said one; 〃the breakers roar?

For yonder; methinks; should be the shore。〃

〃Now where we are I cannot tell;

But I wish we could hear the Inchcape Bell。〃

They hear no sound; the swell is strong;

Though the wind hath fallen; they drift along;

Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock; …

〃O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock。〃

Sir Ralph; the Rover; tore his hair;

He cursed himself in his despair。

The waves rush in on every side;

The ship is sinking beneath the tide。

But; even in his dying fear;

One dreadful sound he seemed to hear; …

A sound as if; with the Inchcape Bell;

The Devil below was ringing his knell。

Robert Southey '1774…1843'


Through the night; through the night;

In the saddest unrest;

Wrapped in white; all in white;

With her babe on her breast;

Walks the mother so pale;

Staring out on the gale;

Through the night!

Through the night; through the night;

Where the sea lifts the wreck;

Land in sight; close in sight;

On the surf…flooded deck;

Stands the father so brave;

Driving on to his grave

Through the night!

Richard Henry Stoddard '1825…1903'


〃O Mary; go and call the cattle home;

And call the cattle home;

And call the cattle home

Across the sands of Dee!〃

The western wind was wild and dank with foam;

And all alone went she。

The western tide crept up along the sand;

And o'er and o'er the sand;

And round and round the sand;

As far as eye could see。

The rolling mist came down and hid the land:

And never home came she。

〃Oh! is it weed; or fish; or floating hair …

A tress of golden hair;

A drowned maiden's hair

Above the nets at sea?

Was never salmon yet that shone so fair

Among the stakes on Dee。〃

They rowed her in across the rolling foam;

The cruel crawling foam;

The cruel hungry foam;

To her grave beside the sea:

But still the boatmen hear her call the cattle home

Across the sands of Dee!

Charles Kingsley '1819…1875'


Three fishers went sailing away to the West;

Away to the West as the sun went down;

Each thought on the woman who loved him the best;

And the children stood watching them out of the town;

For men must work; and women must weep;

And there's little to earn; and many to keep;

Though the harbor bar be moaning。

Three wives sat up in the lighthouse tower

And they trimmed the lamps as the sun went down;

They looked at the squall; and they looked at the shower;

And the night…rack came rolling up ragged and brown。

But men must work; and women must weep;

Though storms be sudden; and waters deep;

And the harbor bar be moaning。

Three corpses lay out on the shining sands

In the morning gleam as the tide went down;

And the women are weeping and wringing their hands

For those who will never come home to the town;

For men must work; and women must weep;

And the sooner it's over; the sooner to sleep;

And good…by to the bar and its moaning。

Charles Kingsley '1819…1875'


In the summer even;

While yet the dew was hoar;

I went plucking purple pansies;

Till my love should come to shore。

The fishing…lights their dances

Were keeping out at sea;

And come; I sung; my true love!

Come hasten home to me!

But the sea; it fell a…moaning;

And the white gulls rocked thereon;

And the young moon dropped from heaven;

And the lights hid one by one。

All silently their glances

Slipped down the cruel sea;

And wait! cried the night and wind and storm; …

Wait; till I come to thee!

Harriet Prescott Spofford '1835…1921'


A Tynemouth Ship

The Northern Star

Sailed over the bar

Bound to the Baltic Sea;

In the morning gray

She stretched away: …

'Twas a weary day to me!

For many an hour

In sleet and shower

By the lighthouse rock I stray;

And watch till dark

For the winged bark

Of him that is far away。

The castle's bound

I wander round;

Amidst the grassy graves:

But all I hear

Is the north wind drear;

And all I see are the waves。

The Northern Star

Is set afar!

Set in the Baltic Sea:

And the waves have spread

The sandy bed

That holds my Love from me。



The boats go out and the boats come in

Under the wintry sky;

And the rain and foam are white in the wind;

And the white gulls cry。

She sees the sea when the wind is wild

Swept by a windy rain;

And her heart's a…weary of sea and land

As the long days wane。

She sees the torn sails fly in the foam;

Broad on the sky…line gray;

And the boats go out and the boats come in;

But there's one away。

Arthur Symons '1865…


Wha'll buy my caller herrin'?

They're bonny fish and halesome farin';

Wha'll buy my caller herrin';

New drawn frae the Forth?

When ye were sleepin' on your pillows;

Dreamed ye aught o' our puir fellows;

Darkling as they faced the billows;

A' to fill the woven willows?

Buy my caller herrin';

New drawn frae the Forth!

Wha'll buy my caller herrin'?

They're no brought here without brave darin';

Buy my caller herrin';

Hauled through wind and rain。

Wha'll buy my caller herrin';

New drawn frae the Forth?

Wha'll buy my caller herrin'?

Oh; ye may ca' them vulgar farin';

Wives and mithers; maist despairin';

Ca' them lives o' men。

Wha'll buy my caller herrin';

New drawn frae the Forth?

When the creel o' herrin' passes;

Ladies; clad in silks and laces;

Gather in their braw pelisses;

Cast their heads; and screw their faces。

Wha'll buy my caller herrin';

New drawn frae the Forth?

Caller herrin's no got lightly: …

Ye can trip the spring fu' tightlie;

Spite o' tauntin'; flauntin'; flingin';

Gow has set you a' a…singin'

Wha'll buy my caller herrin';

New drawn frae the Forth?〃

Neebor wives! now tent my tellin':

When the bonny fish ye're sellin';

At ae word be; in ye're dealin'!

Truth will sta
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