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Where lambs have nibbled; silent move

The feet of angels bright:

Unseen; they pour blessing;

And joy without ceasing;

On each bud and blossom;

On each sleeping bosom。

They look in every thoughtless nest;

Where birds are covered warm;

They visit caves of every beast;

To keep them all from harm。

If they see any weeping

That should have been sleeping;

They pour sleep on their head;

And sit down by their bed。

When wolves and tigers howl for prey

They pitying stand and weep;

Seeking to drive their thirst away;

And keep them from the sheep。

But; if they rush dreadful;

The angels; most heedful;

Receive each mild spirit

New worlds to inherit。

And there the lion's ruddy eyes

Shall flow with tears of gold:

And pitying the tender cries;

And walking round the fold;

Saying: 〃Wrath by His meekness;

And by His health; sickness;

Are driven away

From our immortal day。

〃And now beside thee; bleating lamb;

I can lie down and sleep。

Or think on Him who bore thy name;

Graze after thee; and weep。

For; washed in life's river;

My bright mane for ever

Shall shine like the gold;

As I guard o'er the fold。〃

William Blake '1757…1827'


Swiftly walk o'er the western wave;

Spirit of Night!

Out of the misty eastern cave

Where; all the long and lone daylight;

Thou wovest dreams of joy and fear;

Which make thee terrible and dear;

Swift be thy flight!

Wrap thy form in a mantle gray;


Blind with thine hair the eyes of Day;

Kiss her until she be wearied out;

Then wander o'er city; and sea; and land;

Touching all with thine opiate wand …

Come; long…sought!

When I arose and saw the dawn;

I sighed for thee;

When light rode high; and the dew was gone;

And noon lay heavy on flower and tree;

And the weary Day turned to his rest;

Lingering like an unloved guest;

I sighed for thee。

Thy brother Death came; and cried;

〃Would'st thou me?〃

Thy sweet child Sleep; the filmy…eyed;

Murmured like a noontide bee;

〃Shall I nestle near thy side?

Would'st thou me?〃 … And I replied;

〃No; not thee。〃

Death will come when thou art dead;

Soon; too soon …

Sleep will come when thou art fled;

Of neither would I ask the boon

I ask of thee; beloved Night …

Swift be thine approaching flight;

Come soon; soon!

Percy Bysshe Shelley '1792…1822'


Mysterious Night! when our first parent knew

Thee from report divine; and heard thy name;

Did he not tremble for this lovely frame;

This glorious canopy of light and blue?

Yet 'neath the curtain of translucent dew;

Bathed in the rays of the great setting flame;

Hesperus with the host of heaven came;

And lo! creation widened on man's view。

Who could have thought such darkness lay concealed

Within thy beams; O Sun! or who could find;

While fly; and leaf; and insect stood revealed;

That to such countless orbs thou mad'st us blind!

Why do we; then; shun Death with anxious strife? …

If Light can thus deceive; wherefore not Life?

Joseph Blanco White '1775…1841'


Mysterious night!  Spread wide thy silvery plume!

Soft as swan's down; brood o'er the sapphirine

Breadth of still shadowy waters dark as wine;

Smooth out the liquid heavens that stars illume!

Come with fresh airs breathing the faint perfume

Of deep…walled gardens; groves of whispering pine;

Scatter soft dews; waft pure sea…scent of brine;

In sweet repose man's pain; man's love resume!

Deep…bosomed night!  Not here where down the marge

Marble with palaces those lamps of earth

Tremble on trembling blackness; nay; far hence;

There on the lake where space is lone and large;

And man's life lost in broad indifference;

Lilt thou the soul to spheres that gave her birth!

John Addington Symonds '1840…1893'


Night is the time for rest;

How sweet; when labors close;

To gather round an aching breast

The curtain of repose;

Stretch the tired limbs; and lay the head

Down on our own delightful bed!

Night is the time for dreams;

The gay romance of life;

When truth that is; and truth that seems;

Blend in fantastic strife;

Ah! visions; less beguiling far

Than waking dreams by daylight are!

Night is the time for toil;

To plough the classic field;

Intent to find the buried spoil

Its wealthy furrows yield;

Till all is ours that sages taught;

That poets sang; or heroes wrought。

Night is the time to weep;

To wet with unseen tears

Those graves of Memory; where sleep

The joys of other years;

Hopes; that were Angels at their birth;

But perished young; like things of earth。

Night is the time to watch;

O'er ocean's dark expanse;

To hail the Pleiades; or catch

The full moon's earliest glance;

That brings into the homesick mind

All we have loved and left behind。

Night is the time for care;

Brooding on hours misspent;

To see the spectre of Despair

Come to our lonely tent;

Like Brutus; 'midst his slumbering host;

Summoned to die by Caesar's ghost。

Night is the time to think;

When; from the eye; the soul

Takes flight; and; on the utmost brink;

Of yonder starry pole 

Descries beyond the abyss of night

The dawn of uncreated light。

Night is the time to pray;

Our Saviour oft withdrew

To desert mountains far away;

So will his followers do; …

Steal from the throng to haunts untrod;

And hold communion there with God。

Night is the time for Death;

When all around is peace;

Calmly to yield the weary breath;

From sin and suffering cease;

Think of heaven's bliss; and give the sign

To parting friends; … such death be mine!

James Montgomery '1771…1854'


Vast Chaos; of eld; was God's dominion;

'Twas His beloved child; His own first born;

And He was aged ere the thought of morn

Shook the sheer steeps of dim Oblivion。

Then all the works of darkness being done

Through countless aeons hopelessly forlorn;

Out to the very utmost verge and bourne;

God at the last; reluctant; made the sun。

He loved His darkness still; for it was old;

He grieved to see His eldest child take flight;

And when His Fiat Lux the death…knell tolled;

As the doomed Darkness backward by Him rolled;

He snatched a remnant flying into light

And strewed it with the stars; and called it Night。

Lloyd Mifflin '1846…1921'


I heard the trailing garments of the Night

Sweep through her marble halls!

I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light

From the celestial walls!

I felt her presence; by its spell of might;

Stoop o'er me from above;

The calm; majestic presence of the Night;

As of the one I love。

I heard the sounds of sorrow and delight;

The manifold; soft chimes;

That fill the haunted chambers of the Night;

Like some old poet's rhymes。

From the cool cisterns of the midnight air

My spirit drank repose;

The fountain of perpetual peace flows there; …

From those deep cisterns flows。

O holy Night! from thee I learn to bear

What man has borne before!

Thou layest thy finger on the lips of Care;

And they complain no more。 

Peace! Peace! Orestes…like I breathe this prayer!

Descend with broad…winged flight;

The welcome; the thrice…prayed for; the most fair;

The best…beloved Night!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow '1807…1882'


Night is the true democracy。 When day

Like some great monarch with his train has passed。

In regal pomp and splendor to the last;

The stars troop forth along the Milky Way;

A jostling crowd; in radiant disarray;

On heaven's broad boulevard in pageants vast。

And things of earth; the hunted and outcast;

Come from their haunts and hiding…places; yea;

Even from the nooks and crannies of the mind

Visions uncouth and vagrant fancies start;

And specters of dead joy; that shun the light;

And impotent regrets and terrors blind;

Each one; in form grotesque; playing its part

In the fantastic Mardi Gras of Night。

Edward J。 Wheeler '1859…1922'


God with His million cares

Went to the left or right;

Leaving our world; and the day

Grew night。

Back from a sphere He came

Over a starry lawn;

Looked at our world; and the dark

Grew dawn。

Norman Gale '1862…


His radiant fingers so adorning

Earth that in silent joy she thrills;

The ancient day stands every morning

Above the flowing eastern hills。

This day the new…born world hath taken

Within his mantling arms of white;

And sent her forth by fear unshaken

To walk among the stars in light。

Risen with laughter unto leaping;

His feet untired; undimmed his eyes;

The old; old day comes up from sleeping;

Fresh as a flower; for new emprise。

The curtain of the night is parted

That once again the dawn may tread;

In spotless garments; ways uncharted

And death a million times is dead。

Slow speechless music robed in splendor

The deep sky sings eternally;

With childlike wonderment to render

Its own unwearied symphony。

Reborn between the great suns spinning

Forever where men's prayers ascend;

God's day in love hath its beginning;

And the beginning hath no end。

George B。 Logan; Jr。 '1892…


Now one and all; you Roses;

Wake up; you lie too long!

This very morning closes

The Nightingale his song;

Each from its olive chamber

His babies every one

This very morning clamber

Into the shining sun。

You Slug…a…beds and Simples;

Why will you so delay!

Dears; doff your olive wimples;

And listen while you may。

Ralph Hodgson '1871…



When the merry lark doth gild

With his song the summer hours;

And their nests t
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