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Till on his last…won wilderness an Empire's outposts stand!

Rudyard Kipling '1865…1936'


There's a whisper down the field where the year has shot her yield;

And the ricks stand gray to the sun;

Singing: 〃Over then; come over; for the bee has quit the clover;

And your English summer's done。〃

You have heard the beat of the off…shore wind;

And the thresh of the deep…sea rain;

You have heard the song … how long? how long?

Pull out on the trail again!

Ha' done with the Tents of Shem; dear lass;

We've seen the seasons through;

And it's time to turn on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

Pull out; pull out; on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new!

It's North you may run to the rime…ringed sun;

Or South to the blind Horn's hate;

Or East all the way into Mississippi Bay;

Or West to the Golden Gate;

Where the blindest bluffs hold good; dear lass;

And the wildest tales are true;

And the men bulk big on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

And life runs large on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new。

The days are sick and cold; and the skies are gray and old;

And the twice…breathed airs blow damp;

And I'd sell my tired soul for the bucking beam…sea roll

Of a black Bilbao tramp;

With her load…line over her hatch; dear lass;

And a drunken Dago crew;

And her nose held down on the old trail; our own trail;

the out trail;

From Cadiz south on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new。

There be triple ways to take; of the eagle or the snake;

Or the way of a man with a maid;

But the sweetest way to me is a ship's upon the sea

In the heel of the North…East Trade。

Can you hear the crash on her bows; dear lass;

And the drum of the racing screw;

As she ships it green on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

As she lifts and 'scends on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new?

See the shaking funnels roar; with the Peter at the fore;

And the fenders grind and heave;

And the derricks clack and grate; as the tackle hooks the crate;

And the fall…rope whines through the sheave;

It's 〃Gang…plank up and in;〃 dear lass;

It's 〃Hawsers warp her through!〃

And it's 〃All clear aft〃 on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

We're backing down on tile Long Trail … the trail that is always new。

O the mutter overside; when the port…fog holds us tied;

And the sirens hoot their dread!

When foot by foot we creep o'er the hueless viewless deep

To the sob of the questing lead!

It's down by the Lower Hope; dear lass;

With the Gunfleet Sands in view;

Till the Mouse swings green on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

And the Gull Light lifts on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new。

O the blazing tropic night; when the wake's a welt of light

That holds the hot sky tame;

And the steady fore…foot snores through the planet…powdered floors

Where the scared whale flukes in flame!

Her plates are flaked by the sun; dear lass;

And her ropes are taut with the dew;

For we're booming down on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

We're sagging south on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new。

Then home; get her home; where the drunken rollers comb;

And the shouting seas drive by;

And the engines stamp and ring; and the wet bows reel and swing;

And the Southern Cross rides high!

Yes; the old lost stars wheel back; dear lass;

That blaze in the velvet blue。

They're all old friends on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

They're God's own guides on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new。

Fly forward; O my heart; from the Foreland to the Start …

We're steaming all too slow;

And it's twenty thousand mile to our little lazy isle

Where the trumpet…orchids blow!

You have heard the call of the off…shore wind

And the voice of the deep…sea rain;

You have heard the song … how long … how long?

Pull out on the trail again!

The Lord knows what we may find; dear lass;

And the Deuce knows what we may do …

But we're back once more on the old trail; our own trail; the out trail;

We're down; hull down; on the Long Trail … the trail that is always new!

Rudyard Kipling '1865…1936'

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