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But close at the hearth;

Like a cricket; sit I;

Reading of summer

And chivalry …

Gallant chivalry!

Then with an old friend

I talk of our youth!

How 'twas gladsome; but often

Foolish; forsooth:

But gladsome; gladsome!

Or to get merry

We sing some old rhyme;

That made the wood ring again

In summer time …

Sweet summer time!

Then go we to smoking;

Silent and snug:

Naught passes between us;

Save a brown jug …


And sometimes a tear

Will rise in each eye;

Seeing the two old friends

So merrily …

So merrily!

And ere to bed

Go we; go we;

Down on the ashes

We kneel on the knee;

Praying together!

Thus; then; live I;

Till; 'mid all the gloom;

By heaven! the bold sun

Is with me in the room

Shining; shining!

Then the clouds part;

Swallows soaring between;

The spring is alive;

And the meadows are green!

I jump up; like mad;

Break the old pipe in twain;

And away to the meadows;

The meadows again!

Edward Fitzgerald '1809…1883'


When wintry weather's all a…done;

An' brooks do sparkle in the zun;

An' naisy…builden rooks do vlee

Wi' sticks toward their elem tree;

When birds do zing; an' we can zee

Upon the boughs the buds o' spring; …

Then I'm as happy as a king;

A…vield wi' health an' zunsheen。

Vor then the cowlsip's hangen flower

A…wetted in the zunny shower;

Do grow wi' vi'lets; sweet o' smell;

Bezide the wood…screened graegle's bell;

Where drushes' aggs; wi' sky…blue shell;

Do lie in mossy nest among

The thorns; while they do zing their zong

At evenen in the zunsheen。

An' God do meake his win' to blow

An' rain to vall vor high an' low;

An' bid his mornen zun to rise

Vor all alike; an' groun' an' skies

Ha' colors vor the poor man's eyes:

An' in our trials He is near;

To hear our mwoan an' zee our tear;

An' turn our clouds to zunsheen。

An' many times when I do vind

Things all goo wrong; an' v'ok unkind;

To zee the happy veeden herds;

An' hear the zingen o' the birds;

Do soothe my sorrow mwore than words;

Vor I do zee that 'tis our sin

Do meake woone's soul so dark 'ithin;

When God would gi'e woone zunsheen。

William Barnes '1801…1886'


When Spring comes back to England

And crowns her brows with May;

Round the merry moonlit world

She goes the greenwood way:

She throws a rose to Italy;

A fleur…de…lys to France;

But round her regal morris…ring

The seas of England dance。

When Spring comes back to England

And dons her robe of green;

There's many a nation garlanded

But England is the Queen;

She's Queen; she's Queen of all the world

Beneath the laughing sky;

For the nations go a…Maying

When they hear the New Year cry …

〃Come over the water to England;

My old love; my new love;

Come over the water to England;

In showers of flowery rain;

Come over the water to England;

April; my true love;

And tell the heart of England

The Spring is here again!〃

Alfred Noyes '1880…


Spring comes laughing down the valley

All in white; from the snow

Where the winter's armies rally

Loth to go。

Beauty white her garments shower

On the world where they pass; …

Hawthorn hedges; trees in flower;

Daisies in the grass。

Tremulous with longings dim;

Thickets by the river's rim

Have begun to dream of green。

Every tree is loud with birds。

Bourgeon; heart; … do thy part!

Raise a slender stalk of words

From a root unseen。

Amelia Josephine Burr '1878…


Over the wintry threshold

Who comes with joy today;

So frail; yet so enduring;

To triumph o'er dismay?

Ah; quick her tears are springing;

And quickly they are dried;

For sorrow walks before her;

But gladness walks beside。

She comes with gusts of laughter; …

The music as of rills;

With tenderness and sweetness;

The wisdom of the hills。

Her hands are strong to comfort;

Her heart is quick to heed;

She knows the signs of sadness;

She knows the voice of need;

There is no living creature;

However poor or small;

But she will know its trouble;

And hearken to its call。

Oh; well they fare forever;

By mighty dreams possessed;

Whose hearts have lain a moment

On that eternal breast。

Bliss Carman '1861…1929'


Slayer of winter; art thou here again?

O welcome; thou that bring'st the summer nigh!

The bitter wind makes not thy victory vain;

Nor will we mock thee for thy faint blue sky。

Welcome; O March! whose kindly days and dry

Make April ready for the throstle's song;

Thou first redresser of the winter's wrong!

Yea; welcome; March! and though I die ere June;

Yet for the hope of life I give thee praise;

Striving to swell the burden of the tune

That even now I hear thy brown birds raise;

Unmindful of the past or coming days;

Who sing; 〃O joy! a new year is begun!

What happiness to look upon the sun!〃

O; what begetteth all this storm of bliss;

But Death himself; who; crying solemnly;

Even from the heart of sweet Forgetfulness;

Bids us; 〃Rejoice! lest pleasureless ye die。

Within a little time must ye go by。

Stretch forth your open hands; and; while ye live;

Take all the gifts that Death and Life may give。〃

William Morris '1834…1896'


Now are the winds about us in their glee;

Tossing the slender tree;

Whirling the sands about his furious car;

March cometh from afar;

Breaks the sealed magic of old Winter's dreams;

And rends his glassy streams;

Chafing with potent airs; he fiercely takes

Their fetters from the lakes;

And; with a power by queenly Spring supplied;

Wakens the slumbering tide。

With a wild love he seeks young Summer's charms

And clasps her to his arms;

Lifting his shield between; he drives away

Old Winter from his prey; …

The ancient tyrant whom he boldly braves;

Goes howling to his caves;

And; to his northern realm compelled to fly;

Yields up the victory;

Melted are all his bands; o'erthrown his towers;

And March comes bringing flowers。

William Gilmore Simms '1806…1870'


Blossom on the plum;

Wild wind and merry;

Leaves upon the cherry;

And one swallow come。

Red windy dawn;

Swift rain and sunny;

Wild bees seeking honey;

Crocus on the lawn;

Blossom on the plum。

Grass begins to grow;

Dandelions come;

Snowdrops haste to go

After last month's snow;

Rough winds beat and blow;

Blossom on the plum。

Nora Hopper '1871…1906'


The Cock is crowing;

The stream is flowing;

The small birds twitter;

The lake doth glitter;

The green field sleeps in the sun;

The oldest and youngest

Are at work with the strongest;

The cattle are grazing;

Their heads never raising;

There are forty feeding like one!

Like an army defeated

The snow hath retreated;

And now doth fare ill

On the top of the bare hill;

The ploughboy is whooping … anon … anon

There's joy in the mountains;

There's life in the fountains;

Small clouds are sailing;

Blue sky prevailing;

The rain is over and gone!

William Wordsworth '1770…1850'


The braggart March stood in the season's door

With his broad shoulders blocking up the way;

Shaking the snow…flakes from the cloak he wore; 

And from the fringes of his kirtle gray。

Near by him April stood with tearful face;

With violets in her hands; and in her hair

Pale; wild anemones; the fragrant lace

Half…parted from her breast; which seemed like fair;

Dawn…tinted mountain snow; smooth…drifted there。

She on the blusterer's arm laid one white hand;

But he would none of her soft blandishment;

Yet did she plead with tears none might withstand;

For even the fiercest hearts at last relent。

And he; at last; in ruffian tenderness;

With one swift; crushing kiss her lips did greet。

Ah; poor starved heart! … for that one rude caress;

She cast her violets underneath his feet。

Robert Burns Wilson '1850…1916'


Oh; to be in England

Now that April's there;

And whoever wakes in England

Sees; some morning; unaware;

That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf

Round the elm…tree bole are in tiny leaf;

While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

In England … now!

And after April; when May follows

And the white…throat builds; and all the swallows!

Hark; where my blossomed pear…tree in the hedge

Leans to the field and scatters on the clover

Blossoms and dewdrops … at the bent spray's edge …

That's the wise thrush: he sings each song twice over;

Lest you should think he never could recapture

The first fine careless rapture!

And though the fields look rough with hoary dew;

All will be gay when noontide wakes anew

The buttercups; the little children's dower

… Far brighter than this gaudy melon…flower!

Robert Browning '1812…1889'


April; April;

Laugh thy girlish laughter;

Then; the moment after;

Weep thy girlish tears!

April; that mine ears

Like a lover greetest;

If I tell thee; sweetest;

All my hopes and fears;

April; April;

Laugh thy golden laughter;

But; the moment after;

Weep thy golden tears!

William Watson '1858…1935'


Sang the sun rise on an amber morn …

〃Earth; be glad!  An April day is born。

〃Winter's done; and April's in the skies;

Earth; look up with laughter in your eyes!〃

Putting off her dumb dismay of snow;

Earth bade all her unseen children grow。

Then the sound of growing in the air

Rose to God a liturgy of prayer;

And the thronged succession of the days

Uttered up to God a psalm of praise。

Laughed the runnin
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