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And the thronged succession of the days

Uttered up to God a psalm of praise。

Laughed the running sap in every vein;

Laughed the running flurries of warm rain;

Laughed the life in every wandering root;

Laughed the tingling cells of bud and shoot。

God in all the concord of their mirth

Heard the adoration…song of Earth。

Charles G。 D。 Roberts '1860…


O sweet wild April

Came over the hills;

He skipped with the winds

And he tripped with the rills;

His raiment was all

Of the daffodils。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

O sweet wild April

Came down the lea;

Dancing along

With his sisters three:

Carnation; and Rose;

And tall Lily。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

O sweet wild April;

On pastoral quill

Came piping in moonlight

By hollow and hill;

In starlight at midnight;

By dingle and rill。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

Where sweet wild April

His melody played;

Trooped cowslip; and primrose;

And iris; the maid;

And silver narcissus;

A star in the shade。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

When sweet wild April

Dipped down the dale;

Pale cuckoopint brightened;

And windflower trail;

And white…thorn; the wood…bride;

In virginal veil。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

When sweet wild April

Through deep woods pressed;

Sang cuckoo above him;

And lark on his crest;

And Philomel fluttered

Close under his breast。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

O sweet wild April;

Wherever you went

The bondage of winter

Was broken and rent;

Sank elfin ice…city

And frost…goblin's tent。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

Yet sweet wild April;

The blithe; the brave;

Fell asleep in the fields

By a windless wave

And Jack…in…the…Pulpit

Preached over his grave。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

O sweet wild April;

Farewell to thee!

And a deep sweet sleep

To thy sisters three; …

Carnation; and Rose;

And tall Lily。

Sing hi;

Sing hey;

Sing ho!

William Force Stead '18 …


Moon in heaven's garden; among the clouds that wander;

Crescent moon so young to see; above the April ways;

Whiten; bloom not yet; not yet; within the twilight yonder;

All my spinning is not done; for all the loitering days。

Oh; my heart has two wild wings that ever would be flying!

Oh; my heart's a meadow…lark that ever would be free!

Well it is that I must spin until the light be dying;

Well it is the little wheel must turn all day for me!

All the hill…tops beckon; and beyond the western meadows

Something calls me ever; calls me ever; low and clear:

A little tree as young as I; the coming summer shadows; …

The voice of running waters that I ever thirst to hear。

Oftentime the plea of it has set my wings a…beating;

Oftentimes it coaxes; as I sit in weary…wise;

Till the wild life hastens out to wild things all entreating;

And leaves me at the spinning…wheel; with dark; unseeing eyes。

Josephine Preston Peabody '1874…1922'


Now the bright morning…star; day's harbinger;

Comes dancing from the east; and leads with her

The flowery May; who from her green lap throws

The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose。

Hail; bounteous May; that dost inspire

Mirth and youth and warm desire!

Woods and groves are of thy dressing;

Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing。

Thus we salute thee with our early song;

And welcome thee; and wish thee long。

John Milton '1608…1674'


Though meadow…ways as I did tread;

The corn grew in great lustihead;

And hey! the beeches burgeoned。

By Goddes fay; by Goddes fay!

It is the month; the jolly month;

It is the jolly month of May。

God ripe the wines and corn; I say;

And wenches for the marriage…day;

And boys to teach love's comely play。

By Goddes fay; by Goddes fay!

It is the month; the jolly month;

It is the jolly month of May。

As I went down by lane and lea;

The daisies reddened so; pardie!

〃Blushets!〃 I said; 〃I well do see;

By Goddes fay; by Goddes fay!

The thing ye think of in this month;

Heigho! this jolly month of May。〃

As down I went by rye and oats;

The blossoms smelt of kisses; throats

Of birds turned kisses into notes;

By Goddes fay; by Goddes fay!

The kiss it is a growing flower;

I trow; this jolly month of May。

God send a mouth to every kiss;

Seeing the blossom of this bliss

By gathering doth grow; certes!

By Goddes fay; by Goddes fay!

Thy brow…garland pushed all aslant

Tells … but I tell not; wanton May!

Francis Thompson '1859?…1907'


Get up; get up for shame; the blooming morn

Upon her wings presents the god unshorn。

See how Aurora throws her fair

Fresh…quilted colors through the air:

Get up; sweet slug…a…bed; and see

The dew bespangling herb and tree。

Each flower has wept; and bowed toward the east;

Above an hour since: yet you not dressed;

Nay! not so much as out of bed;

When all the birds have matins said

And sung their thankful hymns: 'tis sin;

Nay; profanation; to keep in;

When as a thousand virgins on this day

Spring; sooner than the lark; to fetch in May。

Rise and put on your foliage; and be seen

To come forth; like the spring…time; fresh and green;

And sweet as Flora。  Take no care

For jewels for your gown or hair:

Fear not; the leaves will strew

Gems in abundance upon you:

Besides; the childhood of the day has kept;

Against you come; some orient pearls unwept;

Come; and receive them while the light

Hangs on the dew…locks of the night;

And Titan on the eastern hill

Retires himself; or else stands still

Till you come forth。  Wash; dress; be brief in praying:

Few beads are best; when once we go a…Maying。

Come; my Corinna; come; and; coming; mark

How each field turns a street; each street a park

Made green and trimmed with trees; see how

Devotion gives each house a bough

Or branch: each porch; each door; ere this;

An ark; a tabernacle is;

Made up of white…thorn; neatly interwove;

As if here were those cooler shades of love。

Can such delights be in the street

And open fields; and we not see't?

Come; we'll abroad; and let's obey

The proclamation made for May:

And sin no more; as we have done; by staying;

But; my Corinna; come; let's go a…Maying。

There's not a budding boy or girl; this day;

But is got up; and gone to bring in May。

A deal of youth; ere this; is come

Back; and with white…thorn laden home。

Some have despatched their cakes and cream

Before that we have left to dream:

And some have wept; and wooed and plighted troth;

And chose their priest; ere we can cast off sloth:

Many a green gown has been given;

Many a kiss; both odd and even:

Many a glance; too; has been sent

From out the eye; love's firmament;

Many a jest told of the keys betraying

This night; and locks picked; yet we're not a…Maying。

Come; let us go; while we are in our prime;

And take the harmless folly of the time。

We shall grow old apace; and die

Before we know our liberty。

Our life is short; and our days run

As fast away as does the sun;

And; as a vapor or a drop of rain;

Once lost; can ne'er be found again:

So when or you or I are made

A fable; song; or fleeting shade;

All love; all liking; all delight

Lies drowned with us in endless night。

Then while time serves; and we are but decaying;

Come; my Corinna; come; let's go a…Maying。

Robert Herrick '1591…1674'


Sister; awake! close not your eyes!

The day her light discloses;

And the bright morning doth arise

Out of her bed of roses。

See the clear sun; the world's bright eye;

In at our window peeping:

Lo; how he blusheth to espy

Us idle wenches sleeping!

Therefore awake! make haste; I say;

And let us; without staying;

All in our gowns of green so gay

Into the Park a…maying!



May! queen of blossoms;

And fulfilling flowers;

With what pretty music

Shall we charm the hours?

Wilt thou have pipe and reed;

Blown in the open mead?

Or to the lute give heed

In the green bowers?

Thou hast no need of us;

Or pipe or wire;

Thou hast the golden bee

Ripened with fire;

And many thousand more

Songsters; that thee adore;

Filling earth's grassy floor

With new desire。

Thou hast thy mighty herds;

Tame and free…livers; 

Doubt not; thy music too

In the deep rivers;

And the whole plumy flight

Warbling the day and night …

Up at the gates of light;

See; the lark quivers!

Edward Hovell…Thurlow '1781…1829'


Come walk with me along this willowed lane;

Where; like lost coinage from some miser's store;

The golden dandelions more and more

Glow; as the warm sun kisses them again!

For this is May! who with a daisy chain

Leads on the laughing Hours; for now is o'er

Long winter's trance。  No longer rise and roar

His forest…wrenching blasts。  The hopeful swain;

Along the furrow; sings behind his team;

Loud pipes the redbreast … troubadour of spring;

And vocal all the morning copses ring;

More blue the skies in lucent lakelets gleam;

And the glad earth; caressed by murmuring showers;

Wakes like a bride; to deck herself with flowers!

Henry Sylvester Cornwell '1831…1886'


Through the silver mist

Of the blossom…spray

Trill the orioles: list

To their joyous lay!

〃What in all the world; in all the world;〃 they say;

Is half so sweet; so sweet; is half so sweet as May?〃

〃June! June! June!〃

Low croon

The brown bees in the clover。

〃Sweet! sweet! sweet!〃


The robins; nested over。



Ah! my heart is weary waiting;

Waiting for the May; …

Waiting for the pleasant ra
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