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the lion and the unicorn(狮子与独角兽)-第27部分

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     〃It was just a bit different from our last ride togetherwhen we rode 

through     the   night   from   Krugers…Dorp       with   hundreds     of  horses'   hoofs 

pounding on the soft veldt behind us; and the carbines clanking against the 

stirrups   as   they  swung   on   the  sling   belts。  We   were   being   hunted   then; 

harassed   on   either   side;  scurrying   for   our   lives   like   the   Derby   Dog   in   a 

race…track   when   every  one   hoots   him   and   no   man   steps   out   to   helpwe 

were sick for sleep; sick for food; lashed by the rain; and we knew that we 

were beaten; but we were free still; and under open skies with the derricks 

of the Rand rising like gallows on our left; and Johannesburg only fifteen 

miles away。〃 


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