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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第102部分

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 refers; and quotes as from me。

ST。 Louis; Missouri; 1895。    W。 T。 S。

MAYWOOD; ILLINOIS; July 14; 1875。

General W。 T。 SHERMAN; Commander…in…Chief; etc。

DEAR GENERAL : Your letter of the 11th of July reaches me just as I am starting to spend the first vacation I have ever allowed myself… …in the Territories; with my wife and son。

It indicates a spirit of fairness from which we have better things than an arbitration to hope for。  Though; if we should reach such a necessity; there is no one living to whom our differences might more properly be referred than to General Webster。  I make no objection to your writing your 〃Memoirs;〃 and; as long as they refer to your own conduct; you are at liberty to write them as you like; but; when they refer to mine; and deal unjustly with my reputation; I; of right; object。

Neither do I wish to write my 〃Memoirs;〃 unless compelled to do so to vindicate my good name。  There were certain commands which were to make up mine。  These; Waring's brigade included; were spoken of by us in the long conversation to which you refer。  This brigade we knew was having a hard time of it in its movement from Columbus to Memphis。  I asked you if I should move without it if it did not arrive; and you answered me as stated in my last letter to you。 Those who immediately surrounded me during the painful delay that occurred will inform you how sorely I chafed under the restraint of that peremptory order。

In the conversation that occurred between us at Nashville; while all the orders; written and verbal; were still fresh in your memory; you did not censure me for waiting for Waring; but for allowing myself to be encumbered with fugitive negroes to such an extent that my command was measurably unfit for active movement or easy handling; and for turning bank from West Point; instead of pressing on toward Meridian。  Invitations had been industriously circulated; by printed circulars and otherwise; to the negroes to come into our lines; and to seek our protection wherever they could find it; and I considered ourselves pledged to receive and protect them。  Your censure for so doing; and your remarks on that subject to me in Nashville; are still fresh in my memory; and of a character which you would now doubtless gladly disavow。

But we must meet and talk the whole matter over; and I will be at any trouble to see you when I return。

Meantime I will not let go the hope that I will convince you absolutely of your error; for the facts are entirely on my side。 Yours truly;


End of Volume One 
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