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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第14部分

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I remember one day; in the spring of 1848; that two men; Americans; came into the office and inquired for the Governor。  I asked their business; and one answered that they had just come down from Captain Sutter on special business; and they wanted to see Governor Mason in person。  I took them in to the colonel; and left them together。  After some time the colonel came to his door and called to me。  I went in; and my attention was directed to a series of papers unfolded on his table; in which lay about half an ounce of placer gold。  Mason said to me; 〃What is that?〃 I touched it and examined one or two of the larger pieces; and asked; 〃Is it gold?〃 Mason asked me if I had ever seen native gold。  I answered that; in 1844; I was in Upper Georgia; and there saw some native gold; but it was much finer than this; and that it was in phials; or in transparent quills; but I said that; if this were gold; it could be easily tested; first; by its malleability; and next by acids。  I took a piece in my teeth; and the metallic lustre was perfect。  I then called to the clerk; Baden; to bring an axe and hatchet from the backyard。  When these were brought; I took the largest piece and beat it out flat; and beyond doubt it was metal; and a pure metal。  Still; we attached little importance to the fact; for gold was known to exist at San Fernando; at the south; and yet was not considered of much value。  Colonel Mason then handed me a letter from Captain Sutter; addressed to him; stating that he (Sutter) was engaged in erecting a saw…mill at Coloma; about forty miles up the American Fork; above his fort at New Helvetia; for the general benefit of the settlers in that vicinity; that he had incurred considerable expense; and wanted a 〃preemption〃 to the quarter… section of land on which the mill was located; embracing the tail…race in which this particular gold had been found。  Mason instructed me to prepare a letter; in answer; for his signature。  I wrote off a letter; reciting that California was yet a Mexican province; simply held by us as a conquest; that no laws of the United States yet applied to it; much less the land laws or preemption laws; which could only apply after a public survey。 Therefore it was impossible for the Governor to promise him (Sutter) a title to the land; yet; as there were no settlements within forty miles; he was not likely to be disturbed by trespassers。  Colonel Mason signed the letter; handed it to one of the gentlemen who had brought the sample of gold; and they departed。  That gold was the first discovered in the Sierra Nevada; which soon revolutionized the whole country; and actually moved the whole civilized world。  About this time (May and June; 1848); far more importance was attached to quicksilver。  One mine; the New Almaden; twelve miles south of San Jose; was well known; and was in possession of the agent of a Scotch gentle man named Forties; who at the time was British consul at Tepic; Mexico。  Mr。 Forties came up from San Blas in a small brig; which proved to be a Mexican vessel; the vessel was seized; condemned; and actually sold; but Forties was wealthy; and bought her in。  His title to the quicksilver…mine was; however; never disputed; as he had bought it regularly; before our conquest of the country; from another British subject; also named Forties; a resident of Santa Clara Mission; who had purchased it of the discoverer; a priest; but the boundaries of the land attached to the mine were even then in dispute。  Other men were in search of quicksilver; and the whole range of mountains near the New Almaden mine was stained with the brilliant red of the snlphuret of mercury (cinnabar)。  A company composed of T。 O。 Larkin; J。 R。 Snyder; and others; among them one John Ricord (who was quite a character); also claimed a valuable mine near by。 Ricord was a lawyer from about Buffalo; and by some means had got to the Sandwich Islands; where he became a great favorite of the king; Kamehameha; was his attorney…general; and got into a difficulty with the Rev。 Mr。 Judd; who was a kind of prime…minister to his majesty。  One or the other had to go; and Ricord left for San Francisco; where he arrived while Colonel Mason and I were there on some business connected with the customs。  Ricord at once made a dead set at Mason with flattery; and all sorts of spurious arguments; to convince him that our military government was too simple in its forms for the new state of facts; and that he was the man to remodel it。  I had heard a good deal to his prejudice; and did all I could to prevent Mason taking him; into his confidence。 We then started back for Monterey。  Ricord was along; and night and day he was harping on his scheme; but he disgusted Colonel Mason with his flattery; and; on reaching Monterey; he opened what he called a law…office; but there were neither courts nor clients; so necessity forced him to turn his thoughts to something else; and quicksilver became his hobby。  In the spring of 1848 an appeal came to our office from San Jose; which compelled the Governor to go up in person。  Lieutenant Loeser and I; with a couple of soldiers; went along。  At San Jose the Governor held some kind of a court; in which Ricord and the alcalde had a warm dispute about a certain mine which Ricord; as a member of the Larkin Company; had opened within the limits claimed by the New Almaden Company。  On our way up we had visited the ground; and were therefore better prepared to understand the controversy。  We had found at New Almaden Mr。 Walkinshaw; a fine Scotch gentleman; the resident agent of Mr。 Forbes。  He had built in the valley; near a small stream; a few board…houses; and some four or five furnaces for the distillation of the mercury。  These were very simple in their structure; being composed of whalers' kettles; set in masonry。  These kettles were filled with broken ore about the size of McAdam…stone; mingled with lime。  Another kettle; reversed; formed the lid; and the seam was luted with clay。  On applying heat; the mercury was volatilized and carried into a chimney…stack; where it condensed and flowed back into a reservoir; and then was led in pipes into another kettle outside。  After witnessing this process; we visited the mine itself; which outcropped near the apex of the hill; about a thousand feet above the furnaces。  We found wagons hauling the mineral down the hill and returning empty; and in the mines quite a number of Sonora miners were blasting and driving for the beautiful ore (cinnabar)。  It was then; and is now; a most valuable mine。 The adit of the mine was at the apex of the hill; which drooped off to the north。  We rode along this hill; and saw where many openings had been begun; but these; proving of little or no value; had been abandoned。  Three miles beyond; on the west face of the bill; we came to the opening of the 〃Larkin Company。〃  There was evidence of a good deal of work; but the mine itself was filled up by what seemed a land…slide。  The question involved in the lawsuit before the alcalde at San Jose was; first; whether the mine was or was not on the land belonging to the New Almaden property; and; next; whether the company had complied with all the conditions of the mite laws of Mexico; which were construed to be still in force in California。

These laws required that any one who discovered a valuable mine on private land should first file with the alcalde; or judge of the district; a notice and claim for the benefits of such discovery; then the mine was to be opened and followed for a distance of at least one hundred feet within a specified time; and the claimants must take out samples of the mineral and deposit the same with the alcalde; who was then required to inspect personally the mine; to see that it fulfilled all。  the conditions of the law; before he could give a written title。  In this case the alcalde had been to the mine and had possession of samples of the ore; but; as the mouth of the mine was closed up; as alleged; from the act of God; by a land…slide; it was contended by Ricord and his associates that it was competent to prove by good witnesses that the mine had been opened into the hill one hundred feet; and that; by no negligence of theirs; it had caved in。  It was generally understood that Robert J。 Walker; United States Secretary of the Treasury; was then a partner in this mining company; and a vessel; the bark Gray Eagle; was ready at San Francisco to sail for New York with the title…papers on which to base a joint…stock company for speculative uses。  I think the alcalde was satisfied that the law had been complied with; that he had given the necessary papers; and; as at that time there was nothing developed to show fraud; the Governor (Mason) did not interfere。  At that date there was no public house or tavern in San Jose where we could stop; so we started toward Santa Cruz and encamped about ten miles out; to the west of the town; where we fell in with another party of explorers; of whom Ruckel; of San Francisco; was the head; and after supper; as we sat around the camp…fire; the conversation turned on quicksilver in general; and the result of the contest in San Jose in particular。 Mason was relating to Ruckel the points and the arguments of Ricord; that the company should not suffer from an act of God; viz。; the caving in of the mouth of the mine; when a man named Cash; a fellow who had once been in the quartermaster's employ as a teamster; spoke up: 〃Governor Mason; did Judge Ricord say that?〃 〃Yes;〃 said the Governor; and then Cash related how he and another man; whose name he gave; had been employed by Ricord to undermine a heavy rock that rested above the mouth of the mine; so that it tumbled down; carrying with it a large quantity of earth; and completely filled it up; as we had seen; 〃and;〃 said Cash; 〃it took us three days of the hardest kind of work。〃  This was the act of God; and on the papers procured from the alcalde at that time; I understand; was built a huge speculation; by which thousands of dollars changed hands in the United States and were lost。  This happened long before the celebrated McGarrahan claim; which has produced so much noise; and which still is being prosecuted in the courts and in Congress。

On the next day we crossed over the Santa Cruz Mountains; from
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