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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第16部分

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rating the Fourth of July; then close at hand; and we agreed to remain over to assist on the occasion; of course; being the high officials; we were the honored guests。  People came from a great distance to attend this celebration of the Fourth of July; and the tables were laid in the large room inside the storehouse of the fort。  A man of some note; named Sinclair; presided; and after a substantial meal and a reasonable supply of aguardiente we began the toasts。  All that I remember is that Folsom and I spoke for our party; others; Captain Sutter included; made speeches; and before the celebration was over Sutter was enthusiastic; and many others showed the effects of the aguardiente。  The next day (namely; July 5; 1848) we resumed our journey toward the mines; and; in twenty…five miles of as hot and dusty a ride as possible; we reached Mormon Island。  I have heretofore stated that the gold was first found in the tail…race of the stew…mill at Coloma; forty miles above Sutter's Fort; or fifteen above Mormon Island; in the bed of the American Fork of the Sacramento River。  It seems that Sutter had employed an American named Marshall; a sort of millwright; to do this work for him; but Marshall afterward claimed that in the matter of the saw…mill they were copartners。  At all events; Marshall and the family of Mr。 Wimmer were living at Coloma; where the pine…trees afforded the best material for lumber。  He had under him four white men; Mormons; who had been discharged from Cooke's battalion; and some Indians。  These were engaged in hewing logs; building a mill…dam; and putting up a saw…mill。  Marshall; as the architect; had made the 〃tub…wheel;〃 and had set it in motion; and had also furnished some of the rude parts of machinery necessary for an ordinary up…and…down saw…mill。

Labor was very scarce; expensive; and had to be economized。  The mill was built over a dry channel of the river which was calculated to be the tail…race。  After arranging his head…race; dam and tub…wheel; he let on the water to test the goodness of his machinery。  It worked very well until it was found that the tail…race did not carry off the water fast enough; so he put his men to work in a rude way to clear out the tail…race。  They scratched a kind of ditch down the middle of the dry channel; throwing the coarser stones to one side; then; letting on the water again; it would run with velocity down the channel; washing away the dirt; thus saving labor。  This course of action was repeated several times; acting exactly like the long Tom afterward resorted to by the miners。  As Marshall himself was work ing in this ditch; he observed particles of yellow metal which he gathered up in his hand; when it seemed to have suddenly flashed across his mind that it was gold。  After picking up about an ounce; he hurried down to the fort to report to Captain Sutter his discovery。  Captain Sutter himself related to me Marshall's account; saying that; as he sat in his room at the fort one day in February or March; 1848; a knock was heard at his door; and he called out; 〃Come in。〃   In walked Marshall; who was a half…crazy man at best; but then looked strangely wild。〃   〃What is the matter; Marshall!〃  Marshall inquired if any one was within hearing; and began to peer about the room; and look under the bed; when Sutter; fearing that some calamity had befallen the party up at the saw…mill; and that Marshall was really crazy; began to make his way to the door; demanding of Marshall to explain what was the matter。  At last he revealed his discovery; and laid before Captain Sutter the pellicles of gold he had picked up in the ditch。  At first; Sutter attached little or no importance to the discovery; and told Marshall to go back to the mill; and say nothing of what he had seen to Mr。 Wimmer; or any one else。  Yet; as it might add value to the location; he dispatched to our headquarters at Monterey; as I have already related; the two men with a written application for a preemption to the quarter…section of land at Coloma。  Marshall returned to the mill; but could not keep out of his wonderful ditch; and by some means the other men employed there learned his secret。  They then wanted to gather the gold; and Marshall threatened to shoot them if they attempted it; but these men had sense enough to know that if 〃placer〃…gold existed at Coloma; it would also be found farther down…stream; and they gradually 〃prospected〃 until they reached Mormon Island; fifteen miles below; where they discovered one of the richest placers on earth。  These men revealed the fact to some other Mormons who were employed by Captain Sutter at a grist…mill he was building still lower down the American Fork; and six miles above his fort。  All of them struck for higher wages; to which Sutter yielded; until they asked ten dollars a day; which he refused; and the two mills on which he had spent so much money were never built; and fell into decay。

In my opinion; when the Mormons were driven from Nauvoo; Illinois; in 1844; they cast about for a land where they would not be disturbed again; and fixed on California。  In the year 1845 a ship; the Brooklyn; sailed from New York for California; with a colony of Mormons; of which Sam Brannan was the leader; and we found them there on our arrival in Jannary; 1847。  When General Kearney; at Fort Leavenworth; was collecting volunteers early in 1846; for the Mexican War; he; through the instrumentality of Captain James Allen; brother to our quartermaster; General Robert Allen; raised the battalion of Mormons at Kanesville; Iowa; now Council Bluffs; on the express understanding that it would facilitate their migration to California。  But when the Mormons reached Salt Lake; in 1846; they learned that they had been forestalled by the United States forces in California; and they then determined to settle down where they were。  Therefore; when this battalion of five companies of Mormons (raised by Allen; who died on the way; and was succeeded by Cooke) was discharged at Los Angeles; California; in the early summer of 1847; most of the men went to their people at Salt Lake; with all the money received; as pay from the United States; invested in cattle and breeding…horses; one company reenlisted for another year; and the remainder sought work in the country。  As soon as the fame of the gold discovery spread through California; the Mormons naturally turned to Mormon Island; so that in July; 1848; we found about three hundred of them there at work。 Sam Brannan was on hand as the high…priest; collecting the tithes。 Clark; of Clark's Point; an early pioneer; was there also; and nearly all the Mormons who had come out in the Brooklyn; or who had staid in California after the discharge of their battalion; had collected there。  I recall the scene as perfectly to…day as though it were yesterday。  In the midst of a broken country; all parched and dried by the hot sun of July; sparsely wooded with live…oaks and straggling pines; lay the valley of the American River; with its bold mountain…stream coming out of the Snowy Mountains to the east。  In this valley is a fiat; or gravel…bed; which in high water is an island; or is overflown; but at the time of our visit was simply a level gravel…bed of the river。  On its edges men were digging; and filling buckets with the finer earth and gravel; which was carried to a machine made like a baby's cradle; open at the foot; and at the head a plate of sheet…iron or zinc; punctured full of holes。  On this metallic plate was emptied the earth; and water was then poured on it from buckets; while one man shook the cradle with violent rocking by a handle。  On the bottom were nailed cleats of wood。  With this rude machine four men could earn from forty to one hundred dollars a day; averaging sixteen dollars; or a gold ounce; per man per day。  While the' sun blazed down on the heads of the miners with tropical heat; the water was bitter cold; and all hands were either standing in the water or had their clothes wet all the time; yet there were no complaints of rheumatism or cold。 We made our camp on a small knoll; a little below the island; and from it could overlook the busy scene。  A few bush…huts near by served as stores; boardinghouses; and for sleeping; but all hands slept on the ground; with pine…leaves and blankets for bedding。  As soon as the news spread that the Governor was there; persons came to see us; and volunteered all kinds of information; illustrating it by samples of the gold; which was of a uniform kind; 〃scale… gold;〃 bright and beautiful。  A large variety; of every conceivable shape and form; was found in the smaller gulches round about; but the gold in the river…bed was uniformly 〃scale…gold。〃  I remember that Mr。 Clark was in camp; talking to Colonel Mason about matters and things generally; when he inquired; 〃Governor; what business has Sam Brannan to collect the tithes here?〃  Clark admitted that Brannan was the head of the Mormon church in California; and he was simply questioning as to Brannan's right; as high…priest; to compel the Mormons to pay him the regular tithes。  Colonel Mason answered; 〃Brannan has a perfect right to collect the tax; if you Mormons are fools enough to pay it。〃   〃Then;〃 said Clark; 〃I for one won't pay it any longer。〃  Colonel Mason added: 〃This is public land; and the gold is the property of the United States; all of you here are trespassers; but; as the Government is benefited by your getting out the gold; I do not intend to interfere。〃  I understood; afterward; that from that time the payment of the tithes ceased; but Brannan had already collected enough money wherewith to hire Sutter's hospital; and to open a store there; in which he made more money than any merchant in California; during that summer and fall。 The understanding was; that the money collected by him as tithes was the foundation of his fortune; which is still very large in San Francisco。  That evening we all mingled freely with the miners; and witnessed the process of cleaning up and 〃panning〃 out; which is the last process for separating the pure gold from the fine dirt and black sand。

The next day we continued our journey up the valley of the American Fork; stopping at various camps; where mining was in progress; and about noon we reached Coloma;
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