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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第23部分

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y took four days to cross the isthmus; every passenger taking care of himself; and it was really funny to watch the efforts of women and men unaccustomed to mules。  It was an old song to us; and the hip across was easy and interesting。  In due time we were rowed off to the Crescent City; rolling back and forth in the swell; and we scrambled aboard by a 〃Jacob's ladder〃 from the stern。  Some of the women had to be hoisted aboard by lowering a tub from the end of a boom; fun to us who looked on; but awkward enough to the poor women; especially to a very fat one; who attracted much notice。 General Fremont; wife and child (Lillie) were passengers with us down from San Francisco; but Mrs。 Fremont not being well; they remained over one trip at Panama。

Senator Gwin was one of our passengers; and went through to New York。  We reached New York about the close of January; after a safe and pleasant trip。  Our party; composed of Ord; A。 J。 Smith; and Rucker; with the two boys; Antonio and Porfirio; put up at Delmonico's; on Bowling Green; and; as soon as we had cleaned up somewhat; I took a carriage; went to General Scott's office in Ninth Street; delivered my dispatches; was ordered to dine with him next day; and then went forth to hunt up my old friends and relations; the Scotts; Hoyts; etc。; etc。

On reaching New York; most of us had rough soldier's clothing; but we soon got a new outfit; and I dined with General Scott's family; Mrs。 Scott being present; and also their son…in…law and daughter (Colonel and Mrs。 H。 L。 Scott)。  The general questioned me pretty closely in regard to things on the Pacific coast; especially the politics; and startled me with the assertion that 〃our country was on the eve of a terrible civil war。〃  He interested me by anecdotes of my old army comrades in his recent battles around the city of Mexico; and I felt deeply the fact that our country had passed through a foreign war; that my comrades had fought great battles; and yet I had not heard a hostile shot。  Of course; I thought it the last and only chance in my day; and that my career as a soldier was at an end。  After some four or five days spent in New York; I was; by an order of General Scott; sent to Washington; to lay before the Secretary of War (Crawford; of Georgia) the dispatches which I had brought from California。  On reaching Washington; I found that Mr。 Ewing was Secretary of the Interior; and I at once became a member of his family。  The family occupied the house of Mr。 Blair; on Pennsylvania Avenue; directly in front of the War Department。  I immediately repaired to the War Department; and placed my dispatches in the hands of Mr。 Crawford; who questioned me somewhat about California; but seemed little interested in the subject; except so far as it related to slavery and the routes through Texas。  I then went to call on the President at the White House。  I found Major Bliss; who had been my teacher in mathematics at West Point; and was then General Taylor's son…in…law and private secretary。  He took me into the room; now used by the President's private secretaries; where President Taylor was。  I had never seen him before; though I had served under him in Florida in 1840…'41; and was most agreeably surprised at his fine personal appearance; and his pleasant; easy manners。  He received me with great kindness; told me that Colonel Mason had mentioned my name with praise; and that he would be pleased to do me any act of favor。  We were with him nearly an hour; talking about California generally; and of his personal friends; Persifer Smith; Riley; Canby; and others: Although General Scott was generally regarded by the army as the most accomplished soldier of the Mexican War; yet General Taylor had that blunt; honest; and stern character; that endeared him to the masses of the people; and made him President。  Bliss; too; had gained a large fame by his marked skill and intelligence as an adjutant…general and military adviser。  His manner was very unmilitary; and in his talk he stammered and hesitated; so as to make an unfavorable impression on a stranger; but he was wonderfully accurate and skillful with his pen; and his orders and letters form a model of military precision and clearness。




Having  returned from California in January; 1850; with dispatches for the War Department; and having delivered them in person first to General Scott in New York City; and afterward to the Secretary of War (Crawford) in Washington City; I applied for and received a leave of absence for six months。  I first visited my mother; then living at Mansfield; Ohio; and returned to Washington; where; on the 1st day of May; 1850; I was married to Miss Ellen Boyle Ewing; daughter of the Hon。 Thomas Ewing; Secretary of the Interior。  The marriage ceremony was attended by a large and distinguished company; embracing Daniel Webster; Henry Clay; T。 H。 Benton; President Taylor; and all his cabinet。  This occurred at the house of Mr。 Ewing; the same now owned and occupied by Mr。 F。 P。 Blair; senior; on Pennsylvania Avenue; opposite the War Department。  We made a wedding tour to Baltimore; New York; Niagara; and Ohio; and returned to Washington by the 1st of July。  General Taylor participated in the celebration of the Fourth of July; a very hot day; by hearing a long speech from the Hon。 Henry S。 Foote; at the base of the Washington Monument。  Returning from the celebration much heated and fatigued; he partook too freely of his favorite iced milk with cherries; and during that night was seized with a severe colic; which by morning had quite prostrated him。  It was said that he sent for his son…in…law; Surgeon Wood; United States Army; stationed in Baltimore; and declined medical assistance from anybody else。  Mr。 Ewing visited him several times; and was manifestly uneasy and anxious; as was also his son…in…law; Major Bliss; then of the army; and his confidential secretary。  He rapidly grew worse; and died in about four days。

At that time there was a high state of political feeling pervading the country; on account of the questions growing out of the new Territories just acquired from Mexico by the war。  Congress was in session; and General Taylor's sudden death evidently created great alarm。  I was present in the Senate…gallery; and saw the oath of office administered to the Vice…President; Mr。 Fillmore; a man of splendid physical proportions and commanding appearance; but on the faces of Senators  and people could easily be read the feelings of doubt and uncertainty that prevailed。  All knew that a change in the cabinet and general policy was likely to result; but at the time it was supposed that Mr。 Fillmore; whose home was in Buffalo; would be less liberal than General Taylor to the politicians of the South; who feared; or pretended to fear; a crusade against slavery; or; as was the political cry of the day; that slavery would be prohibited in the Territories and in the places exclusively under the jurisdiction of the United States。  Events; however; proved the contrary。

I attended General Taylor's funeral as a sort of aide…decamp; at the request of the Adjutant…General of the army; Roger Jones; whose brother; a militia…general; commanded the escort; composed of militia and some regulars。  Among the regulars I recall the names of Captains John Sedgwick and W。 F。 Barry。

Hardly was General Taylor decently buried in the Congressional Cemetery when the political struggle recommenced; and it became manifest that Mr。 Fillmore favored the general compromise then known as Henry Clay's 〃Omnibus Bill;〃 and that a general change of cabinet would at once occur: Webster was to succeed Mr。 Clayton as Secretary of State; Corwin to succeed Mr。 Meredith as Secretary of the Treasury; and A。 H。 H。 Stuart to succeed Mr。 Ewing as Secretary of the Interior。  Mr。 Ewing; however; was immediately appointed by the Governor of the State to succeed Corwin in the Senate。  These changes made it necessary for Mr。 Ewing to discontinue house… keeping; and Mr。 Corwin took his home and furniture off his hands。 I escorted the family out to their home in Lancaster; Ohio; but; before this had occurred; some most interesting debates took place in the Senate; which I regularly attended; and heard Clay; Benton; Foots; King of Alabama; Dayton; and the many real orators of that day。  Mr。 Calhoun was in his seat; but he was evidently approaching his end; for he was pale and feeble in the extreme。  I heard Mr。 Webster's last speech on the floor of the Senate; under circumstances that warrant a description。  It was publicly known that he was to leave the Senate; and enter the new cabinet of Mr。 Fillmore; as his Secretary of State; and that prior to leaving he was to make a great speech on the 〃Omnibus Bill。〃  Resolved to hear it; I went up to the Capitol on the day named; an hour or so earlier than usual。  The speech was to be delivered in the old Senate…chamber; now used by the Supreme Court。  The galleries were much smaller than at present; and I found them full to overflowing; with a dense crowd about the door; struggling to reach the stairs。 I could not get near; and then tried the reporters' gallery; but found it equally crowded; so I feared I should lose the only possible opportunity to hear Mr。 Webster。

I had only a limited personal acquaintance with any of the Senators; but had met Mr。 Corwin quite often at Mr。 Ewing's house; and I also knew that he had been extremely friendly to my father in his lifetime; so I ventured to send in to him my card; 〃W。 T。 S。; First…Lieutenant; Third Artillery。〃  He came to the door promptly; when I said; 〃Mr。 Corwin; I believe Mr。 Webster is to speak to…day。〃  His answer was; 〃Yes; he has the floor at one o'clock。〃 I then added that I was extremely anxious to hear him。  〃Well;〃 said he; 〃why don't you go into the gallery?〃  I explained that it was full; and I had tried every access; but found all jammed with people。  〃Well;〃 said he; 〃what do you want of me?〃  I explained that I would like him to take me on the floor of the Senate; that I had often seen from the gallery persons on the floor; no better entitled to it than I。  He then asked in his quizzical way; 〃Are you a foreign embassador?〃  〃No。〃  〃Are you t
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