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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第25部分

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the merchants of New Orleans had a chance at government patronage; but now; in order to sell to the army commissary; one had to take a brother in as a partner。  General Twiggs resented this; but the merchant again affirmed it; and gave names。  As soon as General Twiggs reached his office; he instructed his adjutant…general; Colonel Blisswho told me thisto address a categorical note of inquiry to Major Waggaman。  The major very frankly stated the facts as they had arisen; and insisted that the firm of Perry Seawell & Co。 had enjoyed a large patronage; but deserved it richly by reason of their promptness; fairness; and fidelity。  The correspondence was sent to Washington; and the result was; that Major Waggaman was ordered to St。 Louis; and I was ordered to New Orleans。

I went down to New Orleans in a steamboat in the month of September; 1852; taking with me a clerk; and; on arrival; assumed the office; in a bank…building facing Lafayette Square; in which were the offices of all the army departments。  General D。 Twiggs was in command of the department; with Colonel W。 W。 S。 Bliss (son…in…law of General Taylor) as his adjutant…general。  Colonel A。 C。 Myers was quartermaster; Captain John F。 Reynolds aide…de…camp; and Colonel A。 J。 Coffee paymaster。  I took rooms at the St。 Louis Hotel; kept by a most excellent gentleman; Colonel Mudge。

Mr。 Perry Seawell came to me in person; soliciting a continuance of the custom which he had theretofore enjoyed; but I told him frankly that a change was necessary; and I never saw or heard of him afterward。  I simply purchased in open market; arranged for the proper packing of the stores; and had not the least difficulty in supplying the troops and satisfying the head of the department in Washington。

About Christmas; I had notice that my family; consisting of Mrs。 Sherman; two children; and nurse; with my sister Fanny (now Mrs。 Moulton; of Cincinnati; Ohio); were en route for New Orleans by steam…packet; so I hired a house on Magazine Street; and furnished it。  Almost at the moment of their arrival; also came from St。 Louis my personal friend Major Turner; with a parcel of documents; which; on examination; proved to be articles of copartnership for a bank in California under the title of 〃Lucas; Turner & Co。;〃 in which ms name was embraced as a partner。  Major Turner was; at the time; actually en route for New York; to embark for San Francisco; to inaugurate the bank; in the nature of a branch of the firm already existing at St。 Louis under the name of 〃Lucas & Symonds。〃 We discussed the matter very fully; and he left with me the papers for reflection; and went on to New York and California。

Shortly after arrived James H。 Lucas; Esq。; the principal of the banking…firm in St: Louis; a most honorable and wealthy gentleman。 He further explained the full programme of the branch in California; that my name had been included at the insistance of Major Turner; who was a man of family and property in St。 Louis; unwilling to remain long in San Francisco; and who wanted me to succeed him there。  He offered me a very tempting income; with an interest that would accumulate and grow。  He also disclosed to me that; in establishing a branch in California; he was influenced by the apparent prosperity of Page; Bacon & Co。; and further that he had received the principal data; on which he had founded the scheme; from B。 R。 Nisbet; who was then a teller in the firm of Page; Bacon & Co。; of San Francisco; that he also was to be taken in as a partner; and was fully competent to manage all the details of the business; but; as Nisbet was comparatively young; Mr。 Lucas wanted me to reside in San Francisco permanently; as the head of the firm。  All these matters were fully discussed; and I agreed to apply for a six months' leave of absence; go to San Francisco; see for myself; and be governed by appearances there。  I accordingly; with General Twiggs's approval; applied to the adjutant…general for a six months' leave; which was granted; and Captain John F。 Reynolds was named to perform my duties during my absence。

During the stay of my family in New Orleans; we enjoyed the society of the families of General Twiggs; Colonel Myers; and Colonel Bliss; as also of many citizens; among whom was the wife of Mr。 Day; sister to my brother…in…law; Judge Bartley。  General Twiggs was then one of the oldest officers of the army。  His history extended back to the War of 1812; and he had served in early days with General Jackson in Florida and in the Creek campaigns。  He had fine powers of description; and often entertained us; at his office; with accounts of his experiences in the earlier settlements of the Southwest。  Colonel Bliss had been General Taylor's adjutant in the Mexican War; and was universally regarded as one of the most finished and accomplished scholars in the army; and his wife was a most agreeable and accomplished lady。

Late in February; I dispatched my family up to Ohio in the steamboat Tecumseh (Captain Pearce); disposed of my house and furniture; turned over to Major Reynolds the funds; property; and records of the office; and took passage in a small steamer for Nicaragua;; en route for California。  We embarked early in March; and in seven days reached Greytown; where we united with the passengers from New York; and proceeded; by the Nicaragua River and Lake; for the Pacific Ocean。  The river was low; and the little steam canal…boats; four in number; grounded often; so that the passengers had to get into the water; to help them over the bare。 In all there were about six hundred passengers; of whom about sixty were women and children。  In four days we reached Castillo; where there is a decided fall; passed by a short railway; and above this fall we were transferred to a larger boat; which carried us up the rest of the river; and across the beautiful lake Nicaragua; studded with volcanic islands。  Landing at Virgin Bay; we rode on mules across to San Juan del Sur; where lay at anchor the propeller S。 S。 Lewis (Captain Partridge; I think)。  Passengers were carried through the surf by natives to small boats; and rowed off to the Lewis。  The weather was very hot; and quite a scramble followed for state…rooms; especially for those on deck。  I succeeded in reaching the purser's office; got my ticket for a berth in one of the best state…rooms on deck; and; just as I was turning from the window; a lady who was a fellow…passenger from New Orleans; a Mrs。 D…; called to me to secure her and her lady friend berths on deck; saying that those below were unendurable。  I spoke to the purser; who; at the moment perplexed by the crowd and clamor; answered: 〃I must put their names down for the other two berths of your state…room; but; as soon as the confusion is over; I will make some change whereby you shall not suffer。〃  As soon as these two women were assigned to a state…room; they took possession; and I was left out。  Their names were recorded as 〃Captain Sherman and ladies。〃  As soon as things were quieted down I remonstrated with the purser; who at last gave me a lower berth in another and larger state…room on deck; with five others; so that my two ladies had the state…room all to themselves。  At every meal the steward would come to me; and say; 〃Captain Sherman; will you bring your ladies to the table?〃 and we had the best seats in the ship。

This continued throughout the voyage; and I assert that 〃my ladies〃 were of the most modest and best…behaved in the ship; but some time after we had reached San Francisco one of our fellow…passengers came to me and inquired if I personally knew Mrs。 D…; with flaxen tresses; who sang so sweetly for us; and who had come out under my especial escort。  I replied I did not; more than the chance acquaintance of the voyage; and what she herself had told me; viz。; that she expected to meet her husband; who lived about Mokelumne Hill。  He then informed me that she was a woman of the town。 Society in California was then decidedly mixed。  In due season the steamship Lewis got under weigh。  She was a wooden ship; long and narrow; bark…rigged; and a propeller; very slow; moving not over eight miles an hour。  We stopped at Acapulco; and; in eighteen days; passed in sight of Point Pinoa at Monterey; and at the speed we were traveling expected to reach San Francisco at 4 A。 M。 the next day。  The cabin passengers; as was usual; bought of the steward some champagne and cigars; and we had a sort of ovation for the captain; purser; and surgeon of the ship; who were all very clever fellows; though they had a slow and poor ship。  Late at night all the passengers went to bed; expecting to enter the port at daylight。  I did not undress; as I thought the captain could and would run in at night; and I lay down with my clothes on。  About 4 A。 M。 I was awakened by a bump and sort of grating of the vessel; which I thought was our arrival at the wharf in San Francisco; but instantly the ship struck heavily; the engines stopped; and the running to and fro on deck showed that something was wrong。  In a moment I was out of my state…room; at the bulwark; holding fast to a stanchion; and looking over the side at the white and seething water caused by her sudden and violent stoppage。  The sea was comparatively smooth; the night pitch…dark; and the fog deep and impenetrable; the ship would rise with the swell; and come down with a bump and quiver that was decidedly unpleasant。  Soon the passengers were out of their rooms; undressed; calling for help; and praying as though the ship were going to sink immediately。  Of course she could not sink; being already on the bottom; and the only question was as to the strengh of hull to stand the bumping and straining。  Great confusion for a time prevailed; but soon I realized that the captain had taken all proper precautions to secure his boats; of which there were six at the davits。  These are the first things that steerage…passengers make for in case of shipwreck; and right over my head I heard the captain's voice say in a low tone; but quite decided: 〃Let go that falls; or; damn you; I'll blow your head off!〃  This seemingly harsh language gave me great comfort at the time; and on saying so to the captain afterward; he explained that it was addressed to a passenger who attempted to 
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