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criminal psychology-第22部分

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 This is particularly frequent among Orientals who are more emotional than Europeans。 So I saw a Gypsy run his head against a wall; and a Jew throw himself on his knees; extend his arms and box his ears with both hands so forcibly that the next day his cheeks were swollen。 But other races; if only they are passionate enough; behave in a similar manner。 I saw a woman; for example; tear whole handfuls of hair from her head; a murdering thief; guilty of more or fewer crimes; smash his head on the corner of a window; and a seventeen year old murderer throw himself into a ditch in the street; beat his head fiercely on the earth; and yell; ‘‘Hang me! Pull my head off!''

The events in all these cases were significantly similar: the crime was so skilfully committed as conceivably to prevent the discovery of the criminal; the criminal denied the deed with the most glaring

'1' A。 Bain: The Emotions and the Will。 1875。

'2' Les Timides et la Timidit
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