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〃Did you make that happen?〃
〃No。〃 He looked both defiant and scared。
〃You did!〃 She was backing away from him。 〃You ididi! You hurt her!〃
〃No … no; I didn't!〃
But the lie did not convince Lily。 After one last burning look; she ran from the little thicket; off after her sister; and Snape looked miserable and confuseda133
And the scene re…formed。 Harry looked around。 He was on platform nine and three quarters; and Snape stood beside him; slightly hunched; next to a thin; sallow…faced; sour…looking woman who greatly resembled him。 Snape was staring at a family of four a short distance away。 The two girls stood a little apart from their parents。 Lily seemed to be pleading with her sister。 Harry moved closer to listen。
〃a133I'm sorry; Tuney; I'm sorry! Listen … 〃 She caught her sister's hand and held tight to it; even though Petunia tried to pull it away。 〃Maybe once I'm there … no; listen; Tuney! Maybe once I'm there; I'll be able to go to Professor Dumbledore and persuade him to change his mind!〃
〃I don't … want … to … go!〃 said Petunia; and she dragged her hand back out of her sister's grasp。 〃You think I want to go to some stupid castle and learn to be a … aa133〃
Her pale eyes roved over the platform; over the cats mewling in their owners' arms; over the owls; fluttering and hooting at each other in cages; over the students; some already in their long black robes; loading trunks onto the scarlet steam engine or else greeting one another with glad cries after a summer apart。
〃 … you think I want to be a … a freak?〃
Lily's eyes filled with tears as Petunia succeeded in tugging her hand away。
〃I'm not a freak;〃 said Lily。 〃That's a horrible thing to say。〃
〃That's where you're going;〃 said Petunia with relish。 〃A special school for freaks。 You and that Snape boya133weirdos; that's what you two are。 It's good you're being separated from normal people。 It's for our safety。〃
Lily glanced toward her parents; who were looking around the platform with an air of wholehearted enjoyment; drinking in the scene。 Then she looked back at her sister; and her voice was low and fierce。
〃You didn't think it was such a freak's school when you wrote to the headmaster and begged him to take you。〃
Petunia turned scarlet。
〃Beg? I didn't beg!〃
〃I saw his reply。 It was very kind。〃
〃You shouldn't have read … 〃 whispered Petunia; 〃that was my private … how could you … ?〃
Lily gave herself away by half…glancing toward where Snape stood nearby。 Petunia gasped。
〃That boy found it! You and that boy have been sneaking in my room!〃
〃No … not sneaking … 〃 Now Lily was on the defensive。 〃Severus saw the envelope; and he couldn't believe a Muggle could have contacted Hogwarts; that's all! He says there must be wizards working undercover in the postal service who take care of … 〃
〃Apparently wizards poke their noses in everywhere!〃 said Petunia; now as pale as she had been flushed。 〃iFreak!i〃 she spat at her sister; and she flounced off to where her parents stooda133
The scene dissolved again。 Snape was hurrying along the corridor of the Hogwarts Express as it clattered through the countryside。 He had already changed into his school robes; had perhaps taken the first opportunity to take off his dreadful Muggle clothes。 At last he stopped; outside a compartment in which a group of rowdy boys were
talking。 Hunched in a corner seat beside the window was Lily; her face pressed against the windowpane。
Snape slid open the compartment door and sat down opposite Lily。 She glanced at him and then looked back out of the window。 She had been crying。
〃I don't want to talk to you;〃 she said in a constricted voice。
〃Why not?〃
〃Tuney h…hates me。 Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore。〃
〃So what?〃
She threw him a look of deep dislike。
〃So she's my sister!〃
〃She's only a … 〃 He caught himself quickly; Lily; too busy trying to wipe her eyes without being noticed; did not hear him。
〃But we're going!〃 he said; unable to suppress the exhilaration in his voice。 〃This is it! We're off to Hogwarts!〃
She nodded; mopping her eyes; but in spite of herself; she half smiled。
〃You'd better be in Slytherin;〃 said Snape; encouraged that she had brightened a little。
One of the boys sharing the compartment; who had shown no interest at all in Lily or Snape until that point; looked around at the word; and Harry; whose attention had been focused entirely on the two beside the window; saw his father: slight; black…haired like Snape; but with that indefinable air of having been well…cared…for; even adored; that Snape so conspicuously lacked。
〃Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave; wouldn't you?〃 James asked the boy lounging on the seats opposite him; and with a jolt; Harry realized that it was Sirius。 Sirius did not smile。
〃My whole family have been in Slytherin;〃 he said。
〃Blimey;〃 said James; 〃and I thought you seemed all right!〃
Sirius grinned。
〃Maybe I'll break the tradition。 Where are you heading; if you've got the choice?〃
James lifted an invisible sword。
〃'Gryffindor; where dwell the brave at heart!' Like my dad。〃
Snape made a small; disparaging noise。 James turned on him。
〃Got a problem with that?〃
〃No;〃 said Snape; though his slight sneer said otherwise。 〃If you'd rather be brawny than brainy … 〃
〃Where're you hoping to go; seeing as you're neither?〃 interjected Sirius。
James roared with laughter。 Lily sat up; rather flushed; and looked from James to Sirius in dislike。
〃Come on; Severus; let's find another compartment。〃
James and Sirius imitated her lofty voice; James tried to trip Snape as he passed。
〃See ya; Snivellus!〃 a voice called; as the compartment door slammeda133
And the scene dissolved once morea133
Harry was standing right behind Snape as they faced the candlelit House tables; lined with rapt faces。 Then Professor McGonagall said; 〃Evans; Lily!〃
He watched his mother walk forward on trembling legs and sit down upon the rickety stool。 Professor McGonagall dropped the Sorting Hat onto her head; and barely a second after it had touched the dark red hair; the hat cried; 〃iGryffindor!i〃
Harry heard Snape let out a tiny groan。 Lily took off the hat; handed it back to Professor McGonagall; then hurried toward the cheering Gryffindors; but as she went she glanced back at Snape; and there was a sad little smile on her face。 Harry saw Sirius move up the bench to make room for her。 She took one look at him; seemed to recognize him from the train; folded her arms; and firmly turned her back on him。
The roll call continued。 Harry watched Lupin; Pettigrew; and his father join Lily and Sirius at the Gryffindor table。 At last; when only a dozen students remained to be sorted; Professor McGonagall called Snape。
Harry walked with him to the stool; watched him place the hat upon his head。 〃iSlytherin!i〃 cried the Sorting Hat。
And Severus Snape moved off to the other side of the Hall; away from Lily; to where the Slytherins were cheering him; to where Lucius Malfoy; a prefect badge gleaming upon his chest; patted Snape on the back as he sat down beside hima133
And the scene changeda133
Lily and Snape were walking across the castle courtyard; evidently arguing。 Harry hurried to catch up with them; to listen in。 As he reached them; he realized how much taller they both were。 A few years seemed to have passed since their Sorting。
〃a133thought we were supposed to be friends?〃 Snape was saying; 〃Best friends?〃
〃We iarei; Sev; but I don't like some of the people you're hanging round with! I'm sorry; but I detest Avery and Mulciber! iMulciber!i What do you see in him; Sev; he's creepy! D'you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?〃
Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it; looking up into the thin; sallow face。
〃That was nothing;〃 said Snape。 〃It was a laugh; that's all … 〃
〃It was Dark Magic; and if you think that's funny … 〃
〃What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?〃 demanded Snape。 His color rose again as he said it; unable; it seemed; to hold in his resentment。
〃What's Potter got to do with anything?〃 said Lily。
〃They sneak out at night。 There's something weird about that Lupin。 Where does he keep going?〃
〃He's ill;〃 said Lily。 〃They say he's ill … 〃
〃Every month at the full moon?〃 said Snape。
〃I know your theory;〃 said Lily; and she sounded cold。 〃Why are you so obsessed with them anyway? Why do you care what they're doing at night?〃
〃I'm just trying to show you they're not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are。〃
The intensity of his gaze made her blush。
〃They don't use Dark Magic; though。〃 She dropped her voice。 〃And you're being really ungrateful。 I heard what happened the other night。 You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow; and James Potter saved you from whatever's down there … 〃
Snape's whole face contorted and he spluttered; 〃Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends' too! You're not going to … I won't let you … 〃
〃iLeti me? iLeti me?〃
Lily's bright green eyes were slits。 Snape backtracked at once。
〃I didn't m ean … I just don't want to see you made a fool of … He fancies you; James Potter fancies you!〃 The words seemed wrenched from him against his will。 〃And he's nota133everyone thinksa133big Quidditch hero … 〃 Snape's bitterness and dislike were rendering him incoherent; and Lily's eyebrows were traveling farther and farther up her forehead。
〃I know James Potter's an arrogant toerag;〃 she said; cutting across Snape。 〃I don't need you to tell me that。 But Mulciber's and Avery's idea of humor is just evil。 iEvili; Sev。 I don't understand how you can be friends with them。〃
Harry doubted that Snape had even heard her strictures on Mulciber and Avery。 The moment she had insulted James Potter; his whole body had relaxed; and as they walked away there was a new spring in Snape's stepa133
And the scene dissolveda133
Harry watched again as Snape left the Great Hall after sitting his O。W。L。 in Defense Against the Dark Arts; watched as he wandered away from the castle and strayed inadvertently close to the place beneath the beech tree where James; Sirius; Lupin; and Pettigrew sat together。 But Harry kept his distance this time; because he knew what happened 
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