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od。 I cannot promise it。 But I know this; Harry; that you have less to fear from returning here than he does。〃
Harry glanced again at the raw looking thing that trembled and choked in the shadow beneath the distant chair。
〃Do not pity the dead; Harry。 Pity the living; and above all; those who live without love。 By returning; you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed; fewer families are torn apart。 If that seems to you a worthy goal; they we saw good…bye for the present。〃
Harry nodded and sighed。 Leaving this place would not be nearly as hard as walking into the forest had been; but it was warm and light and peaceful here; and he knew that he was heading back to pain and the fear of more loss。 He stood up; and Dumbledore did the same; and they looked for a long moment into each other's faces。
〃Tell me one last thing;〃 said Harry; 〃Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?〃
Dumbledore beamed at him; and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry's ears even though the bright mist was descending again; obscuring his figure。
〃Of course it is happening inside your head; Harry; but why on earth should that mean it is not real?〃

pC0=〃Chapter Thirty…Six: The Flaw in the Plan〃
bChapter Thirty…Six
iThe Flaw in the Planib
He was flying facedown on the grond again。 The smell of the forest filled his nostrils。 He could feel
the cold hard ground beneath his cheek; and the hinge of his glasses which have been knocked sideways
by the fall cutting into his temple。 Every inch of him ached; and the place where Killing Curse had hit him
felt like the bruise of an iron…clad punch。 He did not stir; but he remained exactly where he had fallen; with
his left arm bent out at an akward angle and his mouth gaping。
He had expected to hear cheer of triumph and jubilation at his death; but instead hurried footsteps;
whispers; and solicitous murmurs filled the air。
〃My Lord。。。 imy Lordi。。。〃
It was Bellatrix's voice; and she spoke as if to a lover。 Harry did not dare open his eyes; but allowed
his other senses to explore his predicament。 He knew that his wand was still stowed beneath his robes because
he could feel it pressed between his chest and the ground。 A slight cushioning effect in the area of his stomach
told him that the Invisibility Cloak was also there; stuffed out of sight。
〃iMy Lordi。。。〃
〃That will do;〃 said Voldemort's voice。
More footsteps。 Several people were backing away from the same spot。 Desperate to see what was
happening and why; Harry opened his eyes by a milimeter。
Voldemort seemed to be getting to his feet。 Various Death Eaters were hurrying away from him;
returning to the crowd lining the clearing。 Bellatrix alone remained behind; kneeling beside Voldemort。
Harry closed his eyes again and considered what he had seen。 The Death Eaters have been buddled
around Voldemort; who seem to have fallen to the ground。 Something had happened when he had hit Harry with
the Killing Curse。 Had Voldemort too collapsed? It seemed like it。 And both of them had briefly fallen unconcious
and both of them had now returned。 。 。
〃My Lord; let me a150a150〃
〃I do not require assitance;〃 said Voldemort coldly; and though he could not see it; Harry pictured
Bellatrix withdrawing a helpful hand。 〃The boy 。 。 。 Is he dead?〃
There was a complete silence in the clearing。 Nobody approached Harry; but he felt their concentraded
gaze; it seemed to press him harder into the ground; and he was terrified a finger or an eyelid might twitch。
〃You;〃 said Voldemort; and there was a bang and a small shrick of pain。 〃Examine him。 Tell me whether he is dead。〃
Harry did not know who had been sent to verify。 He could only lie there; with his heart thumping traitorously; and wait to be
examined; but at the same time nothing; small comfort through it was; that Voldemort was wary of approaching him; that Voldemort
suspected that all had not gone to plan 。 。 。 。
Hands; softer than he had been expecting; touched Harry's face; and felt his heart。 He could hear the woman's fast breathing;
her pounding of life against his ribs。
〃iIs Draco alive? Is he in the castle?〃i
The whisper was barely audible; her lips were an inch from his car; her head bent so low that her long hair shielded his face
from the onlookers。
i〃Yes;〃i he breathed back。
He felt the hand on his chest contract: her nails pierced him。 Then it was withdrawn。 She had sat up。
〃He is dead!〃 Narcissa Malfoy called to the watchers。
And now they shouted; now they yelled in triumph and stamped their feet; and through his eyelids; Harry saw bursts of red
and silver light shoot into the air in celebration。
Still feigning death on the ground; he understood。 Narcissa knew that the only way she would be permitted to enter Hogwarts;
and find her son; was as part of the conquering army。 She no longer cared whether Voldemort won。
〃You see?〃 screeched Voldemort over the tumult。 〃Harry Potter is dead by my hand; and no man alive can threaten me now!
Watch! iCrucio!i〃
Harry had been expecting it; knew his body would not be allowed to remain unsullied upon the forest floor; it must be subjected
to humiliation to prove Voldemort's victory。 He was lifted into the air; and it took all his determination to remain limp; yet the pain he
expected did not come。 He was thrown once; twice; three times into the air。 His glasses flew off and he felt his wand slide a little beneath
his robes; but he kept himself floppy and lifeless; and when he fell no ground for the last time; the clearing echoed with jeers and shrieks
of laughter。
〃Now;〃 said Voldemort; 〃we go to the castle; and show them what has become of their hero。 Who shall drag the body? No … Wait … 〃
There was a fresh outbreak of laughter; and after a few moments Harry felt the ground trembling beneath him。
〃You carry him;〃 Voldemort said。 〃He will be nice and visible in your arms; will he not? Pick up your little friend; Hagrid。 And the
glasses … put on the glasses … he must be recognizable … 〃
Someone slammed Harry's glasses back onto his face with deliberate force; but the enormous hands that lifted him into the air
were exceedingly gentle。 Harry could feel Hagrid's arms trembling with the force of his heaving sobs; great tears splashed down upon him
as Hagrid cradled Harry in his arms; and Harry did not dare; by movement or word; to intimate to Hagrid that all was not; yet; lost。
〃Move;〃 said Voldemort; and Hagrid stumbled forward; forcing his way through the close…growing trees; back through the forest。
Branches caught at Harry's hair and robes; but he lay quiescent; his mouth lolling open; his eyes shut; and in the darkness; while the
Death Eaters croed all around them; and while Hagrid sobbed blindly; nobody looked to see whether a pulse beat in the exposed neck of
Harry Potter。 。 。 。
The two giants crashed along behind the Death Eaters; Harry could hear trees creaking and falling as they passed; they made so
much din that birds toes shrieking into the sky; and even the jeers of the Death Eaters were drowned。 The victorious procession marched
on toward the open ground; and after a while Harry could tell; by the lightening of the darkness through his closed eyelids; that the trees
were beginning to thin。
Hagrid's unexpected bellow nearly forced Harry's eyes open。 〃Happy now; are yeh; that yeh didn't fight; yeh cowardly bunch o' nags?
Are yeh happy Harry Potter's … d…dead 。 。 。 ?〃
Hagrid could not continue; but broke down in fresh tears。 Harry wondered how many centaurs were watching their procession pass;
he dared not open his eyes to look。 Some of the Death Eaters called insults at the centaurs as they left them behind。 A little later; Harry
sensed; by a freshening of the air; that they had reached the edge of the forest。
Harry thought that Hagrid must have been forced to obey Voldemort's command; because he lurched a little。 And now a chill settled
over them where they sood; and Harry heard the rasping breath of the dementors that patrolled the other trees。 They would not affect him now。
The fact of his own survival burned inside him; a talisman against them; as though his father's stag kept guardian in his heart。
Someone passed close by Harry; and he knew that it was Voldemort himself because he spoke a moment later; his voice magically
magnified so that it swelled through the ground; crashing upon Harry's eardrums。
〃Harry Potter is dead。 He was killed as he ran away; trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him。 We bring you his
body as proof that your hero is gone。
〃The battle is won。 You have lost half of your fighters。 My Death Eaters outnumber you; and the Boy Who Lived is finished。 There must
be no more war。 Anyone who continues to resist; man; woman or child; will be slaughtered; as will every member of their family。 Come out of the
castle now; kneel before me; and you shall be spared。 Your parents and children; your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven; and you will
join me in the new world we shall build togheter。〃
There was silence in the grounds and from the castle。 Voldemort was so close to him that Harry did not dare open his eyes again。
〃Come;〃 said Voldemort; and Harry heard him move ahead; and Hagrid was forced to follow。 Now Harry opened his eyes a fraction; and saw
Voldemort striding in front them; wearing the great snake Nagini around his shoulders; now free of her enchanted cage。 But Harry had no possibility
of extracting the wand concealed under his robes without being noticed by the Death Eaters; who marched on the either side of them through the
slowly lightening darkness 。 。 。 。
〃Harry;〃 sobbed Hagrid。 〃Oh; Harry 。 。 。 Harry 。 。 。〃
Harry shut his eyes tight again。 He knew that they were approaching the castle and strained his ears to distinguish; above the gleeful voices
of the Death Eaters and their tramping footsteps; signs of life from those within。
The Death Eaters camte to a halt; Harry heard them spreading out in a line facing the opne front doors of the school。 He could see; even
though his closed lids; the teddish glow that meant light streamed upon him from the entrance hall。 He waited。 Any moment; the people for whom
he had tried to die would see him; lying apparently dead; in Hagr
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