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Once he reached the seclusion of the freshly mown lawn; Ron rounded on Harry。
〃You ditched her。 What are you doing now; messing her around?〃
〃I'm not messing her around;〃 said Harry; as Hermione caught up with them。
But Ron held up a hand to silence her。
〃She was really cut up when you ended ita150a150〃
〃So was I。 You know why I stopped it; and it wasn't because I wanted to。〃
〃Yeah; but you go snogging her now and she's just going to get her hopes up againa150a150〃
〃She's not an idiot; she knows it can't happen; she's not expecting us toa150a150to end up married; ora150a150〃
As he said it; a vivid picture formed in Harry's mind of Ginny in a white dress; marrying a tall; faceless; and unpleasant stranger。
In one spiraling moment it seemed to hit him: Her future was free and unencumbered; whereas his。。。he could see nothing but Voldemort ahead。
〃If you keep groping her every chance you geta150a150〃
〃It won't happen again;〃 said Harry harshly。 The day was cloudless; but he felt as though the sun had gone in。 〃Okay?〃
Ron looked half resentful; half sheepish; he rocked backward and forward on his feet for a moment; then said; 〃Right then; well; that's。。。yeah。〃
Ginny did not seek another one…to…one meeting with Harry for the rest of the day; nor by any look or gesture did she show that they had shared more than polite conversation in her room。 Nevertheless; Charlie's arrival came as a relief to Harry。 It provided a distraction; watching Mrs。 Weasley force Charlie into a chair; raise her wand threateningly; and announce that he was about to get a proper haircut。
As Harry's birthday dinner would have stretched the Burrow's kitchen to breaking point even before the arrival of Charlie; Lupin; Tonks; and Hagrid; several tables were placed end to end in the garden。 Fred and George bewitched a number of purple lanterns all emblazoned with a large number 17; to hang in midair over the guests。 Thanks to Mrs。 Weasley's ministrations; George's wound was neat and clean; but Harry was not yet used to the dark hole in the side of his head; despite the twins' many jokes about it。
Hermione made purple and gold streamers erupt from the end of her wand and drape themselves artistically over the trees and bushes。
〃Nice;〃 said Ron; as with one final flourish of her wand; Hermione
turned the leaves on the crabapple tree to gold。 〃You've really got an eye for that sort of thing。〃
〃Thank you; Ron!〃 said Hermione; looking both pleased and a little confused。 Harry turned away; smiling to himself。 He had a funny notion that he would find a chapter on compliments when he found time to peruse his copy of Twelve Fail…Safe Ways to Charm Witches; he caught Ginny's eye and grinned at her before remembering his promise to Ron and hurriedly striking up a conversation with Monsieur Delacour。
〃Out of the way; out of the way!〃 sang Mrs。 Weasley; coming through the gate with what appeared to be a giant; beach…ball…sized Snitch floating in front of her。 Seconds later Harry realized that it was his birthday cake; which Mrs。 Weasley was suspending with her wand; rather than risk carrying it over the uneven ground。 When the cake had finally landed in the middle of the table; Harry said;
〃That looks amazing; Mrs。 Weasley。〃
〃Oh; it's nothing; dear;〃 she said fondly。 Over her shoulder; Ron gave Harry the thumbs…up and mouthed; Good one。
By seven o'clock all the guests had arrived; led into the house by Fred and George; who had waited for them at the end of the lane。 Hagrid had honored the occasion by wearing his best; and horrible; hairy brown suit。 Although Lupin smiled as he shook Harry's hand; Harry thought he looked rather unhappy。 It was all very odd; Tonks; beside him; looked simply radiant。
〃Happy birthday; Harry;〃 she said; hugging him tightly。
〃Seventeen; eh!〃 said Hagrid as he accepted a bucket…sized glass of wine from Fred。 〃Six years ter the day since we met; Harry; d'yeh remember it?〃
〃Vaguely;〃 said Harry; grinning up at him。 〃Didn't you smash down the front door; give Dudley a pig's tail; and tell me I was a wizard?〃
〃I forge' the details;〃 Hagrid chortled。 〃All righ'; Ron; Hermione?〃
〃We're fine;〃 said Hermione。 〃How are you?〃
〃Ar; not bad。 Bin busy; we got some newborn unicorns。 I'll show yeh when yeh get backa150a150〃 Harry avoided Ron's and Hermione's gazes as Hagrid rummaged in his pocket。 〃Here。 Harry a150a150 couldn't think what ter get teh; but then I remembered this。〃 He pulled out a small; slightly furry drawstring pouch with a long string; evidently intended to be worn around the neck。 〃Mokeskin。 Hide anythin' in there an' no one but the owner can get it out。 They're rare; them。〃
〃Hagrid; thanks!〃
〃'S'nothin';〃 said Hagrid with a wave of a dustbin…lid…sized hand。 〃An' there's Charlie! Always liked him a150a150 hey! Charlie!〃
Charlie approached; running his hand slightly ruefully over his new; brutally short haircut。 He was shorter than Ron; thickset; with a number of burns and scratches up his muscley arms。
〃Hi; Hagrid; how's it going?〃
〃Bin meanin' ter write fer ages。 How's Norbert doin'?〃
〃Norbert?〃 Charlie laughed。 〃The Norwegian Ridgeback? We call her Norberta now。〃
〃Wha a150a150 Norbert's a girl?〃
〃Oh yeah;〃 said Charlie。
〃How can you tell?〃 asked Hermione。
〃They're a lot more vicious;〃 said Charlie。 He looked over his shoulder and dropped his voice。 〃Wish Dad would hurry up and get here。 Mum's getting edgy。〃
They all looked over at Mrs。 Weasley。 She was trying to talk to Madame Delacour while glancing repeatedly at the gate。
〃I think we'd better start without Arthur;〃 she called to the garden at large after a moment or two。 〃He must have been held up at a150a150 oh!〃
They all saw it at the same time: a streak of light that came flying across the yard and onto the table; where it resolved itself into a bright silver weasel; which stood on its hind legs and spoke with Mr。 Weasley's voice。
〃Minister of Magic coming with me。〃
The Patronus dissolved into thin air; leaving Fleur's family peering in astonishment at the place where it had vanished。
〃We shouldn't be here;〃 said Lupin at once。 〃Harry a150a150 I'm sorry a150a150 I'll explain some other timea150a150〃
He seized Tonks's wrist and pulled her away; they reached the fence; climbed over it; and vanished from sight。 Mrs。 Weasley looked bewildered。
〃The Minister a150a150 but whya150a150? I don't understanda150a150〃
But there was no time to discuss the matter; a second later; Mr。 Weasley had appeared out of thin air at the gate; accompanied by Rufus Scrimgeour; instantly recognizable by his mane of grizzled hair。
The two newcomers marched across the yard toward the garden and the lantern…lit table; where everybody sat in silence; watching them draw closer。 As Scrimgeour came within range of the lantern light。 Harry saw that he looked much older than the last time that had met; scraggy and grim。
〃Sorry to intrude;〃 said Scrimgeour; as he limped to a halt before the table。 〃Especially as I can see that I am gate…crashing a party。〃
His eyes lingered for a moment on the giant Snitch cake。
〃Many happy returns。〃
〃Thanks;〃 said Harry。
〃I require a private word with you;〃 Scrimgeour went on。 〃Also with Mr。 Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger。〃
〃Us?〃 said Ron; sounding surprised。 〃Why us?〃
〃I shall tell you that when we are somewhere more private;〃 said Scrimgeour。 〃Is there such a place?' he demanded of Mr。 Weasley。
〃Yes; of course;〃 said Mr。 Weasley; who looked nervous。 〃The; er; sitting room; why don't you use that?〃
〃You can lead the way;〃 Scrimgeour said to Ron。 〃There will be no need for you to accompany us; Arthur。〃
Harry saw Mr。 Weasley exchange a worried look with Mrs。 Weasley as he; Ron; and Hermione stood up。 As they led the way back to the house in silence; Harry knew that the other two were thinking the same as he was; Scrimgeour must; somehow; had learned that the three of them were planning to drop out of Hogwarts。
Scrimgeour did not speak as they all passed through the messed kitchen and into the Burrow's sitting room。 Although the garden had been full of soft golden evening light;
it was already dark in here; Harry flicked his wand at the oil lamps as he entered and they illuminated the shabby but cozy room。 Scrimgeour sat himself in the sagging armchair that Mr。 Weasley normally occupied; leaving Harry; Ron; and Hermione to squeeze side by side onto the sofa。 Once they had done so; Scrimgeour spoke。
〃I have some questions for the three of you; and I think it will be best if we do it individually。 If you two〃 a150a150 he pointed at Harry and Hermione a150a150 〃can wait upstairs; I will start with Ronald。〃
〃We're not going anywhere;〃 said Harry; while Hermione nodded vigorously。 〃You can speak to us together; or not at all。〃
Scrimgeour gave Harry a cold; appraising look。 Harry had the impression that the Minister was wondering whether it was worthwhile opening hostilities this early。
〃Very well then; together;〃 he said; shrugging。 He cleared his throat。 〃I am here; as I'm sure you know; because of Albus Dumbledore's will。〃
Harry; Ron; and Hermione looked at one another。
〃A surprise; apparently! You were not aware then that Dumbledore had left you anything?〃
〃A…all of us?〃 said Ron; 〃Me and Hermione too?〃
〃Yes; all of a150a150〃
But Harry interrupted。
〃Dumbledore died over a month ago。 Why has it taken this long to give us what he left us?〃
〃Isn't it obvious?〃 said Hermione; before Scrimgeour could answer。 〃They wanted to examine whatever he's left us。 You had no right to do that!〃 she said; and her voice trembled slightly。
〃I had every right;〃 said Scrimgeour dismissively。 〃The Decree for Justifiable Confiscation gives the Ministry the power the confiscate the contents of a willa150a150〃
〃That law was created to stop wizards passing on Dark artifacts;〃 said Hermione; 〃and the Ministry is supposed to have powerful evidence that the deceased's possessions are illegal before seizing them! Are you telling me that you thought Dumbledore was trying to pass us something cursed?〃
〃Are you planning to follow a career in Magical Law; Miss Granger?〃 asked Scrimgeour。
〃No; I'm not;〃 retorted Hermione。 〃I'm hoping to do some good in the world!〃
Ron laughed。 Scrimgeour's eyes flickered t
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