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baby without a scar on his forehead。 。 。 。
〃C'mon;〃 said Harry; when he had looked his fill; and they turned again toward the church。 As they crossed the road; he glanced over his shoulder; the statue had turned back into the war memorial。
The singing grew louder as they approached the church。 It made Harry's throat constrict; it reminded him so forcefully of Hogwarts; of Peeves bellowing rude versions of carols from inside suits of armor; of the Great Hall's twelve Christmas trees; of Dumbledore wearing a bonnet he had won in a cracker; of Ron in a hand…knitted sweater。 。 。 。
There was a kissing gate at the entrance to the graveyard。 Hermione pushed it open as quietly as possible and they edged through it。 On either side of the slippery path to the church doors; the snow lay deep and untouched。 They moved off through the snow; carving deep trenches behind them as they walked around the building; keeping to the shadows beneath the brilliant windows。
Behind the church; row upon row of snowy tombstones protruded from a blanket of pale blue that was flecked with dazzling red; gold; and green wherever the reflections from the stained glass hit the snow。 Keeping his hand closed tightly on the wand in his jacket pocket; Harry moved toward the nearest grave。
〃Look at this; it's an Abbott; could be some long…lost relation of Hannah's!〃
〃Keep your voice down;〃 Hermione begged him。
They waded deeper and deeper into the graveyard; gouging dark tracks into the snow behind them; stooping to peer at the words on old headstones; every now and then squinting into the surrounding darkness to make absolutely sure that they were unaccompanied。
〃Harry; here!〃
Hermione was two rows of tombstones away; he had to wade back to her; his heart positively banging in his chest。
〃Is it … ?〃
〃No; but look!〃
She pointed to the dark stone。 Harry stooped down and saw ; upon the frozen; lichen…spotted granite; the words Kendra Dumbledore and; a short way down her dates of birth and death; and Her Daughter Ariana。 There was also a quotation:
iWhere your treasure is; there will your heart be also。i
So Rita Skeeter and Muriel had got some of their facts right。 The Dumbledore family had indeed lived here; and part of it had died here。
Seeing the grave was worse than hearing about it。 Harry could not help thinking that he and Dumbledore both had deep roots in this graveyard; and that Dumbledore ought to have told him so; yet he had never thought to share the connection。 They could have visited the place together; for a moment Harry imagined coming here with Dumbledore; of what a bond that would have been; of how much it would have meant to him。 But it seemed that to Dumbledore; the fact that their families lay side by side in the same graveyard had been an unimportant coincidence; irrelevant; perhaps; to the job he wanted Harry to do。
Hermione was looking at Harry; and he was glad that his face was hidden in shadow。 He read the words on the tombstone again。 iWhere your treasure is; there will your heart be alsoi。 He did not understand what these words meant。 Surely Dumbledore had chosen them; as the eldest member of the family once his mother had died。
〃Are you sure he never mentioned … ?〃 Hermione began。
〃No;〃 said Harry curtly; then; 〃let's keep looking;〃 and he turned away; wishing he had not seen the stone: He did not want his excited trepidation tainted with resentment。
〃Here!〃 cried Hermione again a few moments later from out of the darkness。 〃Oh no; sorry! I thought it said Potter。〃
She was rubbing at a crumbling; mossy stone; gazing down at it; a little frown on her face。
〃Harry; come back a moment。〃
He did not want to be sidetracked again; and only grudgingly made his way back through the snow toward her。
〃Look at this!〃 The grave was extremely old; weathered so that Harry could hardly make out the name。 Hermione showed him the symbol beneath it。
〃Harry; that's the mark in the book!〃
He peered at the place she indicated: The stone was so worn that it was hard to make out what was engraved there; though there did seem to be a triangular mark beneath the nearly illegible name。
〃Yeah 。 。 。 it could be。 。 。 。〃
Hermione lit her wand and pointed it at the name on the headstone。
〃It says Ig … Ignotus; I think。 。 。 。〃 〃I'm going to keep looking for my parents; all right?〃 Harry told her; a slight edge to his voice; and he set off again; leaving her crouched beside the old grave。
Every now and then he recognized a surname that; like Abbott; he had met at Hogwarts。 Sometimes there were several generations of the same Wizarding family represented in the graveyard: Harry could tell from the dates that it had either died out; or the current members had moved away from Godric's Hollow。 Deeper and deeper amongst the graves he went; and every time he reached a new headstone he felt a little lurch of apprehension and anticipation。
The darkness and the silence seemed to become; all of a sudden; much deeper。 Harry looked around; worried; thinking of dementors; then realized that the carols had finished; that the chatter and flurry of churchgoers were fading away as they made their way back into the square。 Somebody inside the church had just turned off the lights。
Then Hermione's voice came out of the blackness for the third time; sharp and clear from a few yards away。
〃Harry; they're here 。 。 。 right here。〃
And he knew by her tone that it was his mother and father this time: He moved toward her; feeling as if something heavy were pressing on his chest; the same sensation he had had right after Dumbledore had died; a grief that had actually weighed on his heart and lungs。
The headstone was only two rows behind Kendra and Ariana's。 It was made of white marble; just like Dumbledore's tomb; and this made it easy to read; as it seemed to shine in the dark。 Harry did not need to kneel or even approach very close to it to make out the words engraved upon it。
iThe last enemy that shall be destroyed is death。i
Harry read the words slowly; as though he would have only one chance to take in their meaning; and he read the last of them aloud。
〃'The last enemy that shall be defeated is death' 。 。 。〃 A horrible thought came to him; and with a kind of panic。 〃Isn't that a Death Eater idea? Why is that there?〃
〃It doesn't mean defeating death in the way the Death Eaters mean it; Harry;〃 said Hermione; her voice gentle。 〃It means 。 。 。 you know 。 。 。 living beyond death。 Living after death。〃
But they were not living; thought Harry。 They were gone。 The empty words could not disguise the fact that his parents' moldering remains lay beneath snow and stone; indifferent; unknowing。 And tears came before he could stop them; boiling hot then instantly freezing on his face; and what was the point in wiping them off or pretending? He let them fall; his lips pressed hard together; looking down at the thick snow hiding from his eyes the place where the last of Lily and James lay; bones now; surely; or dust; not knowing or caring that their living son stood so near; his heart still beating; alive because of their sacrifice and close to wishing; at this moment; that he was sleeping under the snow with them。
Hermione had taken his hand again and was gripping it tightly。 He could not look at her; but returned the pressure; now taking deep; sharp gulps of the night air; trying to steady himself; trying to regain control。 He should have brought something o give them; and he had not thought of it; and every plant in the graveyard was leafless and frozen。 But Hermione raised her wand; moved it in a circle through the air; and a wreath of Christmas roses blossomed before them。 Harry caught it and laid it on his parents' grave。
As soon as he stood up he wanted to leave: He did not think he could stand another moment there。 He put his arm around Hermione's shoulders; and she put hers around his waist; and they turned in silence and walked away through the snow; past Dumbledore's mother and sister; back toward the dark church and the out…of…sight kissing gate。

pC0=〃Chapter Seventeen: Bathilda's Secret〃
bChapter Seventeen
iBathilda's Secretib
〃Harry; stop。〃 〃What's wrong?〃 They had only just reached the grave of the unknown Abbott。 〃There's someone there。 Someone watching us。 I can tell。 There; over by the bushes。〃 They stood quite still; holding on to each other; gazing at the dense black boundary of the graveyard。 Harry could not see anything。 〃Are you sure?〃
〃I saw something move。 I could have sworn I did。。。〃 She broke from him to free her wand arm。 〃We look like Muggles;〃 Harry pointed out。 〃Muggles who've just been laying flowers on your parents' grave? Harry; I'm sure there's someone over there!〃 Harry thought of A History of Magic; the graveyard was supposed to be haunted; what if a150a150? But then he heard a rustle and saw a little eddy of dislodged snow in the bush to which Hermione had pointed。 Ghosts could not move snow。 〃It's a cat;〃 said Harry; after a second or two; 〃or a bird。 If it was a Death Eater we'd be dead by now。 But let's get out of here; and we can put the Cloak back on。〃 They glanced back repeatedly as they made their way out of the graveyard。 Harry; who did not feel as sanguine as he had pretended when reassuring Hermione; was glad to reach the gate and the slippery pavement。 They pulled the Invisibility Cloak back over themselves。 The pub was fuller than before。 Many voices inside it were now singing the carol that they had heard as they approached the church。 For a moment; Harry considered suggesting they take refuge inside it; but before he could say anything Hermione murmured; 〃Let's go this way;〃 and pulled him down the dark street leading out of the village in the opposite direction from which they had entered。 Harry could make out the point where the cottages ended and the lane turned into open country again。 They walked as quickly as they dared; past more windows sparkling with multicolored lights; the outlines of Christmas trees dark through the curtains。 〃How are we going to find Bathilda's house?〃 asked Hermione; who was shivering a little and kept glancing back over her shoulder。 〃Harry? What do you think? Harry?〃
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