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〃Oh no; you've got to answer a question;〃 said Luna。
〃What if you get it wrong?〃
〃Well; you have to wait for somebody who gets it right;〃 said Luna。 〃That way you learn; you see?〃
〃Yeah a133 Trouble is; we can't really afford to wait for anyone else; Luna。〃
〃No; I see what you mean;〃 said Luna seriously。 〃Well then; I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning。〃
〃Well reasoned;〃 said the voice; and the door swung open。
The deserted Ravenclaw common room was a wide; circular room; airier than any Harry had ever seen at Hogwarts。 Graceful arched windows punctuated the walls; which were hung with blue…and…bronze silks。 By day; the Ravenclaws would have a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains。 The ceiling was domed and painted with stars; which were echoed in the midnight…blue carpet。 There were tables; chairs; and bookcases; and in a niche opposite the door stood a tall statue of white marble。
Harry recognized Rowena Ravenclaw from the bust he had seen at Luna's house。 The statue stood beside a door that led; he guessed; to dormitories above。 He strode right up to the marble woman; and she seemed to look back at him with a quizzical half smile on her face; beautiful yet slightly intimidating。 A delicate…looking circlet had been reproduced in marble on top of her head。 It was not unlike the tiara Fleur had worn at her wedding。 There were tiny words etched into it。 Harry stepped out from under the Cloak and climbed up onto Ravenclaw's plinth to read them。
〃'iWit beyond measure is man's greatest treasurei。'〃
〃Which makes you pretty skint; witless;〃 said a cackling voice。
Harry whirled around; slipped off the plinth; and landed on the floor。 The sloping…shouldered figure of Alecto Carrow was standing before him; and even as Harry raised his wand; she pressed a stubby forefinger to the skull and snake branded on her forearm。

pC0=〃Chapter Thirty: The Sacking of Severus Snape〃
bChapter Thirty
iThe Sacking of Severus Snapeib
The moment her finger touched the Mark; Harry's scar burned savagely; the starry room vanished from sight; and he was standing upon an outcrop of rock beneath a cliff; and the sea was washing around him and there was a itriumph in his heart … They have the boy。i
A loud ibangi brought Harry back to where he stood。 Disoriented; he raised his wand; but the witch before him was already falling forward; she hit the ground so hard that the glass in the bookcases tinkled。
〃I've never Stunned anyone except in our D。A。 lessons;〃 said Luna; sounding mildly interested。 〃That was noisier than I though it would be。〃
And sure enough; the ceiling had begun to tremble Scurrying; echoing footsteps were growing louder from behind the door leading to the dormitories。 Luna's spell had woken Ravenclaws sleeping above。
〃Luna; where are you? I need to get under the Cloak!〃
Luna's feet appeared out of nowhere;; he hurried to her side and she let the Cloak fall back over them as the door opened and a stream of Ravenclaws; all in their nightclothes; flooded into the common room。 there were gasps and cries of surprise as they saw Alecto lying there unconscious。 Slowly they shuffled in around her; a savage beast that might wake at any moment and attack them。 Then one brave little first…year darted up to her and prodded her backside with his big toe。
〃I think she might be dead!〃 he shouted with delight。
〃Oh look;〃 whispered Luna happily; as the Ravenclaws crowded in around Alecto。 〃They're pleased!〃
〃Yeah。。。 great。。。 〃
Harry closed his eyes; and as his scar throbbed he chose to sink again into Voldemort's mind。。。。 He was moving along the tunnel into the first cave。。。。 He had chosen to make sure of the locker before coming。。。but that would not take him long。。。。
There was a rap on the common room door and every Ravenclaw froze。 From the other side; Harry heard the soft; musical voice that issued from the eagle door knocker: 〃Where do Vanished objects go?〃
〃I dunno; do I? Shut it!〃 snarled an uncouth voice that Harry knew was that of the Carrow brother ; Amycus; 〃Alecto? iAlecto?i Are you there? Have you got him? Open the door!〃
The Ravenclaws were whispering amongst themselves; terrified。 Then without warning; there came a series of loud bangs; as though somebody was firing a gun into the door。
〃iALECTO!i If he comes; and we haven't got Potter a150a150d'you want to go the same way as the Malfoys? ANSWER ME!〃 Amycus bellowed; shaking the door for all he was worth; but still it did not open。 The Ravenclaws were all backing away; and some of the most frightened began scampering back up the stair case to their beds。 Then; just as Harry was wondering whether he ought not to blast open the door and Stun Amycus before the Death Eater could do anything else; a second; most familiar voice rang out beyond the door。
〃May I ask what you are doing; Professor Carrow?〃
〃Tryinga151to geta150a150 through this damneda150a150 door!〃 shouted Amycus。 〃Go and get Flitwick! Get him to open it; now!〃
〃But isn't your sister in there〃 asked Professor McGonagall。 〃Didn't Professor Flitwick let her in earlier this evening; at your urgent request? Perhaps she could open the door for you? Then you needn't wake up half the castle。〃
〃She ain't answering; you old besom! iYoui open it! Garn! Do it; now!〃
〃Certainly; if you wish it;〃 said Professor McGonagall; with awful coldness; There was a genteel tap of the knocker and the musical voice asked again。
〃Where do Vanished objects go?〃
〃Into non being; which is to say; everything;〃 replied Professor McGonagall。
〃Nicely phrased;〃 replied the eagle door knocker; and the door swung open。
The few Ravenclaws who had remained behind sprinted for the stairs as Amycus burst over the threshold; brandishing his wand。 Hunched like his sister; he had a pallid; doughy face and tiny eyes; which fell at once on Alecto; sprawled motionless on the floor。 He let out a yell of fury and fear。
〃What've they done; the little whelps?〃 he screamed。 〃I'll Cruciate the lot of 'em till they tell me who did ita150a150and what's the Dark Lord going to say?〃 he shrieked; standing over his sister and smacking himself on the forehead with his fist; 〃We haven't got him; and they've gone and killed her!〃
〃She's only Stunned;〃 said Professor McGonagall impatiently; who had stooped down to examine Alecto。 〃She'll be perfectly all right。〃
〃No she bludgering well won't!〃 bellowed Amycus。 〃Not after the Dark Lord gets hold of her! She's gone and sent for him; I felt me Mark burn; and he thinks we've got Potter!〃
〃'Got Potter'?〃 said Professor McGonagall sharply; 〃What do you mean; 'got Potter'?〃
〃He told us Potter might try and get inside Ravenclaw Tower; and to send for him if we caught him!〃
〃Why would Harry Potter try to get inside Ravenclaw Tower! Potter belongs in my House!〃
Beneath the disbelief and anger; Harry heard a little strain of pride in her voice and affection for Minerva McGonagall gushed up inside him。
〃We was told he might come in here!〃 said Carrow。 〃I dunno why; do I?〃
Professor McGonagall stood up and her beady eyes swept the room。 Twice they passed right over the place where Harry and Luna stood。
〃We can push it off on the kids;〃 said Amycus; his pig like face suddenly crafty。 〃Yeah; that's what we'll do。 We'll say Alecto was ambushed by the kids; them kids up there〃 a150a150 he looked up at the starry ceiling toward the dormitories a150a150 〃 and we'll say they forced her to pres her Mark; and that's why he got a false alarm。。。。 He can punish them。 Couple of kids more or less; what's the difference?〃
〃Only the difference between truth and lied; courage and cowardice;〃 said Professor McGonagall; who had turned pale; 〃a difference; in short; which you and your sister seem unable to appreciate。 But let me make one thing very clear。 You are not going to pass off y9our many ineptitudes on the students of Hogwarts。 I shall not permit it。〃
〃Excuse me?〃
Amycus moved forward until he was offensively close to Professor McGonagall; his face within inches of hers。 She refused to back away; but looked down at him as if he were something disgusting she had found stuck to the lavatory seat。
〃It's not a case of what iyou'lli permit; Minerva McGonagall。 Your time's over。 It's us what's in charge here now; and you'll back me up or you'll pay the price。〃
And he spat in her face。
Harry pulled the Cloak off himself; raised his wand; and said; 〃You shouldn't have done that。〃
As Amycus spun around; Harry shouted; 〃Crucio!〃
The Death Eater was lifted off his feet。 He writhed through the air like a drowning man; thrashing and howling in pain; and then; with a crunch and a shattering of glass; he smashed into the front of a bookcase and crumpled; insensible; to the floor。
〃I see what Bellatrix meant;〃 said Harry; the blood thundering through his brain; 〃you need to really mean it。〃
〃Potter!〃 whispered Professor McGonagall; clutching her heart。 〃Pottera150a150 you're here! Whata150a150? Howa150a150?〃 She struggled to pull herself together。 〃Potter; that was foolish!〃
〃He spat at you;〃 said Harry。
〃Potter; I a150a150 that was very a150a150 igallant of youi a150a150 but don't you realize a150a150?〃
〃Yeah; I do;〃 Harry assured her。 Somehow her panic steadied him。 〃Professor McGonagall; Voldemort's on the way。〃
〃Oh; are we allowed to say the name now?〃 asked Luna with an air of interest; pulling off the Invisibility Cloak。 The appearance of a second outlaw seemed to overwhelm Professor McGonagall; who staggered backward and fell into a nearby chair; clutching at the neck of her old tartan dressing gown。
〃I don't think it makes any difference what we call him;〃 Harry told Luna。 〃He already knows where I am。〃
In a distant part of Harry's brain; that part connected to the angry; burning scar; he could see Voldemort sailing fast over the dark lake in the ghostly green boat。。。。 He had nearly reached the island where the stone basin stood。。。。
〃You must flee;〃 whispered Professor McGonagall; 〃Now Potter; as quickly as you can!〃
〃I can't;〃 said Harry; 〃There's something I need to do。 Professor; so you know where the diadem of Ravenclaw is?〃
〃The d…diadem of Ravenclaw? Of course not a150a150 hasn't it been lost for centuries?〃 She sat up a little straighter 〃Potter; it w
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