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 a rorar。 The stone steps tremebled as he stomped toward his smaller kin; and Grawp's lopsided mouth fell open; showing yellow; half brick…sized teeth; and then they launched themselves at each other with the savagery of lions。 〃RUN!〃 Harry roared; the ngiht was full of hideous yells and blows as the giants wrestled; and he seized Hermione's hand and tore down the steps into the grounds; Ron bringing up the rear。 Harry had not lost hope of finding and saving Hagrid; he ran so fast that they
were halfway toward the forest before they were brought up short again。 The air around them had frozen: Harry's breath caught and solidified in his chest。 Shapes moved out in the darkness; swirling figures of concentrated blackness; moving in a great wave towards the castles; their faces hooded and their breath rattling。。。 ron and Hermione closed in beside him as the sounds of fighting behind them grew suddenly muted; deadened; because a silence only dementors could bring was falling thickly through the night; and Fred was gone; and Hagrid was suurely dying or already dead。。。 〃come on; Harry!〃 said Hermione's voice from a very long way away。 〃Patronuses; Harry; come on!〃 he raised his wand; but a dull hopelessness was spreading throughout him: How many more lay dead that he did not yet know about? He felt as though his soul had already half left his body。。。。 〃HARRY; COME ON!〃 screamed Hermione。 A hundred dementors were advancing; gliding toward them; sucking their way closer to Harry's despair; which was like a promise of a feast。。。 He saw Ron's silver terrier burst into the air; flicker feebly; and expire; he saw Hermione's otter twist in midair and fade; and his own wand trembled in his hand; and he almost welcomed the oncoming oblivion; the promise of nothing; of no feeling。。。 And then a silver hare; a boar; and fox soared past Harry; Ron; and Hermione's heads: the dementors fell back before the creatures' approach。 Three more people had arrived out of the darkness to stand beside them; their wands outstretched; continuing to cast Patronuses: Luna; Ernie; and Seamus。 〃That's right;〃 said Luna encouragingly; as if they were back in the Room of Requirement and this was simply spell practice for the D。A。; 〃That's right; Harry。。。come on think of something happy。。。〃 'something happy?〃 he said; his voice cracked。 〃We're all still here;〃 she whispered; 〃we;re still fighting。 Come on; now。。。。〃 There was a silver spark; then a wavering light; and then; with the greatest effort it had ever cost him the stag burst from the end of Harry's wand。 It cantered forward; and now the dementors scattered in earnest; and immediately the night was mild again; but the sounds of the surrounding battle were loud in his ears。 〃Can't thank you enough;〃 said ron shakily; turning to Luna; Ernie; and Seamus 〃you just saveda150a150〃 With a roar and an earth…quaking tremor; another giant came lurching out of the darkness from the direction of the forest; brandishing a club taller than any of them。 〃RUN!〃 Harry shouted again; but the others needed no telling; They all scattered; and not a second too soon; for the next moment the
creature's vast foot had fallen exactly where they had been standing。 Harry looked round: ron and Hermione were following him; but the other three had vanished back into the battle。 〃Let's get out of range!〃 yelled Ron as the giant swung its club again and its bellows echoed through the night; across the grounds wehere bursts of red and green light continued to illuminate the darkness。 〃The Whomping willow;〃 said Harry; 〃go!〃 Somehow he walled it all up in his mind; crammed it into a small space into which he could not look now: thoughts of Fred and Hagrid; and his terror for all the people he loved; scattered in and outside the castle; must all wait; because they had to run; had to reach the snake and Voldemort; because that was; as Hermione said; the only way to end ita150a150 He sprinted; half…believing he could outdistance death itself; ignoring the jets of light flying in the darkness all around him; and the sound of hte lake crashing like the sea; and the creaking of the Forbidden Forest though the night was windless; through grounds that seemed themselves to have risen in rebellion; he ran faster than he had ever moved in his life; and it was he who saw the great tree first; the Willow that protected the secret at its roots with whiplike; slashing branches。 Panting and gasping; Harry slowed down; skirting the willow's swiping branches; peering through the darkness toward its tick trunk; trying to see the single knot in the bark of the old tree that would paralyze it。 Ron and Hermione caught up; Hermione so out of breath that she could not speak。 〃Howa150a150how're we going to get in?〃 panted ron。 〃I cana150a150see the palce… …if we jsut hada150a150Crookshanks againa150a150〃 〃Crookshanks?〃 wheezed Hermione; bent double; clutching her chest。 〃Are you a wizard; or what?〃 〃Oha150a150righta150a150yeaha150a150〃 Ron looked around; then directed his wand at a twig on the ground and said 〃Winguardium Leviosa!〃 The twig flew up from the gruond; spun through the air as if caught by a gust of wind; then zoomed directly at the trunk through the Willow's ominously swaying branches。 It jabbed at a place near the roots; and at once; the writhing tree became still。 〃Perfect!〃 panted Hermione。 〃Wait。〃 For one teetering second; while the crashes and booms of the battle filled the air; Harry hesitated。 Voldemort wanted him to do this; wanted him to come。。。Was he leading Ron and Hermione into a trap? But the reality seemed to close upon him; cruel and plain: the only way forward was to kill the snake; and the snake was where Voldemort was; and voldemort was at the end of this tunnel。。。
〃Harry; we're coming; just get in there!〃 said Ron; pushing him forward。 Harry wriggled into the earthy passage hidden in the tree's roots。 It was a much tighter squeeze than it had been the last time they had entered it。 The tunnel was low…ceilinged: they had had to double up to move throuhgh it nearly four years previously; now there was nothing for it but to crawl。 Harry went first; his wand illuminated; expecting at any moment to meet barriers; but none came。 They moved in silence; Harry's gaze fixed upon the swinging beam of the wand held in his fist。 At last; the tunnel began to slope upward and Harry saw a sliver of light ahead。 Hermione tugged at his ankle。 〃The Cloak!〃 she whispered。 〃Put the Cloak on!〃 He groped behind him and she forced the bundle of slippery cloth into his free hand。 With difficulty he dragged it over himself; murmered; 〃Nox;〃 extinguishing his wandlight; and continued on his hands and knees; as silently as possible; all his senses straining; expecting every second to be discovered; to hear a cold clear voice; see a flash of green light。 and then he heard voices coming from the room directly ahead of them; only slightly muffled by the fact that the opening at the endo fht etuunnel had been blocked up by what looked like an old crate。 Hardly daring to breathe; Harry edged right up tot he opening and peered through a tiny gap left between crate and wall。 The room beyond was dimly lit; but he could see Nagini; swirlign and coiling like a serpent underwater; safe in her enchanted; starry sphere; which floated unsupported in midair。 He could see the edge of a table; and a long…fingered white hand toying with a wand。 Then Snape spoke; and Harry's heart lurched: Snape was inches away from where he crouched; hidden。 〃。。。my Lord; their resistance is crumblinga150a150〃 〃a150a150and it is doing so without your help;〃 said Voldemort in his high; clear voice。 〃Skilled wizard though you are; Severus; I do not think you will make much difference now。 We are almost there。。。almost。〃 〃Let me find the boy。 Let me bring you Potter。 I know I can find him; my Lord。 Please。〃 Snape strode past the gap; and Harry drew back a little; keeping his eyes fixed upon Nagini; wondering whether there was any spell that might penetrate the protection surrounding her; but he could not think of anything。 One failed attempt; and he would give away his position。。。 Voldemort stood up。 Harry could see him now; see the red eyes; the flattened; serpentine face; the pallor of him gleaming slightly in the semidarkness。
〃I have a problem; Severus;〃 said Voldemort softly。 〃My Lord?〃 said Snape。 Voldemort raised the Elder Wand; holding it as delicately and precisely as a conductor's baton。 〃Why doesn't it work for me; Severus?〃 In the silence Harry imagined he could hear the snake hissing slightly as it coiled and uncoileda150a150or was it Voldemort's sibilant sigh lingering on the air? 〃Mya150a150my lord?〃 said Snape blankly。 〃I do not understand。 Youa150a150you have performed extraordinary magic with that wand。〃 〃No;〃 said Voldemort。 〃I have performed my usual magic。 I am extraordinary; but this wand。。。no。 It has not revealed the wonders it has promised。 I feel no difference between this wand and the one I procured from Ollivander all those years ago。〃 Voldemort's tone was musing; calm; but Harry's scar had begun to throb and pulse: Pain was building in his forehead; and he could feel that controlled sense of fury building inside Voldemort。 〃No difference;〃 said Voldemort again。 Snape did not speak。 Harry could not see his face。 He wondered whether Snape sensed danger; was trying to find the right words to reassure his master。 Voldemort started to move around the room: Harry lost sight of him for seconds as he prowled; speaking in that same measured voice; while the pain and fury mounted in Harry。 〃I have thought long and hard; Severus。。。do you know why I have called you back from battle?〃 And for a moment Harry saw Snape's profile。 His eyes were fixed upon the coiling snake in its enchanted cage。 〃No; my Lord; but I beg you will let me return。 Let me find Potter。〃 〃You sound like Lucius。 Neither of you understands Potter as I do。 He does not need finding。 Potter will come to me。 I knew his weakness you see; his one great flaw。 He will hate watching the others struck down around him; knwoing that it is for him that it happens。 He will want to stop it at any cost。 He will come。〃 〃But my Lord; he might be killed accidentally by someone other than yourselfa150a150〃 〃My instruct
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