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the darrow enigma-第9部分

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cannot take away with me;〃 he continued; 〃but shall have to content
myself with photographing。  I refer to a sinuous line made in the
paint; while green; and looking as if a short piece of rope; or;
more properly; rubber tubing; since there is no rope…like texture
visible; had been dropped upon it; and hastily removed … but see;
here are Osborne and Allen looking for all the world as if they
were prepared to demonstrate a fourth dimension of space。  Now we
shall see the suicide theory proved … to their own satisfaction; at
least。  But; whatever they say; don't forget we are to keep our own
work to ourselves。〃

The two officers were alone。   had apparently decided to work
by himself。  This did not in the least surprise me; since I could
easily see that he had nothing to gain by working with these two

〃We've solved the matter;〃 was the first thing Osborne said after
passing the time of day。  〃Indeed?〃 replied Maitland in a tone which
was decidedly ambiguous; 〃you make it suicide; I suppose?〃  〃That's
just what we make it;〃 returned the other。  〃We hadn't much doubt of
it last night; but there were some things; such as the motive; for
example; not quite clear to us; but it is all as plain as daylight

〃And what says ?〃 asked Maitland。

Mr。 Osborne burst into a loud guffaw。

〃Oho; but that's good!  What says ?  I say; Allen; Maitland
wants to know what 'Frenchy' says;〃 and the pair laughed boisterously。
〃It's plain enough you don't know ;〃 he continued; addressing
Maitland。  〃He's tighter 'n any champagne bottle you ever saw。  The
corkscrew ain't invented that '11 draw a word out of 。  You
saw him making notes here last night。  Well; the chances are that if
this were a murder case; which it isn't; you'd see no more of M。
Godin till he bobbed up some day; perhaps on the other side of the
earth; with a pair of twisters on the culprit。  He's a 'wiz;' is M。
Godin。  What does he think?  He knows what he thinks; and he's the
only individual on the planet that enjoys that distinction。  I say;
Allen; do you pump 'Frenchy' for the gentleman's enlightenment;〃 and
again the pair laughed long and heartily。

〃Well; then;〃 said Maitland; 〃since we can't have 's views
we shall have to content ourselves with those of your more confiding
selves。  Let's hear all about the suicide theory。〃

〃I think;〃 said Osborne in an undertone; 〃you had better ask Miss
Darrow to withdraw for a few moments; as there are some details
likely to pain her。〃  This suggestion was intended only for Maitland;
but the officer; used to talking in the open air; spoke so loudly
that we all overheard him。  〃I thank you for your consideration;〃
Gwen said to him; 〃but I would much prefer to remain。  There can be
nothing connected with this matter which I cannot bear to hear; or
should not know。  Pray proceed。〃

Osborne; anxious to narrate his triumph; needed no further urging。
〃We felt sure;〃 he began; 〃that it was a case of suicide; but were
perplexed to know why Mr。 Darrow should wish to make it appear a
murder。  Of course; we thought he might wish to spare his daughter
the shame such an act would visit upon her; but when this was
exchanged for the horrible notoriety of murder; the motive didn't
seem quite sufficient; so we looked for a stronger one … and found
it。〃  〃Ah!  you are getting interesting;〃 Maitland observed。

Osborne cast a furtive glance at Gwen; and then continued: 〃We
learned on inquiry that certain recent investments of Mr。 Darrow's
had turned out badly。  In addition to this he had been dealing
somewhat extensively in certain electric and sugar stocks; and when
the recent financial crash came; he found himself unable to cover
his margins; and was so swept clean of everything。  Nor is this all;
he had lost a considerable sum of money in yet another way … just
how my informant would not disclose … and all of these losses
combined made his speedy failure inevitable。  Under such conditions
many another man has committed suicide; unable to face financial
ruin。  But this man had a daughter to consider; and; as I have
already said; he would wish to spare her the disgrace which the
taking of his own life would visit upon her; and; more than all;
would desire that she should not be left penniless。  The creditors
would make away with his estate; and his daughter be left a beggar。
We could see but one way of his preventing this; and that was to
insure his life in his daughter's favour。  We instituted inquiries
at the insurance offices; and found that less than a month ago he
had taken out policies in various companies aggregating nearly
fifty thousand dollars; whereas; up to that time; he had been
carrying only two thousand dollars insurance。  Why this sudden and
tremendous increase?  Clearly to provide for his daughter after
his act should have deprived her of his own watchful care。  And now
we can plainly see why he wished his suicide to pass for murder。
He had been insured but a month; and immediate ruin stared him in
the face。  His death must be consummated at once; and yet; by
our law; a man who takes his life before the payment of his second
annual insurance premium relieves the company issuing his policy of
all liability thereunder; and robs his beneficiary of the fund
intended for her。  Here; then; is a sufficient motive; and nothing
more is required to make the whole case perfectly clear。  Of course;
it would be a little more complete if we could find the weapon; but
even without it; there can be no doubt; in the light of our work;
that John Darrow took his own life with the intentions; and for the
purposes; I have already set forth。〃

〃Upon my soul; gentlemen;〃 exclaimed Maitland; 〃you have reasoned
that out well!  Did you carefully read the copies of the various
policies when interrogating the companies insuring Mr。 Darrow?〃
〃Hardly;〃 Osborne replied。  〃We learned from the officials all we
needed to know; and didn't waste any time in gratifying idle
curiosity。〃  A long…drawn 〃hm…m〃 was the only reply Maitland
vouchsafed to this。  〃We regret;〃 said Osborne; addressing Gwen;
〃that our duty; which has compelled us to establish the truth in
this matter; has been the means of depriving you of the insurance
money which your father intended for you。〃 Gwen bowed; and a slight
enigmatical smile played for a moment about her lips; but she made
no other reply; and; as neither Maitland nor I encouraged
conversation; the two officers wished us a good…morning; and left
the house without further remark。

〃I wish to ask you a few questions;〃 Maitland said to Gwen as soon
as the door had closed behind Osborne and his companion; 'and I beg
you will remember that in doing so; however personal my inquiries
may seem; they have but one object in view … the solution of this
mystery。〃  〃I have already had good proof of your singleness of
purpose;〃 she replied。  〃Only too gladly will I give you any
information in my possession。  Until this assassin is found; and my
father's good name freed from the obloquy which has been cast upon
it; my existence will be but a blank; … yes; worse; it will be an
unceasing torment; for I know my father's spirit … if the dead have
power to return to this earth … can never rest with this weight of
shame upon it。〃  As she spoke these words the depth of grief she had
hitherto so well concealed became visible for a moment; and her whole
frame shook as the expression of her emotion reacted upon her。  The
next instant she regained her old composure; and said calmly:

〃You see I have every reason to shed whatever light I can upon this
dark subject。〃

〃Please; then; to answer my questions methodically; and do not permit
yourself to reason why I have asked them。  What was your father's age?〃


〃Did he drink?〃


〃Did he play cards?〃



〃Yes; and several other games。〃

〃Was he as fond of them as of croquet?〃

〃No; nothing pleased him as croquet did … nothing; unless it were

〃Hum!  Do you play chess?〃

〃Yes; I played a good deal with father。〃

〃What kind of a game did he play?〃

〃I do not understand you。  He played a good game; my father did not
enjoy doing anything that he could not do well。〃

〃I mean to ask if his positions were steadily sustained … or if;
on the other hand; his manoeuvres were swift; and what you might
call brilliant。〃

〃I think you would call them brilliant。〃

〃Hum!  How old are you?〃


〃Tell me your relations with your father。〃

〃We were most constant companions。  My mother … she and my father
 … they were not altogether companionable … in short; they were
ill…mated; and; being wise enough to find it out; and having no
desire to longer embitter each other's lives; they agreed to
separate when I was only four。  They parted without the slightest
ill…feeling; and I remained with father。  He was very fond of me;
and would permit no one else to teach me。  At seven I was drawing
and painting under his guidance。  At eight the violin was put into
my hands and my studies in voice began。  In the meantime father was
most careful not to neglect my physical training; he taught me the
use of Indian clubs; and how to walk easily。  At eight I could
walk four miles an hour without fatigue。  The neighbours used to
urge that I be put to school; but my father would reply … many a
time I have heard him say it … 'a child's brain is like a flower
that blossoms in perceptions and goes to seed in abstractions。
Correct concepts are the raw material of reason。  Every desk in
your school is an intellectual loom which is expected to weave a
sound fabric out of rotten raw material。  While your children are
wasting their fibre in memorising the antique errors of classical
thought my child is being fitted to perceive new truths for herself。'
It is needless to say his friends considered these views altogether
too radical。  But for all that I was never sent to school。  My
father's library was always at my disposal; and I was taught how
to use it。  We were constantly together; and grew so into each
other's lives that 〃 … but her voice failed her; and her eyes
moistened。  Maitland; though he apparently did not notice her
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