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captains courageous-第1部分

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Captains Courageous

by Rudyard Kipling

Brattleboro; Vermont

I ploughed the land with horses;
But my heart was ill at ease;
For the old sea…faring men
Came to me now and then;
With their sagas of the seas。


The weather door of the smoking…room had been left open to the
North Atlantic fog; as the big liner rolled and lifted; whistling to
warn the fishing…fleet。

〃That Cheyne boy's the biggest nuisance aboard;〃 said a man in a
frieze overcoat; shutting the door with a bang。 〃He isn't wanted
here。 He's too fresh。〃

A white…haired German reached for a sandwich; and grunted
between bites: 〃I know der breed。 Ameriga is full of dot kind。 I dell
you you should imbort ropes' ends free under your dariff。〃

〃Pshaw! There isn't any real harm to him。 He's more to be pitied
than anything;〃 a man from New York drawled; as he lay at full
length along the cushions under the wet skylight。 〃They've dragged
him around from hotel to hotel ever since he was a kid。 I was
talking to his mother this morning。 She's a lovely lady; but she
don't pretend to manage him。 He's going to Europe to finish his

〃Education isn't begun yet。〃 This was a Philadelphian; curled up in
a corner。 〃That boy gets two hundred a month pocket…money; he
told me。 He isn't sixteen either。〃

〃Railroads; his father; aind't it?〃 said the German。

〃Yep。 That and mines and lumber and shipping。 Built one place at
San Diego; the old man has; another at Los Angeles; owns half a
dozen railroads; half the lumber on the Pacific slope; and lets his
wife spend the money;〃 the Philadelphian went on lazily。 〃The
West don't suit her; she says。 She just tracks around with the boy
and her nerves; trying to find out what'll amuse him; I guess。
Florida; Adirondacks; Lakewood; Hot Springs; New York; and
round again。 He isn't much more than a second…hand hotel clerk
now。 When he's finished in Europe he'll be a holy terror。〃

〃What's the matter with the old man attending to him personally?〃
said a voice from the frieze ulster。

〃Old man's piling up the rocks。 'Don't want to be disturbed; I guess。
He'll find out his error a few years from now。 'Pity; because there's
a heap of good in the boy if you could get at it。〃

〃Mit a rope's end; mit a rope's end!〃 growled the German。

Once more the door banged; and a slight; slim…built boy perhaps
fifteen years old; a hall…smoked cigarette hanging from one corner
of his mouth; leaned in over the high footway。 His pasty yellow
complexion did not show well on a person of his years; and his
look was a mixture of irresolution; bravado; and very cheap
smart…ness。 He was dressed in a cherrycoloured blazer;
knickerbockers; red stockings; and bicycle shoes; with a red
flannel cap at the back of the head。 After whistling between his
teeth; as he eyed the company; he said in a loud; high voice: 〃Say;
it's thick outside。 You can hear the fish…boats squawking all around
us。 Say; wouldn't it be great if we ran down one?〃

〃Shut the door; Harvey;〃 said the New Yorker。 〃Shut the door and
stay outside。 You're not wanted here。〃

〃Who'll stop me?〃 he answered; deliberately。 〃Did you pay for my
passage; Mister Martin? 'Guess I've as good right here as the next

He picked up some dice from a checkerboard and began throwing;
right hand against left。

〃Say; gen'elmen; this is deader'n mud。 Can't we make a game of
poker between us?〃

There was no answer; and he puffed his cigarette; swung his legs;
and drummed on the table with rather dirty fingers。 Then he pulled
out a roll of bills as if to count them。

〃How's your mama this afternoon?〃 a man said。 〃I didn't see her at

〃In her state…room; I guess。 She's 'most always sick on the ocean。
I'm going to give the stewardess fifteen dollars for looking after
her。 I don't go down more 'n I can avoid。 It makes me feel
mysterious to pass that butler's…pantry place。 Say; this is the first
time I've been on the ocean。〃

〃Oh; don't apologize; Harvey。〃

〃Who's apologizing? This is the first time I've crossed the ocean;
gen'elmen; and; except the first day; I haven't been sick one little
bit。 No; sir!〃 He brought down his fist with a triumphant bang;
wetted his finger; and went on counting the bills。

〃Oh; you're a high…grade machine; with the writing in plain sight;〃
the Philadelphian yawned。 〃You'll blossom into a credit to your
country if you don't take care。〃

〃I know it。 I'm an American…first; last; and all the time。 I'll show
'em that when I strike Europe。 Piff! My cig's out。 I can't smoke the
truck the steward sells。 Any gen'elman got a real Turkish cig on

The chief engineer entered for a moment; red; smiling; and wet。
〃Say; Mac;〃 cried Harvey cheerfully; 〃how are we hitting it?〃

〃Vara much in the ordinary way;〃 was the grave reply。 〃The young
are as polite as ever to their elders; an' their elders are e'en tryin' to
appreciate it。〃

A low chuckle came from a corner。 The German opened his
cigar…case and handed a shiny black cigar to Harvey。

〃Dot is der broper apparatus to smoke; my young friendt;〃 he said。
〃You vill dry it? Yes? Den you vill be efer so happy。〃

Harvey lit the unlovely thing with a flourish: he felt that he was
getting on in grownup society。

〃It would take more 'n this to keel me over;〃 he said; ignorant that
he was lighting that terrible article; a Wheeling 〃stogie'。〃

〃Dot we shall bresently see;〃 said the German。 〃Where are we
now; Mr。 Mactonal'?〃

〃Just there or thereabouts; Mr。 Schaefer;〃 said the engineer。 〃We'll
be on the Grand Bank to…night; but in a general way o' speaking';
we're all among the fishing…fleet now。 We've shaved three dories
an' near scalped the boom off a Frenchman since noon; an' that's
close sailing'; ye may say。〃

〃You like my cigar; eh?〃 the German asked; for Harvey's eyes were
full of tears。

〃Fine; full flavor;〃 he answered through shut teeth。

〃Guess we've slowed down a little; haven't we? I'll skip out and see
what the log says。〃

〃I might if I has you;〃 said the German。

Harvey staggered over the wet decks to the nearest rail。 He was
very unhappy; but he saw the deck…steward lashing chairs together;
and; since he had boasted before the man that he was never
seasick; his pride made him go aft to the second…saloon deck at the
stern; which was finished in a turtle…back。 The deck was deserted;
and he crawled to the extreme end of it; near the flag…pole。 There
he doubled up in limp agony; for the Wheeling 〃stag〃 joined with
the surge and jar of the screw to sieve out his soul。 His head
swelled; sparks of fire danced before his eyes; his body seemed to
lose weight; while his heels wavered in the breeze。 He was fainting
from seasickness; and a roll of the ship tilted him over the rail on
to the smooth lip of the turtle…back。 Then a low; gray mother…wave
swung out of the fog; tucked Harvey under one arm; so to speak;
and pulled him off and away to leeward; the great green closed
over him; and he went quietly to sleep。

He was roused by the sound of a dinner…horn such as they used to
blow at a summer…school he had once attended in the Adirondacks。
Slowly he remembered that he was Harvey Cheyne; drowned and
dead in mid…ocean; but was too weak to fit things together。 A new
smell filled his nostrils; wet and clammy chills ran down his back;
and he was helplessly full of salt water。 When he opened his eyes;
he perceived that he was still on the top of the sea; for it was
running round him in silver…coloured hills; and he was lying on a
pile of half…dead fish; looking at a broad human back clothed in a
blue jersey。

〃It's no good;〃 thought the boy。 〃I'm dead; sure enough; and this
thing is in charge。〃

He groaned; and the figure turned its head; showing a pair of little
gold rings half hidden in curly black hair。

〃Aha! You feel some pretty well now?〃 it said。 〃Lie still so: we
trim better。〃

With a swift jerk he sculled the flickering boat…head on to a
foamless sea that lifted her twenty full feet; only to slide her into a
glassy pit beyond。 But this mountain…climbing did not interrupt
blue…jersey's talk。 〃Fine good job; I say; that I catch you。 Eh;
wha…at? Better good job; I say; your boat not catch me。 How you
come to fall out?〃

〃I was sick;〃 said Harvey; 〃sick; and couldn't help it。〃

〃Just in time I blow my horn; and your boat she yaw a little。 Then I
see you come all down。 Eh; wha…at? I think you are cut into baits
by the screw; but you dreeft…dreeft to me; and I make a big fish of
you。 So you shall not die this time。〃

〃Where am I?〃 said Harvey; who could not see that life was
particularly safe where he lay。

〃You are with me in the dory…Manuel my name; and I come from
schooner We're Here of Gloucester。 I live to Gloucester。 By…and…by
we get supper。 Eh; wha…at?〃

He seemed to have two pairs of bands and a head of cast…iron; for;
not content with blowing through a big conch…shell; he must needs
stand up to it; swaying with the sway of the flat…bottomed dory;
and send a grinding; thuttering shriek through the fog。 How long
this entertainment lasted; Harvey could not remember; for he lay
back terrified at the sight of the smoking swells。 He fancied he
heard a gun and a horn and shouting。 Something bigger than the
dory; but quite as lively; loomed alongside。 Several voices talked
at once; he was dropped into a dark; heaving hole; where men in
oilskins gave him a hot drink and took off his clothes; and he fell

When he waked he listened for the first breakfast…bell on the
steamer; wondering why his state…room had grown so small。
Turning; he looked into a narrow; triangular cave; lit by a lamp
hung against a huge square beam。 A three…cornered table within
arm's reach ran from the angle of the bows to the foremast。 At the
after end; behind a well…used Plymouth stove; sat a boy about his
own age; with a flat red face and a pair of twinkling gray eyes。 He
was dressed in a blue jersey and high rubber boots。 Several pairs of
the same sort of foot…wear; an old cap; and some worn…out woollen
socks lay on the floor; and black and yellow oilskins swayed to and
fro beside the bunks。 The place w
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