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captains courageous-第29部分

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you could hear hard breathing all over the benches。

〃And when the boats of Brixham 
Go out to face the gales;  
Think of the love that travels  
Like light upon their sails!〃

There was very little applause when she finished。 The women
were looking for their handkerchiefs; and many of the men stared
at the ceiling with shiny eyes。

〃H'm;〃 said Salters; 〃that 'u'd cost ye a dollar to hear at any
theatre…maybe two。 Some folk; I presoom; can afford it。 'Seems
downright waste to me。 。 。 。 Naow; how in Jerusalem did Cap。 Bart
Edwardes strike adrift here?〃

〃No keepin' him under;〃 said an Eastport man behind。 〃He's a poet;
an' he's baound to say his piece。 'Comes from daown aour way;

He did not say that Captain B。 Edwardes had striven for five
consecutive years to be allowed to recite a piece of his own
composition on Gloucester Memorial Day。 An amused and
exhausted cornmittee had at last given him his desire。 The
simplicity and utter happiness of the old man; as he stood up in his
very best Sunday clothes; won the audience ere he opened his
mouth。 They sat unmurmuring through seven…and…thirty 
hatchet…made verses describing at fullest length the loss of the
schooner Joan Hasken off the Georges in the gale of 1867; and
when he came to an end they shouted with one kindly throat。

A far…sighted Boston reporter slid away for a full copy of the epic
and an interview with the author; so that earth had nothing more to
offer Captain Bart Edwardes; ex…whaler; shipwright;
master…fisherman; and poet; in the seventy…third year of his age。

〃Naow; I call that sensible;〃 said the Eastport man。 〃I've bin over
that graound with his writin'; jest as he read it; in my two hands;
and I can testily that he's got it all in。〃

〃If Dan here couldn't do better'n that with one hand before
breakfast; he ought to be switched;〃 said Salters; upholding the
honor of Massachusetts on general principles。 〃Not but what I'm
free to own he's considerable litt'ery…fer Maine。 Still 〃

〃Guess Uncle Salters's goin' to die this trip。 Fust compliment he's
ever paid me;〃 Dan sniggered。 〃What's wrong with you; Harve?
You act all quiet and you look greenish。 Feelin' sick?〃

〃Don't know what's the matter with me;〃 Harvey implied。〃 'Seems
if my insides were too big for my outsides。 I'm all crowded up and

〃Dispepsy? Pshaw…too bad。 We'll wait for the readin'; an' then we'll
quit; an' catch the tide。〃

The widows…they were nearly all of that season's making…braced
themselves rigidly like people going to be shot in cold blood; for
they knew what was coming。 The summer…boarder girls in pink
and blue shirt…waists stopped tittering over Captain Edwardes's
wonderful poem; and looked back to see why all was silent。 The
fishermen pressed forward a~ that town official who had talked to
Cheyne bobbed up on the platform and began to read the year's list
of losses; dividing them into months。 Last September's casualties
were mostly single men and strangers; but his voice rang very loud
in the stillness of the hall。

〃September 9th。Schooner Florrie Anderson lost; with all aboard;
off the Georges。

〃Reuben Pitman; master; 50; single; Main Street; City。   

〃Emil Olsen; 19; single; 329 Hammond Street; City。 Denmark。   

〃Oscar Standberg; single; 25。 Sweden。   

〃CarJ Stanberg; single; 28; Main Street。 City。

〃Pedro; supposed Madeira; single; Keene's boardinghouse。 City。   

〃Joseph Welsh; alias Joseph Wright; 30; St。 John's;

〃No…Augusty; Maine;〃 a voice cried from the body of the hall。

〃He shipped from St。 John's;〃 said the reader; looking to see。

〃I know it。 He belongs in Augusty。 My nevvy。〃

The reader made a pencilled correction on the margin of the list;
and resumed


〃Same schooner; Charlie Ritchie; Liverpool; Nova Scotia; 33;

〃Albert May; 267 Rogers Street; City; 27; single。   

〃September 27th。…Orvin Dollard; 30; married; drowned in dorv off
Eastern Point。〃

That shot went home; for one of the widows flinched where she
sat; clasping and unclasping her hands。 Mrs。 Cheyne; who had
been listening with wide…opened eyes; threw up her head and
choked。 Dan's mother; a few seats to the right; saw and heard and
quickly moved to her side。 The reading went on。 By the time they
reached the January and February wrecks the shots were falling
thick and fast; and the widows drew breath between their teeth。
〃February l4th。…Schooner Harry Randolph dismasted on the way
home from Newfoundland; Asa Musie; married; 32; Main Street;
City; lost overboard。   

〃February 23d。…Schooner Gilbert Hope; went astray in dory; Robert
Beavon; 29; married; native of Pubnico; Nova Scotia。〃  

But his wife was in the hall。 They heard a low cry; as though a
little animal had been hit。 It was stifled at once; and a girl
staggered out of the hall。 She had been hoping against hope for
months; because some who have gone adrift in dories have been
miraculously picked up by deep…sea sailing…ships。 Now she had her
certainty; and Harvey could see the policeman on the sidewalk
hailing a hack for her。 〃It's fifty cents to the depot〃…the driver
began; but the policeman held up his hand…〃but I'm goin' there
anyway。 Jump right in。 Look at here; All; you don't pull me next
time my lamps ain't lit。 See?〃

The side…door closed on the patch of bright sunshine; and Harvey's
eyes turned again to the reader and his endless list。

〃April 1 9th…Schooner Mamie Douglas lost on the Banks with all

〃Edward Canton; 43; master; married; City。   

〃D。 Hawkins; alias Williams; 34; married; Shelbourne; Nova

〃G。 W。 Clay; coloured; 28; married; City。〃

And so on; and so on。 Great lumps were rising in Harvey's throat;
and his stomach reminded him of the day when he fell from the

〃May l0th。…Schooner We're Here 'the blood tingled all over hi~。
Otto Svendson; 20; single; City; lost overboard。〃

Once more a low; tearing cry from somewhere at the back of the

〃She shouldn't ha' come。 She shouldn't ha' come;〃 said Long Jack;
with a cluck of pity。

〃Don't scrowge; Harve;〃 grunted Dan。 Harvey heard that much; but
the rest was all darkness spotted with fiery wheels。 Disko leaned
forward and spoke to his wife; where she sat with one arm round
Mrs。 Cheyne; and the other holding down the snatching; catching;
ringed hands。

〃Lean your head daown…right daown!〃 slie whispered。 〃It'll go off
in a minute。〃

〃I ca…an't! I do…don't! Oh; let me…〃 Mrs。 Cheyne did not at all know
what she said。

〃You must;〃 Mrs。 Troop repeated。 〃Your boy's jest fainted dead
away。 They do that some when they're gettin' their growth。 'Wish to
tend to him? We can git aout this side。 Quite quiet。 You come right
along with me。 Psha'; my dear; we're both women; I guess。 We
must tend to aour men…folk。 Come!〃

The We're Heres promptly went through the crowd as a
body…guard; and it was a very white and shaken Harvey that they
propped up on a bench in an anteroom。

〃Favours his ma;〃 was Mrs。 Troop's ouly comment; as the mother
bent over her boy。

〃How d'you suppose he could ever stand it?〃 she cried indignantly
to Cheyne; who had said nothing at all。 〃It was horrible…horrible!
We shouldn't have come。 It's wrong and wicked! It…it isn't right!
Why…why couldn't they put these things in the papers; where they
belong? Are you better; darling?〃

That made Harvey very properly ashamed。 〃Oh; I'm all right; I
guess;〃 he said; struggling to his feet; with a broken giggle。 〃Must
ha' been something I ate for breakfast〃

〃Coffee; perhaps;〃 said Cheyne; whose face was all in hard lines;
as though it had been cut out of bronze。 〃We won't go back again。〃

〃Guess 'twould be 'baout's well to git daown to the wharf;〃 said
Disko。 〃It's close in along with them Dagoes; an' the fresh air will
fresh Mrs。 Cheyne up。〃

Harvey announced that he never felt better in his life; but it was
not till he saw the We're Here; fresh from the lumper's hands; at
Wouverman's wharf; that he lost his all…overish feelings in a queer
mixture of pride and sorrowfulness。 Other people summer
boarders and such…like…played about in cat…boats or looked at the
sea from pier…heads; but he understood things from the inside
more things than he could begin to think about None the less; he
could have sat down and howled because the little schooner was
going off。 Mrs。 Cheyne simply cried and cried every step of the
way and said most extraordinary things to Mrs。 Troop; who
〃babied〃 her till Dan; who had not been 〃babied〃 since he was six;
whistled aloud。

And so the old crowd…Harvey felt like the most ancient of mariners
dropped into the old schooner among the battered dories; while
Harvey slipped the stern…fast from the pier…head; and they slid her
along the wharf…side with their hands。 Every one wanted to say so
much that no one said anything in particular。 Harvey bade Dan
take care of Uncle Salters's sea…boots and Penn's dory…anchor; and
Long Jack entreated Harvey to remember his lessons in
seamanship; but the jokes fell flat in the presence of the two
women; and it is hard to be funny with green harbour…water
widening between good friends。

〃Up jib and fores'l!〃 shouted Disko; getting to the wheel; as the
wind took her。 〃 'See you later; Harve。 Dunno but I come near
thinkin' a heap o' you an' your folks。〃

Then she glided beyond ear…shot; and they sat down to watch her
up the harbour; And still Mrs。 Cheyne wept。

〃Pshaw; my dear;〃 said Mrs。 Troop: 〃we're both women; I guess。
Like's not it'll ease your heart to hey your cry aout。 God He knows
it never done me a mite o' good; but then He knows I've had
something to cry fer!〃

 Now it was a few years later; and upon the other edge of America;
that a young man came through the clammy sea fog up a windy
street which is flanked with most expensive houses built of wood
to imitate stone。 To him; as he was standing by a hammered iron
gate; entered on horseback…and the horse would have been cheap at
a thousand dollars…another young man。 And this is what they said:

〃Hello; Dan!〃

〃Hello; Harve!〃

〃What's the best with you?〃

〃Well; I'm so's to be that kind o' animal called second mate this
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