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captains courageous-第3部分

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〃She's on the steamer;〃 said Harvey; his eyes flling with tears。
〃Take me to New York at once。〃

〃Poor womanpoor woman! When she has you back she'll forgit it
all; though。 There's eight of us on the! We're Here; an' ef we went
back naow…it's more'n a thousand mile…we'd lose the season。 The
men they wouldn't hev it; allowin' I was agreeable。〃

〃But my father would make it all right。〃

〃He'd try。 I don't doubt he'd try;〃 said Troop; 〃but a whole season's
catch is eight men's bread; an' you'll be better in your health when
you see him in the fall。 Go forward an' help Dan。 It's ten an' a ha'af
a month; e I said; an' o' course; all fund; same e the rest o' us。〃

〃Do you mean I'm to clean pots and pans and things?〃 said Harvey。

〃An' other things。 You've no call to shout; young feeler。〃

〃I won't! My father will give you enough to buy this dirty little
fish…kettle〃…Harvey stamped on the deck…〃ten times over; if you
take me to New York safe; and…and…you're in a hundred and thirty
by me; anyhow。〃

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