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captains courageous-第30部分

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〃Hello; Dan!〃

〃Hello; Harve!〃

〃What's the best with you?〃

〃Well; I'm so's to be that kind o' animal called second mate this
trip。 Ain't you most through with that triple invoiced college of

〃Getting that way。 I tell you; the Leland Stanford Junior; isn't a
circumstance to the old We're Here; but I'm coming into the
business for keeps next fall。〃

〃Meanin' aour packets?〃

〃Nothing else。 You just wait till I get my knife into you; Dan。 I'm
going to make the old line lie down and cry when I take hold。〃

〃I'll resk it;〃 said Dan; with a brotherly grin; as Harvey dismounted
and asked whether he were coming in。

〃That's what I took the cable fer; but; say; is the doctor anywheres
aranund? I'll draown that crazy rigger some day; his one cussed
joke an' all。〃

There was a low; triumphant chuckle; as the ex…cook of the We're
Here came out of the fog to take the horse's bridle。 He allowed no
one but himself to attend to any of Harvey's wants。

〃Thick as the Banks; ain't it; doctor?〃 said Dan; propitiatingly。

But the coal…black Celt with the second…sight did not see fit to
reply till he had tapped Dan on the shoulder; and for the twentieth
time croaked the old; old prophecy in his ear。

〃Master…man。 Man…master;〃 said he。 〃You remember; Dan Troop;
what I said? On the We're Here?〃

〃Well; I won't go so far as to deny that it do look like it as things
stand at present;〃 said Dan。 〃She was a noble packet; and one way
an' another I owe her a heapher and Dad。〃

〃Me too;〃 quoth Harvey Cheyne。

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