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old indian days-第17部分

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by curling both ends upward。

〃Ho; mita shunka; eat this; for you must

be hungry!〃  So saying; the scout laid before

his canine friend the last piece of his dried buf…

falo meat。  It was the sweetest meal ever eaten

by a dog; judging by his long smacking of his

lips after he had swallowed it!

The hunting party was soon lost in heavy

slumber。  Not a sound could be heard save the

gnawing of the ponies upon the cottonwood

bark; which was provided for them instead of

hay in the winter time。

All about Shell Lake the bison were gathered

in great herds。  The unmistakable signs of the

sky had warned them of approaching bad

weather。  The moon's robe was girdled with the

rainbow wampum of heaven。  The very music

of the snow under their feet had given them

warning。  On the north side of Shell Lake there

were several deep gulches; which were the homes

of every wanderer of the plains at such a time

at this。  When there was a change toward severe

weather; all the four…footed people headed for

this lake。  Here was a heavy growth of reeds;

rushes; and coarse grass; making good shelters;

and also springs; which afforded water after the

lake was frozen solid。  Hence great numbers of

the bison had gathered here。

When Wapashaw; the game scout; had rolled

himself in his warm buffalo robe and was sound

asleep; his faithful companion hunter; the great

Esquimaux wolf dog; silently rose and again

stretched himself; then stood quiet for a moment

as if meditating。  It was clear that he knew well

what he had planned to do; but was considering

how he should do it without arousing any sus…

picion of his movements。  This is a dog's art;

and the night tricks and marauding must always

be the joy and secret of his life!

Softly he emerged from the lodge and gave

a sweeping glance around to assure him that

there were none to spy upon him。  Suspiciously

he sniffed the air; as if to ascertain whether

there could be any danger to his sleeping master

while he should be away。

His purpose was still a secret。  It may be that

it was not entirely a selfish one; or merely the

satisfying of his inherited traits。  Having fully

convinced himself of the safety of the unguarded

camp; he went forth into the biting cold。  The

moon was now well up on the prairies of the sky。 

There were no cloud hills in the blue field above

to conceal her from view。  Her brilliant light

set on fire every snow gem upon the plains and

hillsides about the hunters' camp。

Up the long ascent he trotted in a northerly

direction; yet not following his master's trail。 

He was large and formidable in strength; com…

bining the features of his wild brothers of the

plains with those of the dogs who keep company

with the red men。  His jet…black hair and sharp

ears and nose appeared to immense advantage

against the spotless and jeweled snow; until pres…

ently his own warm breath had coated him with

heavy frost。

After a time Shunka struck into his master's

trail and followed it all the way; only taking a

short cut here and there when by dog instinct

he knew that a man must go around such a point

to get to his destination。  He met many travelers

during the night; but none had dared to approach

him; though some few followed at a distance;

as if to discover his purpose。

At last he reached Shell Lake; and there be…

held a great gathering of the herds!  They stood

in groups; like enormous rocks; no longer black;

but white with frost。  Every one of them emitted

a white steam; quickly frozen into a fine snow

in the air。

Shunka sat upon his haunches and gazed。

〃Wough; this is it!〃 he said to himself。  He

had kept still when the game scout gave the wolf

call; though the camp was in an uproar; and

from the adjacent hills the wild hunters were

equally joyous; because they understood the

meaning of the unwonted noise。  Yet his curios…

ity was not fully satisfied; and he had set out to

discover the truth; and it may be to protect or

serve his master in case of danger。

At daybreak the great dog meekly entered his

master's rude teepee; and found him already pre…

paring for the prospective hunt。  He was filling

his inside moccasins full of buffalo hair to serve

as stockings; over which he put on his large buf…

falo moccasins with the hair inside; and adjusted

his warm leggings。  He then adjusted his snow…

shoes and filled his quiver full of good arrows。 

The dog quietly lay down in a warm place; mak…

ing himself as small as possible; as if to escape

observation; and calmly watched his master。

〃Ho; ho; ho; kola!  Enakanee; enakanee!〃

shouted the game herald。  〃It is always best

to get the game early; then their spirits can take

flight with the coming of a new day!〃

All had now donned their snow…shoes。  There

was no food left; therefore no delay to prepare


〃It is very propitious for our hunt;〃 one ex…

claimed; 〃everything is in our favor。  There is

a good crust on the snow; and the promise of a

good clear day!〃

Soon all the hunters were running in single

file upon the trail of the scout; each Indian closely

followed by his trusty hunting dog。  In less than

two hours they stood just back of the low ridge

which rounded the south side of Shell Lake。 

The narrow strip of land between its twin

divisions was literally filled with the bison。  In

the gulches beyond; between the dark lines of

timber; there were also scattered groups; but the

hunters at once saw their advantage over the

herd upon the peninsula。

〃Hechetu; kola! This is well; friends!〃 ex…

claimed the first to speak。  〃These can be forced

to cross the slippery ice and the mire around the

springs。  This will help us to get more meat。 

Our people are hungry; and we must kill many

in order to feed them!〃

〃Ho; ho; ho!〃 agreed all the hunters。

〃And it is here that we can use our companion

hunters best; for the shunkas will intimidate and

bewilder the buffalo women;〃 said an old man。

〃Ugh; he is always right!  Our dogs must

help us here。  The meat will be theirs as well

as ours;〃 another added。

〃Tosh; kola!  The game scout's dog is the

greatest shunka of them all!  He has a mind near

like that of a man。  Let him lead the attack of

his fellows; while we crawl up on the opposite

side and surround the buffalo upon the slippery

ice and in the deceitful mire;〃 spoke up a third。 

So it was agreed that the game scout and his

Shunka should lead the attack of the dogs。

〃Woo; woo; woo!〃 was the hoarse signal

from the throat of the game scout; but his voice

was drowned by the howling and barking of the

savage dogs as they made their charge。  In a

moment all was confusion among the buffalo。 

Some started this way; others that; and the great

mass swayed to and fro uncertainly。  A few were

ready to fight; but the snow was too deep for a

countercharge upon the dogs; save on the ice just

in front of them; where the wind had always full

sweep。  There all was slippery and shining!  In

their excitement and confusion the bison rushed

upon this uncertain plain。

Their weight and the momentum of their rush

carried them hopelessly far out; where they were

again confused as to which way to go; and many

were stuck in the mire which was concealed by

the snow; except here and there an opening above

a spring from which there issued a steaming

vapor。  The game scout and his valiant dog led

on the force of canines with deafening war…cries;

and one could see black heads here and there pop…

ping from behind the embankments。  As the

herd finally swept toward the opposite shore;

many dead were left behind。  Pierced by the ar…

rows of the hunters; they lay like black mounds

upon the glassy plain。

It was a great hunt!  〃Once more the camp

will be fed;〃 they thought; 〃and this good for…

tune will help us to reach the spring alive!〃

A chant of rejoicing rang out from the op…

posite shore; while the game scout unsheathed

his big knife and began the work which is ever

the sequel of the huntto dress the game; al…

though the survivors of the slaughter had

scarcely disappeared behind the hills。  The dogs

had all run back to their respective masters; and

this left the scout and his companion Shunka

alone。  Some were appointed to start a camp

in a neighboring gulch among the trees; so that

the hunters might bring their meat there and eat

before setting out for the great camp on the Big


All were busily skinning and cutting up the

meat into pieces convenient for carrying; when

suddenly a hunter called the attention of those

near him to an ominous change in the atmos…


〃There are signs of a blizzard! We must

hurry into the near woods before it reaches us!〃

he shouted。

Some heard him; others did not。  Those who

saw or heard passed on the signal and hurried

toward the wood; where others had already ar…

ranged rude shelters and gathered piles of dry

wood for fuel。

Around the several camp…fires the hunters sat

or stood; while slices of savory meat were broiled

and eaten with a relish by the half…starved men。

〃Ho; kola! Eat this; friend!〃 said they to

one another as one finished broiling a steak of

the bison and offered it to his neighbor。

But the storm had now fairly enveloped them

in whirling whiteness。  〃Woo; woo!〃 they

called to those who had not yet reached camp。 

One after another answered and emerged from

the blinding pall of snow。  At last none were

missing save the game scout and his Shunka!

The hunters passed the time in eating and tell…

ing stories until a late hour; occasionally giving

a united shout to guide the lost one should he

chance to pass near their camp。

〃Fear not for our scout; friends!〃 finally ex…

claimed a leader among them。  〃He is a
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