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old indian days-第21部分

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To illustrate womanly nobility of nature; let

me tell the story of Dowanhotaninwin; Her…

Singing…Heard。  The maiden was deprived of

both father and mother when scarcely ten years

old; by an attack of the Sacs and Foxes while

they were on a hunting expedition。  Left alone

with her grandmother; she was carefully reared

and trained by this sage of the wild life。

Nature had given her more than her share

of attractiveness; and she was womanly and win…

ning as she was handsome。  Yet she remained

unmarried for nearly thirty yearsa most un…

usual thing among us; and although she had

worthy suitors in every branch of the Sioux na…

tion; she quietly refused every offer。

Certain warriors who had distinguished them…

selves against the particular tribe who had made

her an orphan; persistently sought her hand in

marriage; but failed utterly。

One summer the Sioux and the Sacs and

Foxes were brought together under a flag of

truce by the Commissioners of the Great White

Father; for the purpose of making a treaty with

them。  During the short period of friendly in…

tercourse and social dance and feast; a noble

warrior of the enemy's tribe courted Dowan…


Several of her old lovers were vying with

one another to win her at the same time; that she

might have inter…tribal celebration of her wed…


Behold! the maiden accepted the foe of her

childhoodone of those who had cruelly de…

prived her of her parents!

By night she fled to the Sac and Fox camp

with her lover。  It seemed at first an insult to

the Sioux; and there was almost an outbreak

among the young men of the tribe; who were

barely restrained by their respect for the Com…

missioners of the Great Father。

But her aged grandfather explained the mat…

ter publicly in this fashion:

〃Young men; hear ye! Your hearts are

strong; let them not be troubled by the act of

a young woman of your tribe! This has been

her secret wish since she became a woman。  She

deprecates all tribal warfare。  Her young heart

never forgot its early sorrow; yet she has never

blamed the Sacs and Foxes or held them re…

sponsible for the deed。  She blames rather the

customs of war among us。  She believes in the

formation of a blood brotherhood strong enough

to prevent all this cruel and useless enmity。  This

was her high purpose; and to this end she re…

served her hand。  Forgive her; forgive her; I


In the morning there was a great commotion。 

The herald of the Sacs and Foxes entered the

Sioux camp; attired in ceremonial garb and

bearing in one hand an American flag and in the

other a peace…pipe。  He made the rounds singing

a peace song; and delivering to all an invitation

to attend the wedding feast of Dowanhotaninwin

and their chief's son。  Thus all was well。  The

simplicity; high purpose; and bravery of the girl

won the hearts of the two tribes; and as long

as she lived she was able to keep the peace be…

tween them。



The Little Missouri was in her spring

fullness; and the hills among which

she found her way to the Great Muddy

were profusely adorned with colors; much like

those worn by the wild red man upon a holiday!

Looking toward the sunrise; one saw mysteri…

ous; deep shadows and bright prominences;

while on the opposite side there was really an

extravagant array of variegated hues。  Between

the gorgeous buttes and rainbow…tinted ridges

there were narrow plains; broken here and there

by dry creeks or gulches; and these again were

clothed scantily with poplars and sad…colored

bull…berry bushes; while the bare spots were pur…

ple with the wild Dakota crocuses。

Upon the lowest of a series of natural ter…

races there stood on this May morning a young

Sioux girl; whose graceful movements were not

unlike those of a doe which chanced to be lurk…

ing in a neighboring gulch。  On the upper plains;

not far away; were her young companions; all

busily employed with the wewoptay; as it was

calledthe sharp…pointed stick with which the

Sioux women dig wild turnips。  They were

gayly gossiping together; or each humming a

love…song as she worked; only Snana stood some…

what apart from the rest; in fact; concealed

by the crest of the ridge。

She had paused in her digging and stood fac…

ing the sun…kissed buttes。  Above them in the

clear blue sky the father sun was traveling up…

ward as in haste; while to her receptive spirit

there appealed an awful; unknown force; the

silent speech of the Great Mystery; to which it

seemed to her the whole world must be listen…


〃O Great Mystery! the father of earthly

things is coming to quicken us into life。  Have

pity on me; I pray thee!  May I some day be…

come the mother of a great and brave race of

warriors!〃  So the maiden prayed silently。

It was now full…born day。  The sun shone

hot upon the bare ground; and the drops stood

upon Snana's forehead as she plied her long

pole。  There was a cool spring in the dry creek

bed near by; well hidden by a clump of choke…

cherry bushes; and she turned thither to cool

her thirsty throat。  In the depths of the ravine

her eye caught a familiar footprintthe track

of a doe with the young fawn beside it。  The

hunting instinct arose within。

〃It will be a great feat if I can find and take

from her the babe。  The little tawny skin shall

be beautifully dressed by my mother。  The legs

and the nose shall be embossed with porcupine

quills。  It will be my work…bag;〃 she said to


As she stole forward on the fresh trail she

scanned every nook; every clump of bushes。 

There was a sudden rustle from within a grove

of wild plum trees; thickly festooned with grape

and clematis; and the doe mother bounded away

as carelessly as if she were never to return。

Ah; a mother's ruse!  Snana entered the

thorny enclosure; which was almost a rude tee…

pee; and; tucked away in the furthermost corner;

lay something with a trout…like; speckled; tawny

coat。  She bent over it。  The fawn was appar…

ently sleeping。  Presently its eyes moved a bit;

and a shiver passed through its subtle body。

〃Thou shalt not die; thy skin shall not be…

come my work…bag!〃 unconsciously the maiden

spoke。  The mother sympathy had taken hold

on her mind。  She picked the fawn up tenderly;

bound its legs; and put it on her back to carry

like an Indian babe in the folds of her robe。

〃I cannot leave you alone; Tachinchala。 

Your mother is not here。  Our hunters will soon

return by this road; and your mother has left

behind her two plain tracks leading to this

thicket;〃 she murmured。

The wild creature struggled vigorously for

a minute; and then became quiet。  Its  graceful

head protruded from the elkskin robe just over

Snana's shoulder。  She was slowly climbing the

slope with her burden; when suddenly like an

apparition the doe…mother stood before her。 

The fawn called loudly when it was first seized;

and the mother was not too far away to hear。 

Now she called frantically for her child; at the

same time stamping with her delicate fore…feet。

〃Yes; sister; you are right; she is yours; but

you cannot save her to…day!  The hunters will

soon be here。  Let me keep her for you; I will

return her to you safely。  And hear me; O sis…

ter of the woods; that some day I may become

the mother of a noble race of warriors and of

fine women; as handsome as you are!〃

At this moment the quick eyes of the Indian

girl detected something strange in the doe's

actions。  She glanced in every direction and be…

hold! a grizzly bear was cautiously approach…

ing the group from a considerable distance。

〃Run; run; sister!  I shall save your child if

I can;〃 she cried; and flew for the nearest scrub

oak on the edge of the bank。  Up the tree she

scrambled; with the fawn still securely bound to

her back。  The grizzly came on with teeth ex…

posed; and the doe…mother in her flight came

between him and the tree; giving a series of

indignant snorts as she ran; and so distracted

Mato from his object of attack; but only for a

few secondsthen on he came!

〃Desist; O brave Mato!  It does not become

a great medicine…man to attack a helpless woman

with a burden upon her back!〃

Snana spoke as if the huge brute could un…

derstand her; and indeed the Indians hold that

wild animals understand intuitively when ap…

pealed to by human beings in distress。  Yet he

replied only with a hoarse growl; as rising upon

his hind legs he shook the little tree vigorously。

〃Ye; ye; heyupi ye!〃 Snana called loudly

to her companion turnip…diggers。  Her cry soon

brought all the women into sight upon a near…by

ridge; and they immediately gave a general

alarm。  Mato saw them; but appeared not at

all concerned and was still intent upon dislodg…

ing the girl; who clung frantically to her


Presently there appeared upon the little knoll

several warriors; mounted and uttering the usual

war…whoop; as if they were about to swoop down

upon a human enemy。  This touched the dignity

of Mato; and he immediately prepared to accept

the challenge。  Every Indian was alive to the

possibilities of the occasion; for it is well known

that Mato; or grizzly bear; alone among animals

is given the rank of a warrior; so that whoever

conquers him may wear an eagle feather。

〃Woo! woo!〃 the warriors shouted; as

they maneuvered to draw him into the open


He answered with hoarse growls; threatening

a rider who had ventured too near。  But arrows

were many and well…aimed; and in a few minutes

the great and warlike Mato lay dead at the foot

of the tree。

The men ran forward and counted their coups

on him; just as when an enemy is fallen。  Then

they looked at one another and placed their

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