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old indian days-第25部分

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as the oriole sits with his mate before their

swaying home。  Yet I seemed to be never lonely;

because you were there!〃  He finished his plea;

and with outward calmness awaited her reply。

The maiden had not lost a word; but she was

still thinking。  She thought that a man is much

like the wind of the north; only pleasant and

comfortable in midsummer! She feared that

she might some time have to furnish all the fuel

for their love's fires; therefore she held her

peace。  Matoska waited for several minutes and

then silently withdrew; bearing his disappoint…

ment with dignity。

Meanwhile the camp was astir with the re…

turning youths and maidens; their horses' sides

fringed with the long meadow grass; singing

plaintive serenades around the circular rows of

teepees before they broke up for the night。

It was a clear and quiet night; the evening

fires were kindled and every teepee transformed

into an immense Chinese lantern。  There was

a glowing ring two miles in circumference; with

the wooded river bottom on one side and the

vast prairie on the other。  The Black Hills

loomed up in the distance; and the rapids of the

wild Cheyenne sent forth a varying peal of

music on the wind。  The people enjoyed their

evening meal; and in the pauses of their talk

and laughter the ponies could be heard munch…

ing at the bundles of green grass just outside

the teepees。

Suddenly a chorus of yells broke cruelly the

peace of the camp; followed by the dashing

charge of the Crow Indian horsemen!  It was

met as bravely and quickly by the Sioux; and

in the clear; pale moonlight the dusky warriors

fought; with the occasional flash of a firearm;

while silent weapons flew thick in the air like

dragon…flies at sunset。

The brave mothers; wives; and sisters gave

their shrill war…cry to inspire their men; and

show the enemy that even the Sioux women can…

not be daunted by such a fearful surprise!

When the morning sun sent its golden shafts

among the teepees; they saw it through glisten…

ing tearshappy tears; they said; because the

brave dead had met their end in gallant fight

the very end they craved!  And among those

who fell that night was Brave Hawk; the hand…

some brother of the Blue Sky。

In a few days the camp was moved to a point

further up the Cheyenne and deeper into the

bosom of the hills; leaving behind the deco…

rated grave lodges belonging to the honored

dead。  A great council teepee was pitched; and

here the people met to credit those who had

earned them with the honors of the fight; that

they might thereafter wear the eagle feathers

which they had won。

〃The first honor;〃 declared the master of

ceremonies; 〃belongs to Brave Hawk; who fell

in the battle!  He it was who compelled the

Crows to retreat; when he bravely charged upon

them and knocked from his horse the Crow

chief; their war leader。〃

〃Ho; it is true!〃 exclaimed the warriors in


〃The second honor;〃 he resumed; 〃belongs

to Matoska; the White Bear!〃

〃Hun; hun; hay!〃 interposed another; 〃it

is I; Red Owl; who touched the body of the

Crow chief second to Brave Hawk!〃

It was a definite challenge。

〃The warriors who witnessed the act give

the coup to Matoska; friend!〃 persisted the


Red Owl was a brave youth and a close rival

of Matoska; both for war honors and for the

hand of the prettiest maiden in the tribe。  He

had hoped to be recognized as one who fought

in defense of their homes by the side of Brave

Hawk; that would please the Blue Sky; he

thought; but the honor was conferred upon his


There was a cloud of suppressed irritation on

his dusky face as he sullenly departed to his

own tentan action which displeased the coun…

cil…men。  Matoska had not spoken; and this

caused him to appear to the better advantage。 

The worst of it was that Blue Sky herself had

entered the ring with the 〃orphan steed;〃 as

it was calledthe war…horse of her dead

brother; and had therefore seen and heard every…

thing!  Tanagila; or Hummingbird; the beau…

tiful charger; decorated according to custom

with the honors won by his master; was led away

by the girl amidst resounding war…whoops。

Unable to remain quiet; Red Owl went out

into the hills to fast and pray。  It was sunset of

the next day when he again approached the

village; and behind a little ridge came suddenly

upon Matoska and the girl standing together。 

It was the first time that they had met since

the 〃green grass parade;〃 and now only by ac…

cident; as the sister of Brave Hawk was in deep

mourning。  However; the lover had embraced

his opportunity; and the maiden had said that

she was willing to think of the matter。  No

more words were spoken。

That very night the council drum was struck

three times; followed by the warriors' cheer。 

Everybody knew what that meant。  It was an

invitation to the young men to go upon the

war…path against the Crows!

Blue Sky was unconsciously startled by this

sudden announcement。  For the first time in her

life she felt a fear that she could not explain。 

The truth was that she loved; and was not yet

fully aware of it。  In spite of her fresh grief;

she had been inexplicably happy since her last

meeting with Matoska; for she had seen in him

that which is so beautiful; so compelling in man

to the eyes of the woman who loves。  He; too;

now cherished a real hope; and felt as if he

could rush into the thickest of the battle to

avenge the brother of his beloved!

In a few days the war…party had reached the

Big Horn and sent out advance scouts; who re…

ported a large Crow encampment。  Their hun…

dreds of horses covered the flats like a great

herd of buffalo; they said。  It was immediately

decided to attack at daybreak; and on a given

signal they dashed impetuously upon the for…

midable camp。  Some stampeded and drove

off a number of horses; while the main body

plunged into the midst of the Crows。

But the enemy were not easily surprised。 

They knew well the Sioux tactics; and there was

a desperate struggle for supremacy。  War…club

was raised against war…club; and the death…song

of the arrow filled the air!  Presently the Sioux

were forced to retreat; with the Crows in hot

pursuit; like wolves after their prey。

Red Owl and Matoska had been among the

foremost in the charge; and now they acted as

a rear…guard; bravely defending the retreat of

their little army; to the admiration of the enemy。 

At last a Crow raised his spear against Matoska;

who in a flash dismounted him with a stroke of

his oaken bow; but alas! the blow snapped

the bow…string and left him defenseless。  At the

same instant his horse uttered a scream and fell;

throwing its rider headlong!

There was no one near except Red Owl; who

clapped his heels to his pony and joined in the

retreat; leaving Matoska behind。  He arose;

threw down his quiver; and advanced alone to

meet the oncoming rush of the Crows!

The Sioux had seen him fall。  In a few mo…

ments he was surrounded by the enemy; and

they saw him no more。

The pursuit was stopped; and they paused

upon a hilltop to collect the remnant of their

force。  Red Owl was the last to come up; and

it was observed that he did not look like himself。

〃Tell us; what were Matoska's last words?〃

they asked him。

But he silently dismounted and sent an arrow

through his faithful steed; to the astonishment

of the warriors。  Immediately afterward he

took out his knife and stabbed himself to the


〃Ah!〃 they exclaimed; 〃he could not live

to share our humiliation!〃

The war…party returned defeated and cast

down by this unexpected ending to their adven…

ture; having lost some of their bravest and best

men。  The camp was instantly thrown into

mourning。  Many were in heavy grief; but none

was more deeply stricken than the maiden called

the Blue Sky; the daughter of their chief。

She remained within her teepee and wept in

secret; for none knew that she had the right to

mourn。  Yet she believed that her lover had

met with misfortune; but not death。  Although

his name was announced among those warriors

who fell in the field; her own heart assured her

that it was not so。  〃I must go to him;〃 she

said to herself。  〃I must know certainly whether

he is still among the living!〃

The next evening; while the village was yet

in the confusion of great trouble and sorrow;

Blue Sky rode out upon her favorite pony as

if to take him to water as usual; but none saw

her return!  She hastened to the spot where

she had concealed two sacks of provisions and

her extra moccasins and materials for sewing。 

She had no weapon; save her knife and a small

hatchet。  She knew the country between the

Black Hills and the Big Horn; and knew that

it was full of perils for man and much more for

woman。  Yet by traveling only at night and

concealing herself in the daytime she hoped to

avoid these dangers; and she rode bravely forth

on the trail of the returning warriors。

Her dog; Wapayna; had followed the maiden;

and she was not sorry to have so faithful a

companion。  She cautioned him not to bark at

or attack strange animals unless they attacked

first; and he seemed to understand the propriety

of remaining on guard whenever his mistress

was asleep。

She reached the Powder River country in

safety; and here she had more than once to

pick her way among the buffaloes。  These wily

animals seemed to realize that she was only a

woman and unarmed; so that they scarcely kept

out of her path。  She also crossed the trails of

riders; some of them quite fresh; but was fortu…

nate enough not to meet any of them。

At last the maiden attained the divide be…

tween the Tongue and the Big Horn rivers。 

Her heart beat fast; 
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