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old indian days-第28部分

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feasts and dances every day; and late into the

night。  You have heard of the festivities of

those days; there are none like them now;〃 said

the old man; and he sighed heavily as he laid

down the red pipe which was to be passed from

hand to hand during the recital。

〃The head chief of the Unkpapas then was

Tamakoche (His Country)。  He was in his

time a notable warrior; a hunter and a feast…

maker; much beloved by his people。  He was

the father of three sons; but he was so anxious

to make them warriors of great reputation that

they had all; despising danger; been killed in


〃The chief had also a very pretty daughter;

whose name was Makatah。  Since all his sons

were slain he had placed his affections solely

upon the girl; and she grew up listening to the

praises of the brave deeds of her brothers; which

her father never tired of chanting when they

were together in the lodge。  At times Makatah

was called upon to dance to the 'Strong…Heart'

songs。  Thus even as a child she loved the

thought of war; although she was the prettiest

and most modest maiden in the two tribes。  As

she grew into womanhood she became the belle

of her father's village; and her beauty and spirit

were talked of even among the neighboring

bands of Sioux。  But it appeared that Makatah

did not care to marry。  She had only two am…

bitions。  One was to prove to her father that;

though only a maid; she had the heart of a war…

rior。  The other was to visit the graves of her

brothersthat is; the country of the enemy。

〃At this pleasant reunion of two kindred peo…

ples one of the principal events was the Feast

of Virgins; given by Makatah。  All young

maidens of virtue and good repute were invited

to be present; but woe to her who should dare

to pollute the sacred feast!  If her right to be

there were challenged by any it meant a public

disgrace。  The two arrows and the red stone

upon which the virgins took their oath of chas…

tity were especially prepared for the occasion。 

Every girl was beautifully dressed; for at that

time the white doeskin gowns; with a profusion

of fringes and colored embroidery; were the

gala attire of the Sioux maidens。  Red paint was

added; and ornaments of furs and wampum。 

Many youths eagerly surveyed the maiden gath…

ering; at which the daughter of Tamakoche out…

shone all the rest。

〃Several eligible warriors now pressed their

suits at the chieftain's lodge; and among them

were one or two whom he would have gladly

called son…in…law; but no!  Makatah would not

listen to words of courtship。  She had vowed;

she said; to the spirits of her three brothers

each of whom fell in the country of the Crows

that she would see that country before she

became a wife。

〃Red Horn; who was something of a leader

among the young men; was a persistent and de…

termined suitor。  He had urged every influential

friend of his and hers to persuade her to listen

to him。  His presents were more valuable than

those of any one else。  He even made use of

his father's position as a leading chief of the

Cut…Head band to force a decision in his favor;

and while the maiden remained indifferent her

father seemed inclined to countenance this

young man's pretensions。

〃She had many other lovers; as I have said;〃

the old man added; 〃and among them was one

Little Eagle; an orphan and a poor young man;

unknown and unproved as a warrior。  He was so

insignificant that nobody thought much about

him; and if Makatah regarded him with any

favor the matter was her secret; for it is certain

that she did not openly encourage him。

〃One day it was reported in the village that

their neighbors; the Cut…Head Sioux; would or…

ganize a great attack upon the Crows at the

mouth of the Redwater; a tributary of the Mis…

souri。  Makatah immediately inquired of her

male cousins whether any of them expected to

join the war…party。

〃'Three of us will go;' they replied。

〃'Then;' said the girl; 'I beg that you will

allow me to go with you!  I have a good horse;

and I shall not handicap you in battle。  I only

ask your protection in camp as your kinswoman

and a maid of the war…party。'

〃'If our uncle Tamakoche sanctions your

going;' they replied; 'we shall be proud to have

our cousin with us; to inspire us to brave


〃The maiden now sought her father and

asked his permission to accompany the war…


〃'I wish;' said she; 'to visit the graves of my

brothers!  I shall carry with me their war…bon…

nets and their weapons; to give to certain young

men on the eve of battle; according to the an…

cient custom。  Long ago I resolved to do this;

and the time is now come。'

〃The chief was at this time well advanced

in years; and had been sitting quite alone in his

lodge; thinking upon the days of his youth; when

he was noted for daring and success in battle。 

In silence he listened as he filled his pipe; and

seemed to meditate while he smoked the fra…

grant tobacco。  At last he spoke with tears in

his eyes。

〃'Daughter; I am an old man!  My heart

beats in my throat; and my old eyes cannot keep

back the tears。  My three sons; on whom I had

placed all my hopes; are gone to a far country!

You are the only child left to my old age; and

you; too; are braveas brave as any of your

brothers。  If you go I fear that you may not

return to me; yet I cannot refuse you my per…


〃The old man began to chant a war…song;

and some of his people; hearing him; came in to

learn what was in his mind。  He told them all;

and immediately many young men volunteered

for the war…party; in order to have the honor

of going with the daughter of their chief。

〃Several of Makatah's suitors were among

them; and each watched eagerly for an oppor…

tunity to ride at her side。  At night she pitched

her little teepee within the circle of her cousins'

campfires; and there she slept without fear。 

Courteous youths brought to her every morning

and evening fresh venison for her repast。  Yet

there was no courting; for all attentions paid to

a maiden when on the war…path must be those

of a brother to a sister; and all must be equally

received by her。

〃Two days later; when the two parties of

Sioux met on the plains; the maiden's presence

was heralded throughout the camp; as an in…

spiration to the young and untried warriors of

both bands to distinguish themselves in the field。 

It is true that some of the older men considered

it unwise to allow Makatah to accompany the


〃'The girl;' said they to one another; 'is

very ambitious as well as brave。  She will surely

risk her own life in battle; which will make the

young men desperate; and we shall lose many

of them!'

〃Nevertheless they loved her and her father;

therefore they did not protest openly。

〃On the third day the Sioux scouts returned

with the word that the Crows were camping;

as had been supposed; at the confluence of the

Redwater and the Missouri Rivers。  It was a

great camp。  All the Crow tribe were there;

they said; with their thousands of fine horses。

〃There was excitement in the Sioux camp;

and all of the head men immediately met in

council。  It was determined to make the attack

early on the following morning; just as the sun

came over the hills。  The councilors agreed that

in honor of the great chief; her father; as well

as in recognition of her own courage; Makatah

should be permitted to lead the charge at the

outset; but that she must drop behind as they

neared the enemy。  The maiden; who had one

of the fleetest ponies in that part of the country;

had no intention of falling back; but she did

not tell any one what was in her mind。

〃That evening every warrior sang his war…

song; and announced the particular war…charm

or 'medicine' of his clan; according to the cus…

tom。  The youths were vying with one another

in brave tales of what they would do on the

morrow。  The voice of Red Horn was loud

among the boasters; for he was known to be a

vain youth; although truly not without reputa…

tion。  Little Eagle; who was also of the com…

pany; remained modestly silent; as indeed be…

came one without experience in the field。  In

the midst of the clamor there fell a silence。

〃'Hush! hush!' they whispered。  'Look;

look!  The War Maiden comes!'

〃All eyes were turned upon Makatah; who

rode her fine buckskin steed with a single lariat。

He held his head proudly; and his saddle was

heavy with fringes and gay with colored em…

broidery。  The maiden was attired in her best

and wore her own father's war…bonnet; while

she carried in her hands two which had be…

longed to two of her dead brothers。  Singing

in a clear voice the songs of her clan; she com…

pleted the circle; according to custom; before

she singled out one of the young braves for spe…

cial honor by giving him the bonnet which she

held in her right hand。  She then crossed over

to the Cut…Heads; and presented the other bon…

net to one of their young men。  She was very

handsome; even the old men's blood was stirred

by her brave appearance!

〃At daybreak the two war…parties of the

Sioux; mounted on their best horses; stood side

by side; ready for the word to charge。  All of

the warriors were painted for the battlepre…

pared for deaththeir nearly nude bodies deco…

rated with their individual war…totems。  Their

well…filled quivers were fastened to their sides;

and each tightly grasped his oaken bow。

〃The young man with the finest voice had

been chosen to give the signala single high…

pitched yell。  This was an imitation of the one

long howl of the gray wolf before he makes

the attack。  It was an ancient custom of our


〃'Woo…o…o…o!'at last it came!  As the

sound ceased a shrill war…whoop from five hun…

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