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old indian days-第3部分

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man the opportunity must come to try him。 

He acts only when compelled to act。 。 。 。  Ah;

I must flee from the woman!。 。 。 。  Besides;

if she should like someone else better; I should

be humiliated。 。 。 。 I must go upon a long

war…path。  I shall forget her。 。 。 。〃

At this point his revery was interrupted by

the joyous laughter of two young women。  The

melodious sing…song laughter of the Sioux

maiden stirred the very soul of the young war…


All his philosophy deserted him; and he

stood hesitating; looking about him as if for

a chance of escape。  A man who had never

before felt the magnetic influence of woman

in her simplicity and childlike purity; he be…

came for the moment incapable of speech or


Meanwhile the two girls were wholly uncon…

scious of any disturbing presence in the forest。 

They were telling each other the signals that

each had received in the dance。  Taluta's com…

panion had stopped at the first raspberry bushes;

while she herself passed on to the next

thicket。  When she emerged from the pines

into an opening; she suddenly beheld Antelope;

in his full…dress suit of courtship。  Instantly

she dropped her eyes。

Luckily the customs of courtship among the

Sioux allow the covering of one's head with the

blanket。  In this attitude; the young man made

a signal to Taluta with trembling fingers。

The wild red man's wooing was natural and

straightforward; there was no circumspection;

no maneuvering for time or advantage。  Hot

words of love burst forth from the young

warrior's lips; with heavy breathing behind

the folds of the robe with which he sought to

shield his embarrassment。

〃For once the spirits are guiding my for…

tunes! It may seem strange to you; when we

meet thus by accident; that I should speak im…

mediately of my love for you; but we live in

a world where one must speak when the oppor…

tunity offers。  I have thought much of you

since I saw you at the maidens' feast。 。 。 。 Is

Taluta willing to become the wife of Tatoka?

The moccasins of her making will cause his

feet to be swift in pursuit of the game; and

on the trail of the enemy。 。 。 。  I beg of you;

maiden; let our meeting be known only to the

birds of the air; while you consider my pro…


All this while the maiden stood demurely

at his side; playing with the lariat of her pony

in her brown; fine hands。  Her doeskin gown

with profuse fringes hung gracefully as the

drooping long leaves of the willow; and her

two heavy braids of black hair; mingled with

strings of deers' hoofs and wampum; fell upon

her bosom。  There was a faint glow under…

neath her brown skin; and her black eyes were

calm and soft; yet full of native fire。

〃You will not press for an answer now;〃

she gently replied; without looking at him。  〃I

expected to see no one here; and your words

have taken me by surprise。 。 。 。  I grant your

last request。  The birds alone can indulge in

gossip about our meeting;unless my cousin;

who is in the next ravine; should see us to…

gether!〃  She sprang lightly upon the back

of her pony; and disappeared among the scat…

tered pines。

Between the first lovers' meeting and the sec…

ond was a period of one moon。  This was wholly

the fault of Antelope; who had been a prey

to indecision and painful thoughts。  Half re…

gretting his impulsive declaration; and hoping

to forget his pangs in the chances of travel

and war; he had finally enlisted in the number

of those who were to go with the war…leader

Crowhead into the Ute country。  As was the

custom of the Sioux warriors upon the eve of

departure; the young men consulted their spirit…

ual advisers; and were frequently in the purify…

ing vapor…bath; and fasting in prayer。

The last evening had come; and Antelope

was on the way to the top of the hill behind

the camp for a night of prayer。  Suddenly in

the half…light he came full upon Taluta; lead…

ing her pony down the narrow trail。  She had

never looked more beautiful to the youth than

at that moment。

〃Ho;〃 he greeted her。  She simply smiled


〃It is long since we met;〃 he ventured。

〃I have concluded that you do not care to

hear my reply;〃 retorted the girl。

〃I have nothing to say in my defense; but

I hope that you will be generous。  I have suf…

fered much。 。 。 。  You will understand why

I stand far from you;〃 he added gently。  〃I

have been preparing myself to go upon the war…

path。  We start at daylight for the Ute coun…

try。  Every day for ten days I have been in the

vapor…bath; and ten nights fasting。〃

As Taluta well knew; a young warrior under

these circumstances dared not approach a wo…

man; not even his own wife。

〃I still urge you to be my wife。  Are you

ready to give me your answer?〃 continued An…


〃My answer was sent to you by your grand…

mother this very day;〃 she replied softly。

〃Ah; tell me; tell me; 。 。 。〃 pressed the

youth eagerly。

〃All is well。  Fear nothing;〃 murmured

the maiden。

〃I have given my wordI have made my

prayers and undergone purification。  I must

not withdraw from this war…path;〃 he said

after a silence。  〃But I know that I shall be for…

tunate! 。 。 。  My grandmother will give you

my love token。 。 。 。  Ah; kechuwa (dear love)!

watch the big star every night! I will watch

it; toothen we shall both be watching!

Although far apart; our spirits will be to…


The moon had risen above the hill; and the

cold light discovered the two who stood sadly

apart; their hearts hot with longing。  Reluc…

tantly; yet without a backward look or farewell

gesture; the warrior went on up the hill; and the

maiden hurried homeward。  Only a few moments

before she had been happy in the anticipation

of making her lover happy。  The truth was

she had been building air…castles in the likeness

of a white teepee pitched upon a virgin prairie

all alone; surrounded by mountains。  Tatoka's

war…horse and hunting pony were picketed near

by; and there she saw herself preparing the

simple meal for him! But now he has clouded

her dreams by this untimely departure。

〃He is too brave。 。 。 。  His life will be a

short one;〃 she said to herself with fore…


For a few hours all was quiet; and just be…

fore the appearance of day the warriors' de…

parture was made known by their farewell

songs。  Antelope was in the line early; but he

was heavy of heart; for he knew that his sweet…

heart was sorely puzzled and disappointed by

his abrupt departure。  His only consolation

was the knowledge that he had in his bundle

a pair of moccasins made by her hands。  He

had not yet seen them; because it was the cus…

tom not to open any farewell gifts until the

first camp was made; and then they must be

opened before the eyes of all the young men!

It brings luck to the war…party; they said。  He

would have preferred to keep his betrothal se…

cret; but there was no escaping the custom。

All the camp…fires were burning and supper

had been eaten; when the herald approached

every group and announced the programme

for the evening。  It fell to Antelope to open

his bundle first。  Loud laughter pealed forth

when the reluctant youth brought forth a su…

perb pair of moccasinsthe recognized love…

gift!  At such times the warriors' jokes were

unmerciful; for it was considered a last indul…

gence in jesting; perhaps for many moons。 

The recipient was well known to be a novice

in love; and this token first disclosed the fact

that he had at last succumbed to the allure…

ments of woman。  When he sang his love…song

he was obliged to name the giver of the token;

and many a disappointed suitor was astonished

to hear Taluta's name。

It was a long journey to the Ute country; and

when they reached it there was a stubbornly

contested fight。  Both sides claimed the vic…

tory; and both lost several men。  Here again

Antelope was signally favored by the gods of

war。  He counted many coups or blows; and

exhibited his bravery again and again in the

charges; but he received no wound。

On the return journey Taluta's beautiful

face was constantly before him。  He was so

impatient to see her that he hurried on in ad…

vance of his party; when they were still several

days' travel from the Sioux camp。

〃This time I shall join in all the dances and

participate in the rejoicings; for she will surely

like to have me do so;〃 he thought to himself。 

〃She will join also; and I know that none is

a better dancer than Taluta!〃

In fancy; Antelope was practicing the songs

of victory as he rode alone over the vast wild


He had now passed Wild Horse Creek and

the Black Hills lay to the southeast; while the

Big Horn range loomed up to the north in

gigantic proportions。  He felt himself at home。

〃I shall now be a man indeed。  I shall have

a wife!〃 he said aloud。

At last he reached the point from which he

expected to view the distant camp。  Alas; there

was no camp there!  Only a solitary teepee

gleamed forth upon the green plain; which was

almost surrounded by a quick turn of the River

of Deep Woods。  The teepee appeared very

white。  A peculiar tingling sensation passed

through his frame; and the pony whinnied

often as he was urged forward at a gallop。

When Antelope beheld the solitary teepee

he knew instantly what it was。  It was a grave!

Sometimes a new white lodge was pitched thus

for the dead; who lay in state within upon a

couch of finest skins; and surrounded by his

choicest possessions。

Antelope's excitement increased as he neared

the teepee; which was protected by a barricade

of thick brush。  It stood alone and silent in

the midst of the deserted camp。  He kicked the

sides of his tired horse to make him go faster。 

At last he jum
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