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old indian days-第8部分

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law's hand。  Thus they entered the village in

battle array; but with hearts touched with won…

der and great gladness; discharging their ar…

rows upward in clouds and singing peace…songs。



〃It was many years ago; when I was only

a child;〃 began White Ghost; the patri…

archal old chief of the Yanktonnais

Sioux; 〃that our band was engaged in a des…

perate battle with the Rees and Mandans。  The

cause of the fight was a peculiar one。  I will

tell you about it。〃  And he laid aside his long…

stemmed pipe and settled himself to the recital。

〃At that time the Yanktonnais numbered a

little over forty families。  We were nicknamed

by the other bands Shunkikcheka; or Domestic

Dogs; because of our owning large numbers of

these animals。  My father was the head chief。

〃Our favorite wintering place was a tim…

bered tract near the mouth of the Grand River;

and it was here that we met the Blackfoot Sioux

in the fall hunt。  On the opposite side of the

river from our camp was the permanent village

of the Rees and Mandans; whose houses were

of dirt and partly underground。  For a hun…

dred years before this time they had planted

large gardens; and we were accustomed to buy

of them corn; beans; and pumpkins。  From time

to time our people had made treaties of peace

with them。  Each family of the Rees had one

or two buffalo boatsnot round; as the Sioux

made them; but two or three skins long。  In

these boats they brought quantities of dried

beans and other vegetables to trade with us for

jerked buffalo meat。

〃It was a great gathering and a time of gen…

eral festivity and hospitality。  The Sioux young

men were courting the Ree girls; and the Ree

braves were courting our girls; while the old

people bartered their produce。  All day the

river was alive with canoes and its banks rang

with the laughter of the youths and maidens。

〃My father's younger brother; whose name

was Big Whip; had a close friend; a young man

who ever after the event of which I am about

to tell you was known as Bald Eagle。  They

were both daring young men and very ambitious

for distinction。  They had been following the

Ree girls to their canoes as they returned to

their homes in the evening。

〃Big Whip and his friend stood upon the

river bank at sunset; one with a quiver full of

arrows upon his back while the other carried

a gun under his blanket。  Nearly all the peo…

ple of the other village had crossed the river;

and the chief of the Rees; whose name was

Bald Eagle; went home with his wife last of

all。  It was about dusk as they entered their

bullhide boat; and the two Sioux stood there

looking at them。

〃Suddenly Big Whip exclaimed: 'Friend;

let us kill the chief。  I dare you to kill and

scalp him!' His friend replied:

〃'It shall be as you say。  I will stand by

you in all things。  I am willing to die with


〃Accordingly Bald Eagle pulled out his gun

and shot the Ree dead。  From that day he took

his name。  The old man fell backward into his

boat; and the old woman screamed and wept as

she rowed him across the river。  The other

young man shot an arrow or two at the wife;

but she continued to row until she reached the

other bank。

〃There was great excitement on both sides

of the river as soon as the people saw what had

happened。  There were two camps of Sioux;

the Blackfoot Sioux and the Yanktonnais; or

our people。  Of course the Mandans and Rees

greatly outnumbered us; their camp must have

numbered two or three thousand; which was

more than we had in our combined camps。

〃There was a Sioux whose name was Black

Shield; who had intermarried among the Rees。 

He came down to the opposite bank of the Mis…

souri and shouted to us:

〃'Of which one of your bands is the man

who killed Bald Eagle?'

〃One of the Blackfoot Sioux replied:

〃'It is a man of the Yanktonnais Sioux who

killed Bald Eagle。'

〃Then he said: 'The Rees wish to do battle

with them; you had better withdraw from their


〃Accordingly the Blackfeet retired about a

mile from us upon the bluffs and pitched their

tents; while the Yanktonnais remained on the

flats。  The two bands had been great rivals in

courage and the art of war; so we did not ask

for help from our kinsfolk; but during the night

we dug trenches about the camp; the inner one

for the women and children; and the outer one

for the men to stay in and do battle。

〃The next morning at daybreak the enemy

landed and approached our camp in great num…

bers。  Some of their women and old men came

also; and sat upon the bluffs to watch the fight

and to carry off their dead and wounded。  The

Blackfeet likewise were watching the battle

from the bluffs; and just before the fight began

one Blackfoot came in with his wife and joined

us。 His name was Red Dog's Track; but from

that day he was called He…Came…Back。  His

wife was a Yanktonnais; and he had said to

her: 'If I don't join your tribe to…day; my

brothers…in…law will call me a coward。'

〃The Sioux were well entrenched and well

armed with guns and arrows; and their aim

was deadly; so that the Rees crawled up gradu…

ally and took every opportunity to pick off any

Sioux who ventured to show his head above the

trenches。  In like manner every Ree who ex…

posed himself was sure to die。

〃Up to this time no one had seen the two

men who made all the trouble。  There was a

natural hollow in the bank; concealed by buffalo

berry bushes; very near where they stood when

Bald Eagle shot the Ree。

〃'Friend;' said Big Whip; 'it is likely that

our own people will punish us for this deed。 

They will pursue and kill us wherever they find

us。 They have the right to do this。  The best

thing is to drop into this washout and remain

there until they cease to look for us。'

〃They did so; and remained hidden during

the night。  But; after the fight began; Big Whip

said again: 'Friend; we are the cause of the

deaths of many brave men this day。  We com…

mitted the act to show our bravery。  We dared

each other to do it。  It will now become us as

warriors to join our band。'

〃They both stripped; and taking their weap…

ons in hand; ran toward the camp。  They had

to pass directly through the enemy's lines; but

they were not recognized till they had fairly

passed them。  Then they were between two

fires。  When they had almost reached the en…

trenchment they faced about and fired at the

Rees; jumping about incessantly to avoid being

hit; as is the Indian fashion。  Bullets and ar…

rows were flying all about them like hail; but

at last they dropped back unhurt into the Sioux

trenches。  Thus the two men saved their repu…

tation for bravery; and their people never

openly reproached them for the events of that

day。  Young men are often rash; but it is not

well to reprove one for a brave deed lest he

become a coward。

〃Many were killed; but more of the Rees

than of our band。  About the middle of the

afternoon there came a cold rain。  It was in

the fall of the year。  The bow…strings were wet;

and the guns were only flint…locks。  You know

when the flint becomes wet it is useless; and it

looked as if the fight must be with knives。

〃But the Rees were much disheartened。 

They had lost many。  The women were all the

time carrying off the wounded; and there were

the Blackfoot Sioux watching them from the

hills。  They turned and fled toward the river。 

The Sioux followed like crazy wolves; toma…

hawking the tired and slow ones。  Many were

killed at the boats; and some of the boats were

punctured with shot and sank。  Some carried

a load of Sioux arrows back across the river。 

That was the greatest battle ever fought by our

band;〃 the old man concluded; with a deep sigh

of mingled satisfaction and regret。



〃Ho my steed; we must climb one more

hill!  My reputation depends upon

my report!〃

Anookasan addressed his pony as if he were

a human companion; urged on like himself by

human need and human ambition。  And yet

in his heart he had very little hope of sighting

any buffalo in that region at just that time of

the year。

The Yankton Sioux were ordinarily the most

far…sighted of their people in selecting a winter

camp; but this year the late fall had caught

them rather far east of the Missouri bottoms;

their favorite camping…ground。  The upper

Jim River; called by the Sioux the River of

Gray Woods; was usually bare of large game

at that season。  Their store of jerked buffalo

meat did not hold out as they had hoped; and

by March it became an urgent necessity to send

out scouts for buffalo。

The old men at the tiyo teepee (council

lodge) held a long council。  It was decided to

select ten of their bravest and hardiest young

men to explore the country within three days'

journey of their camp。

〃Anookasan; uyeyo…o…o; woo; woo!〃  Thus

the ten men were summoned to the council lodge

early in the evening to receive their commis…

sion。  Anookasan was the first called and first

to cross the circle of the teepees。  A young man

of some thirty years; of the original native type;

his massive form was wrapped in a fine buffalo

robe with the hair inside。  He wore a stately

eagle feather in his scalp…lock; but no paint

about his face。

As he entered the lodge all the inmates

greeted him with marked respect; and he was

given the place of honor。  When all were

seated the great drum was struck and a song

sung by four deep…chested men。  This was the

prelude to a peculiar ceremony。

A large red pipe; which had been filled and

laid carefully upon the central hearth; was now

taken up by an old man; whose face was painted

red。  First he held it to
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