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old indian days-第9部分

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taken up by an old man; whose face was painted

red。  First he held it to the ground with the

words: 〃Great Mother; partake of this!〃

Then he held it toward the sky; saying: 〃Great

Father; smoke this!〃 Finally he lighted it;

took four puffs; pointing it to the four corners

of the earth in turn; and lastly presented it

to Anookasan。  This was the oath of office;

administered by the chief of the council lodge。 

The other nine were similarly commissioned;

and all accepted the appointment。

It was no light task that was thus religiously

enjoined upon these ten men。  It meant at the

least several days and nights of wandering in

search of signs of the wily buffalo。  It was a

public duty; and a personal one as well; one

that must involve untold hardship; and if over…

taken by storm the messengers were in peril of


Anookasan returned to his teepee with some

misgiving。  His old charger; which had so

often carried him to victory; was not so strong

as he had been in his prime。  As his master

approached the lodge the old horse welcomed

him with a gentle whinny。  He was always

tethered near by; ready for any emergency。

〃Ah; Wakan! we are once more called upon

to do duty!  We shall set out before day…


As he spoke; he pushed nearer a few strips

of the poplar bark; which was oats to the Indian

pony of the olden time。

Anookasan had his extra pair of buffaloskin

moccasins with the hair inside; and his scanty

provision of dried meat neatly done up in a

small packet and fastened to his saddle。  With

his companions he started northward; up the

River of the Gray Woods; five on the east side

and a like number on the west。

The party had separated each morning; so

as to cover as much ground as possible; having

agreed to return at night to the river。  It was

now the third day; their food was all but gone;

their steeds much worn; and the signs seemed

to indicate a storm。  Yet the hunger of their

friends and their own pride impelled them to

persist; for out of many young men they had

been chosen; therefore they must prove them…

selves equal to the occasion。

The sun; now well toward the western hori…

zon; cast over snow…covered plains a purplish

light。  No living creature was in sight and the

quest seemed hopeless; but Anookasan was not

one to accept defeat。

〃There may be an outlook from yonder hill

which will turn failure into success;〃 he thought;

as he dug his heels into the sides of his faith…

ful nag。  At the same time he started a

〃Strong Heart〃 song to keep his courage up!

At the summit of the ascent he paused and

gazed steadily before him。  At the foot of the

next coteau he beheld a strip of black。  He

strained his eyes to look; for the sun had al…

ready set behind the hilltops。  It was a great

herd of buffaloes; he thought; which was graz…

ing on the foot…hills。

〃Hi hi; uncheedah!  Hi; hi; tunkasheedah!〃

he was about to exclaim in gratitude; when;

looking more closely; he discovered his mistake。 

The dark patch was only timber。

His horse could not carry him any further;

so he got off and ran behind him toward the

river。  At dusk he hailed his companions。

〃Ho; what success?〃 one cried。

〃Not a sign of even a lone bull;〃 replied an…


〃Yet I saw a gray wolf going north this

evening。  His direction is propitious;〃 re…

marked Anookasan; as he led the others down

the slope and into the heavy timber。  The river

just here made a sharp turn; forming a densely

wooded semicircle; in the shelter of a high


The braves were all downhearted because

of their ill…luck; and only the sanguine spirit

of Anookasan kept them from utter discourage…

ment。  Their slight repast had been taken and

each man had provided himself with abundance

of dry grass and twigs for a bed。  They had

built a temporary wigwam of the same mate…

rial; in the center of which there was a gen…

erous fire。  Each man stretched himself out

upon his robe in the glow of it。  Anookasan

filled the red pipe; and; having lighted it; he

took one or two hasty puffs and held it up to

the moon; which was scarcely visible behind the

cold clouds。

〃Great Mother; partake of this smoke!

May I eat meat to…morrow!〃 he exclaimed with

solemnity。   Having uttered this prayer; he

handed the pipe to the man nearest him。

For a time they all smoked in silence; then

came a distant call。

〃Ah; it is Shunkmanito; the wolf!  There

is something cheering in his voice to…night;〃

declared Anookasan。  〃Yes; I am sure he is

telling us not to be discouraged。  You know

that the wolf is one of our best friends in trou…

ble。  Many a one has been guided back to his

home by him in a blizzard; or led to game when

in desperate need。  My friends; let us not turn

back in the morning; let us go north one more


No one answered immediately; and again

silence reigned; while one by one they pulled

the reluctant whiffs of smoke through the long

stem of the calumet。

〃What is that?〃 said one of the men; and

all listened intently to catch the delicate sound。

They were familiar with all the noises of the

night and voices of the forest; but this was not

like any of them。

〃It sounds like the song of a mosquito; and

one might forget while he listens that this is

not midsummer;〃 said one。

〃I hear also the medicine…man's single drum…

beat;〃 suggested another。

〃There is a tradition;〃 remarked Anookasan;

that many years ago a party of hunters went

up the river on a scout like this of ours。  They

never returned。  Afterward; in the summer;

their bones were found near the home of a

strange creature; said to be a little man; but

he had hair all over him。  The Isantees call

him Chanotedah。  Our old men give him the

name Oglugechana。  This singular being is

said to be no larger than a new…born babe。  He

speaks an unknown tongue。

〃The home of Oglugechana is usually a hol…

low stump; around which all of the nearest trees

are felled by lightning。  There is an open spot

in the deep woods wherever he dwells。  His

weapons are the plumes of various birds。  Great

numbers of these variegated feathers are to be

found in the deserted lodge of the little man。

〃It is told by the old men that Oglugechana

has a weird music by which he sometimes be…

witches lone travelers。  He leads them hither and

thither about his place until they have lost their

senses。  Then he speaks to them。  He may

make of them great war…prophets or medicine…

men; but his commands are hard to fulfill。  If

any one sees him and comes away before he is

bewildered; the man dies as soon as he smells

the camp…fire; or when he enters his home his

nearest relative dies suddenly。〃

The warrior who related this legend assumed

the air of one who narrates authentic history;

and his listeners appeared to be seriously im…

pressed。  What we call the supernatural was as

real to them as any part of their lives。

〃This thing does not stop to breathe at all。 

His music seems to go on endlessly;〃 said one;

with considerable uneasiness。

〃It comes from the heavy timber north of

us; under the high cliff;〃 reported a warrior

who had stepped outside of the rude temporary

structure to inform himself more clearly of the

direction of the sound。

〃Anookasan; you are our leadertell us

what we should do! We will follow you。  I

believe we ought to leave this spot immediately。 

This is perhaps the spirit of some dead enemy;〃

suggested another。  Meanwhile; the red pipe

was refilled and sent around the circle to calm

their disturbed spirits。

When the calumet returned at last to the one

addressed; he took it in a preoccupied manner;

and spoke between labored pulls on the stem。

〃I am just like yourselvesnothing more

than fleshwith a spirit that is as ready to

leave me as water to run from a punctured

water…bag!  When we think thus; we are weak。 

Let us rather think upon the brave deeds of

our ancestors!  This singing spirit has a gentle

voice; I am ready to follow and learn if it

be an enemy or no。  Let us all be found to…

gether next summer if need be!〃

〃Ho; ho; ho!〃 was the full…throated re…


〃All put on your war…paint;〃 suggested

Anookasan。  〃Have your knives and arrows


They did so; and all stole silently through the

black forest in the direction of the mysterious

sound。  Clearer and clearer it came through the

frosty air; but it was a foreign sound to the

savage ear。  Now it seemed to them almost

like a distant water…fall; then it recalled the

low hum of summer insects and the drowsy

drone of the bumblebee。  Thump; thump;

thump! was the regular accompaniment。

Nearer and nearer to the cliff they came;

deeper into the wild heart of the woods。  At

last out of the gray; formless night a dark shape

appeared! It looked to them like a huge buf…

falo bull standing motionless in the forest; and

from his throat there apparently proceeded the

thump of the medicine drum; and the song of

the beguiling spirit!

All of a sudden a spark went up into the air。 

As they continued to approach; there became

visible a deep glow about the middle of the

dark object。  Whatever it was; they had never

heard of anything like it in all their lives!

Anookasan was a little in advance of his com…

panions; and it was he who finally discovered a

wall of logs laid one upon another。  Half way

up there seemed to be stretched a par…fleche

(raw…hide); from which a dim light emanated。 

He still thought of Oglugechana; who dwells

within a hollow tree; and determined to sur…

prise and if possible to overpower this wonder…

working old man。

All now took their knives in their hands and

advanced with their leader to the attack upon

the log hut
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