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the kentons-第41部分

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〃No。  I'm glad you made me see it。  You're all right; Sarah; and you'll
find that it will all come out all right。  You needn't be afraid I'll
bungle it。  I shall use discretion。  Go〃

〃I shall not stir a step from this parlor!  You've got back all your
spirit; dear;〃 said the old wife; with young pride in her husband。
〃But I must say that Ellen is putting more upon you than she has any
right to。  I think she might tell him herself。〃

〃No; it's our businessmy business。  We allowed her to get in for it。 
She's quite right about it。  We must not let him commit himself to her
till he knows the thing that most puts her to shame。  It isn't enough for
us to say that it was really no shame。  She feels that it casts a sort of
stainyou know what I mean; Sarah; and I believe I can make this young
man know。  If I can't; so much the worse for him。  He shall never see
Ellen again。〃

〃Oh; Rufus!〃

〃Do you think he would be worthy of her if he couldn't?〃

〃I think Ellen is perfectly ridiculous。〃

〃Then that shows that I am right in deciding not to leave this thing to
you。  I feel as she does about it; and I intend that he shall。〃

〃Do you intend to let her run the chance of losing him?〃

〃That is what I intend to do。〃

〃Well; then; I'll tell you what: I am going to stay right here。  We will
both see him; it's right for us to do it。〃  But at a rap on the parlor
door Mrs。 Kenton flew to that of her own room; which she closed upon her
with a sort of Parthian whimper; 〃Oh; do be careful; Rufus!〃

Whether Kenton was careful or not could never be known; from either
Kenton himself or from Breckon。  The judge did tell him everything; and
the young man received the most damning details of Ellen's history with a
radiant absence which testified that they fell upon a surface sense of
Kenton; and did not penetrate to the all…pervading sense of Ellen herself
below。  At the end Kenton was afraid he had not understood。

〃You understand;〃 he said; 〃that she could not consent to see you before
you knew just how weak she thought she had been。〃  The judge stiffened to
defiance in making this humiliation。  〃I don't consider; myself; that she
was weak at all。〃

〃Of course not!〃  Breckon beamed back at him。

〃I consider that throughout she acted with the greatestgreatest And
that in that affair; when he behaved with thatthat outrageous
impudence; it was because she had misled the scoundrel by her kindness;
her forbearance; her wish not to do him the least shadow of injustice;
but to give him every chance of proving himself worthy of her tolerance;

The judge choked; and Breckon eagerly asked; 〃And shall Imay I see her

〃Whyyes;〃 the judge faltered。  〃If you're sure〃

〃What about?〃  Breckon demanded。

〃I don't know whether she will believe that I have told you。〃

〃I will try to convince her。  Where shall I see her?〃

〃I will go and tell her you are here。  I will bring her〃

Kenton passed into the adjoining room; where his wife laid hold of him;
almost violently。  〃You did it beautifully; Rufus;〃 she huskily
whispered; 〃and I was so afraid you would spoil everything。  Oh; how
manly you were; and how perfect he was!  But now it's my turn; and I will
go and bring Ellen You will let me; won't you?〃

〃You may do anything you please; Sarah。  I don't want to have any more of
this;〃 said the judge from the chair he had dropped into。

〃Well; then; I will bring her at once;〃 said Mrs。 Kenton; staying only in
her gladness to kiss him on his gray head; he received her embrace with a
superficial sultriness which did not deceive her。

Ellen came back without her mother; and as soon as she entered the room;
and Breckon realized that she had come alone; he ran towards her as if to
take her in his arms。  But she put up her hand with extended fingers; and
held him lightly off。

〃Did poppa tell you?〃 she asked; with a certain defiance。  She held her
head up fiercely; and spoke steadily; but he could see the pulse beating
in her pretty neck。

〃Yes; he told me〃


〃Oh; I love you; Ellen〃

〃That isn't it。  Did you care?〃

Breckon had an inspiration; an inspiration from the truth that dwelt at
the bottom of his soul and had never yet failed to save him。  He let his
arms fall and answered; desperately: 〃Yes; I did。  I wished it hadn't
happened。〃  He saw the pulse in her neck cease to beat; and he swiftly
added; 〃But I know that it happened just because you were yourself; and
were so〃

〃If you had said you didn't care;〃 she breathlessly whispered; 〃I would
never have spoken to you。  He felt a conditional tremor creeping into the
fingers which had been so rigid against his breast。  〃I don't see how I
lived through it!  Do you think you can?〃

〃I think so;〃 he returned; with a faint; far suggestion of levity that
brought from her an imperative; imploring


Then he added; solemnly; 〃It had no more to do with you; Ellen; than an
offence from some hateful animal〃

〃Oh; how good you are!〃  The fingers folded themselves; and her arms
weakened so that there was nothing to keep him from drawing her to him。
〃Whatwhat are you doing?〃  she asked; with her face smothered against

〃Oh; Ell…en; Ellen; Ellen!  Oh; my love; my dearest; my best!〃

〃But I have been such a fool!〃 she protested; imagining that she was
going to push him from her; but losing herself in him more and more。

〃Yes; yes; darling!  I know it。  That's why I love you so!〃


〃There is just one thing;〃 said the judge; as he wound up his watch that
night; 〃that makes me a little uneasy still。〃

Mrs。 Kenton; already in her bed turned her face upon him with a
despairing 〃Tchk!  Dear!  What is it?  I thought we had talked over

〃We haven't got Lottie's consent yet。〃

〃Well; I think I see myself asking Lottie!〃  Mrs。  Kenton began; before
she realized her husband's irony。  She added; 〃How could you give me such
a start?〃

〃Well; Lottie has bossed us so long that I couldn't help mentioning it;〃
said the judge。

It was a lame excuse; and in its most potential implication his
suggestion proved without reason。  If Lottie never gave her explicit
approval to Ellen's engagement; she never openly opposed it。  She treated
it; rather; with something like silent contempt; as a childish weakness
on Ellen's part which was beneath her serious consideration。  Towards
Breckon; her behavior hardly changed in the severity which she had
assumed from the moment she first ceased to have any use for him。
〃I suppose I will have to kiss him;〃 she said; gloomily; when her mother 
told her that he was to be her brother; and she performed the rite with
as much coldness as was ever put in that form of affectionate welcome。 
It is doubtful if Breckon perfectly realized its coldness; he never knew
how much he enraged her by acting as if she were a little girl; and
saying lightly; almost trivially; 〃I'm so glad you're going to be a
sister to me。〃

With Ellen; Lottie now considered herself quits; and from the first hour
of Ellen's happiness she threw off all the care with all the apparent
kindness which she had used towards her when she was a morbid invalid。 
Here again; if Lottie had minded such a thing; she might have been as
much vexed by Ellen's attitude as by Breckon's。  Ellen never once noticed
the withdrawal of her anxious oversight; or seemed in the least to miss
it。  As much as her meek nature would allow; she arrogated to herself the
privileges and prerogatives of an elder sister; and if it had been
possible to make Lottie ever feel like a chit; there were moments when
Ellen's behavior would have made her feel like a chit。  It was not till
after their return to Tuskingum that Lottie took her true place in
relation to the affair; and in the preparations for the wedding; which
she appointed to be in the First Universalist Church; overruling both her
mother's and sister's preferences for a home wedding; that Lottie rose in
due authority。  Mrs。 Kenton had not ceased to feel quelled whenever her
younger daughter called her mother instead of momma; and Ellen seemed not
really to care。  She submitted the matter to Breckon; who said; 〃Oh yes;
if Lottie wishes;〃 and he laughed when Ellen confessed; 〃Well; I said
we would。〃

With the lifting of his great anxiety; he had got back to that lightness
which was most like him; and he could not always conceal from Lottie
herself that he regarded her as a joke。  She did not mind it; she said;
from such a mere sop as; in the vast content of his love; he was。

This was some months after Lottie had got at Scheveningen from Mr。
Plumpton that letter which decided her that she had no use for him。 
There came the same day; and by the same post with it; a letter from one
of her young men in Tuskingum; who had faithfully written to her all the
winter before; and had not intermitted his letters after she went abroad。 
To Kenton he had always seemed too wise if not too good for Lottie; but
Mrs。 Kenton; who had her own doubts of Lottie; would not allow this when
it came to the question; and said; woundedly; that she did not see why
Lottie was not fully his equal in every way。

〃Well;〃 the judge suggested; 〃she isn't the first young lawyer at the
Tuskingum bar。〃

〃Well; I wouldn't wish her to be;〃 said Mrs。 Kenton; who did not often
make jokes。

〃Well; I don't know that I would;〃 her husband assented; and he added;
〃Pretty good; Sarah。〃

〃Lottie;〃 her mother summed up; 〃is practical; and she is very neat。  She
won't let Mr。 Elroy go around looking so slovenly。  I hope she will make
him have his hair cut; and not look as if it were bitten off。  And I
don't believe he's had his boots blacked since〃

〃He was born;〃 the judge proposed; and she assented。

〃Yes。  She is very saving; and he is wasteful。  It will be a very good
match。  You can let them build on the other corner of the lot; if Ellen
is going to be in New York。  I would miss Lottie more than Ellen about
the housekeeping; though the dear knows I will miss them both badly

〃Well; you can break off their engagements;〃 said the judge。

As yet; and until Ellen was off her hands; Lottie would not allow Mr。
Elroy to consid
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