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the kentons-第43部分

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by her folly。  This again Breckon contends is not clear; but he says we
live in a universe of problems in which another; more or less; does not
much matter。  He is always expecting that some chance shall confront him
with Bittridge; and that the man's presence will explain everything; for;
like so many Ohio people who leave their native State; the Bittridges
have come East instead of going West; in quitting the neighborhood of
Tuskingum。  He is settled with his idolized mother in New York; where he
is obscurely attached to one of the newspapers。  That he has as yet
failed to rise from the ranks in the great army of assignment men may be
because moral quality tells everywhere; and to be a clever blackguard is
not so well as to be simply clever。  If ever Breckon has met his alter
ego; as he amuses himself in calling him; he has not known it; though
Bittridge may have been wiser in the case of a man of Breckon's
publicity; not to call it distinction。  There was a time; immediately
after the Breckons heard from Tuskingum that the Bittridges were in New
York; when Ellen's husband consulted her as to what might be his duty
towards her late suitor in the event which has not taken place; and when
he suggested; not too seriously; that Richard's course might be the
solution。  To his suggestion Ellen answered: 〃Oh no; dear!  That was
wrong;〃 and this remains also Richard's opinion。

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