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the kentons-第9部分

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not say that now he could see how much better it would have been if he
had not gone; but she made him say it for her; and she would not let him
take comfort in the notion of keeping the fact of his interview with
Bittridge from Ellen。  〃It would be worse than useless。  He will write to
her about it; and then she will know that we have been; concealing it。〃

Kenton was astonished at himself for not having thought of that。  〃And
what are you going to do; Sarah?〃

〃I am going to tell her;〃 said Mrs。 Kenton。

〃Why didn't poppa tell me before?〃  the girl perversely demanded; as soon
as her another had done so。

〃Ellen; you are a naughty child!  I have a great mind not to have a word
more to say to you。  Your father hasn't been in the house an hour。  Did
you want him to speak before Lottie and Boyne!〃

〃I don't see why he didn't tell me himself。  I know there is something
you are keeping back。  I know there is some word〃

〃Oh; yon poor girl!〃 said her mother; melting into pity against all sense
of duty。  〃Have we ever tried to deceive you?〃

〃No;〃 Ellen sobbed; with her face in her hands。  〃Now I will tell you
every word that passed;〃 said Mrs。 Kenton; and she told; as well as she
could remember; all that the judge had repeated from Bittridge。  〃I don't
say he isn't ashamed of himself;〃 she commented at the end。  〃He ought to
be; and; of course; he would be glad to be in with us again when we go
back; but that doesn't alter his character; Ellen。  Still; if you can't
see that yourself; I don't want to make you; and if you would rather go
home to Tuskingum; we will give up the trip to Europe。〃

〃It's too late to do that now;〃 said the girl; in cruel reproach。

Her mother closed her lips resolutely till she could say; 〃Or you can
write to him if you want to。〃

〃I don't want to;〃 said Ellen; and she dragged herself up out of her
chair; and trailed slowly out of the room without looking at her mother。

〃Well?〃  the judge asked; impatiently; when he came in as soon after this
as he decently could。  They observed forms with regard to talking about
Ellen which; after all; were rather for themselves than for her; Mrs。
Kenton; at least; knew that the girl knew when they were talking about

〃She took it as well as I expected。〃

〃What is she going to do?〃

〃She didn't say。  But I don't believe she will do anything。〃

〃I wish I had taken our tickets for next Saturday;〃 said Kenton。

〃Well; we must wait now;〃 said his wife。  〃If he doesn't write to her;
she won't write to him。〃

〃Has she ever answered that letter of his?〃

〃No; and I don't believe she will now。〃

That night Ellen came to her mother and said she need not be afraid of
her writing to Bittridge。  〃He hasn't changed; if he was wrong; by coming
and saying those things to poppa; and nothing has changed。〃

〃That is the way I hoped you would see it; Ellen。〃  Her mother looked
wistfully at her; but the girl left her without letting her satisfy the
longing in the mother's heart to put her arms round her child; and pull
her head down upon her breast for a cry。

Kenton slept better that night than his wife; who was kept awake by a
formless foreboding。  For the week that followed she had the sense of
literally pushing the hours away; so that at times she found herself
breathless; as if from some heavy physical exertion。  At such times she
was frantic with the wish to have the days gone; and the day of their
sailing come; but she kept her impatience from her husband and children;
and especially from Ellen。  The girl was passive enough; she was almost
willing; and in the preparation for their voyage she did her share of the
shopping; and discussed the difficult points of this business with her
mother and sister as if she had really been thinking about it all。  But
her mother doubted if she had; and made more of Ellen's sunken eyes and
thin face than of her intelligent and attentive words。  It was these that
she reported to her husband; whom she kept from talking with Ellen; and
otherwise quelled。

〃Let her alone;〃 she insisted; one morning of the last week。  〃What can
you do by speaking to her about it?  Don't you see that she is making the
best fight she can?  You will weaken her if you interfere。  It's less
than a week now; and if you can only hold out; I know she can。〃

Kenton groaned。  〃Well; I suppose you're right; Sarah。  But I don't like
the idea of forcing her to go; unless〃

〃Then you had better write to that fellow; and ask him to come and get

This shut Kenton's mouth; and he kept on with his shaving。  When he had
finished he felt fresher; if not stronger; and he went down to breakfast;
which he had alone; not only with reference to his own family; but all
the other guests of the hotel。  He was always so early that sometimes the
dining…room was not open; when this happened; he used to go and buy a
newspaper at the clerk's desk; for it was too early then for the news…
stand to be open。  It happened so that morning; and he got his paper
without noticing the young man who was writing his name in the hotel
register; but who looked briskly up when the clerk bade Kenton good…
morning by name。

〃Why; judge!〃  he said; and he put out a hand which Kenton took with
trembling reluctance and a dazed stare。  〃I thought you sailed last

〃We sail next Saturday;〃 said Kenton。

〃Well; well!  Then I misunderstood;〃 said Bittridge; and he added: 〃Why;
this is money found in the road!  How are all the family?  I've got my
mother here with me; brought her on for a kind of a little outing。 
She'll be the most surprised woman in New York when I tell her you're
here yet。  We came to this hotel because we knew you had been here; but
we didn't suppose you were here!  Well!  This is too good!  I saw Dick;
Friday; but he didn't say anything about your sailing; I suppose he
thought I knew。  Didn't you tell me you were going in a week; that day in
your house?〃

〃Perhaps I did;〃 Kenton faltered out; his eyes fixed on Bittridge's with
a helpless fascination。

〃Well; it don't matter so long as you're here。  Mother's in the parlor
waiting for me; I won't risk taking you to her now; judgeright off the
train; you know。  But I want to bring her to call on Mrs。 Kenton as soon
after breakfast as you'll let me。  She just idolizes Mrs。 Kenton; from
what I've told her about her。  Our rooms ready?〃  He turned to the clerk;
and the clerk called 〃 Front!〃 to a bellboy; who ran up and took
Bittridge's hand…baggage; and stood waiting to follow him into the
parlor。  〃Well; you must excuse me now; judge。  So long!〃 he said; gayly;
and Kenton crept feebly away to the dining…room。

He must have eaten breakfast; but he was not aware of doing so; and the
events of his leaving the table and going up in the elevator and finding
himself in his wife's presence did not present themselves consecutively;
though they must all have successively occurred。  It did not seem to him
that he could tell what he knew; but he found himself doing it; and her
hearing it with strange quiet。

〃Very well;〃 she said。  〃I must tell Ellen; and; if she wishes; we must
stay in and wait for their call。〃

〃Yes;〃 the judge mechanically consented。

It was painful for Mrs。 Kenton to see how the girl flushed when she
announced the fact of Bittridge's presence; for she knew what a strife of
hope and shame and pride there was in Ellen's heart。  At first she said
that she did not wish to see him; and then when Mrs。 Kenton would not say
whether she had better see him or not; she added; vaguely; 〃If he has
brought his mother〃

〃I think we must see them; Ellen。  You wouldn't wish to think you had
been unkind; and he might be hurt on his mother's account。  He seems
really fond of her; and perhaps〃

〃No; there isn't any perhaps; momma;〃 said the girl; gratefully。  〃But I
think we had better see them; too。  I think we had better ALL see them。〃

〃Just as you please; Ellen。  If you prefer to meet them alone〃

〃I don't prefer that。  I want poppa to be there; and Lottie and Boyne

Boyne objected when he was told that his presence was requested at this
family rite; and he would have excused himself if the invitation had been
of the form that one might decline。  〃What do I want to see him for?〃  he
puffed。  〃He never cared anything about me in Tuskingum。  What's he want
here; anyway?〃

〃I wish you to come in; my son;〃 said his mother; and that ended it。

Lottie was not so tractable。  〃Very well; momma;〃 she said。  〃But don't
expect me to speak to him。  I have some little self…respect; if the rest
of you haven't。  Am I going to shake hands with him!  I never took the
least notice of him at home; and I'm not going to here。〃

Bittridge decided the question of hand…shaking for her when they met。  He
greeted her glooming brother with a jolly 〃Hello; Boyne!〃  and without
waiting for the boy's tardy response he said 〃Hello; Lottie!〃  to the
girl; and took her hand and kept it in his while he made an elaborate
compliment to her good looks and her gain in weight。  She had come
tardily as a proof that she would not have come in at all if she had not
chosen to do so; and Mrs。 Bittridge was already seated beside Ellen on
the sofa; holding her hand; and trying to keep her mobile; inattentive
eyes upon Ellen's face。  She was a little woman; youthfully dressed; but
not dressed youthfully enough for the dry; yellow hair which curled
tightly in small rings on her skull; like the wig of a rag…doll。  Her
restless eyes were round and deep…set; with the lids flung up out of
sight; she had a lax; formless mouth; and an anxious smile; with which
she constantly watched her son for his initiative; while she recollected
herself from time to time; long enough to smooth Ellen's hand between her
own; and say; 〃Oh; I just think the world of Clarence; and I guess he
thinks his mother is about right; too;〃 and then did not heed what Ellen

The girl said very little; and it was Bittridge who talked for all;
dominating the room with a large; satisfied presence; in which the judge
sat withdrawn; his forehead supported on his hand; and his elbow on the
table。  Mrs。 Kenton held herself upright; with
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