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〃Yes; Mademoiselle …〃 the missary jerked himself forward … 〃let us by all means have your impressions。〃 

Katherine sat turning the whole thing over in her mind。 She felt in a way as if she were betraying a confidence; but with that ugly word 'Murder' ringing in her ears she dared not keep anything back。 Too much might hang upon it。 So; as nearly as she could; she repeated word for word the conversation she had had with the dead woman。 

〃That is interesting;〃 said the missary; glancing at the other。 〃Eh; M。 Poirot; that is interesting? Whether it has anything to do with the crime …〃 He left the sentence unfinished。 

〃I suppose it could not be suicide;〃 said Katherine; rather doubtfully。 

〃No;〃 said the missary; 〃it could not be suicide。 She was strangled with a length of black cord。〃 

〃Oh!〃 Katherine shivered。 M。 Caux spread out his hands apologetically。 〃It is not nice … no。 I think that our train robbers are more brutal than they are in your country。〃 

〃It is horrible。〃 

〃Yes; yes …〃 he was soothing and apologetic … 〃but you have great courage; Mademoiselle。 At once; as soon as I saw you; I said to myself; 'Mademoiselle has great courage。' That is why I am going to ask you to do something more … something distressing; but I assure you very necessary。〃 

Katherine looked at him apprehensively。 

He spread out his hands apologetically。 

〃I am going to ask you; Mademoiselle; to be so good as to acpany me to the next partment。〃 

〃Must I?〃 asked Katherine in a low voice。 

〃Someone must identify her;〃 said the missary; 〃and since the maid has disappeared …〃 he coughed significantly … 〃you appear to be the person who has seen most of her since she joined the train。〃 

〃Very well;〃 said Katherine quietly; 〃if it is necessary …〃 

She rose。 Poirot gave her a little nod of approval。 

〃Mademoiselle is sensible;〃 he said。 〃May I acpany you; M。 Caux?〃 

〃Enchanted; my dear M。 Poirot。〃 

They went out into the corridor; and M。 Caux unlocked the door of the dead woman's partment。 The blinds on the far side had been drawn half…way up to admit light。 The dead woman lay on the berth to their left; in so natural a posture that one could have thought her asleep。 The bedclothes were drawn up over her; and her head was turned to the wall; so that only the red auburn curls showed。 Very gently M。 Caux laid a hand on her shoulder and turned the body back so that the face came into view。 Katherine flinched a little and dug her nails into her palms。 A heavy blow had disfigured the features almost beyond recognition。 Poirot gave a sharp exclamation。 

〃When was that done; I wonder?〃 he demanded。 〃Before death or after?〃 

〃The doctor says after;〃 said M。 Caux。 

〃Strange;〃 said Poirot; drawing his brows together。 

He turned to Katherine。 〃Be brave; Mademoiselle; look at her well。 Are you sure that this is the woman you talked to in the train yesterday?〃 

Katherine had good nerves。 She steeled herself to look long and earnestly at the recumbent figure。 Then she leaned forward and took up the dead woman's hand。 

〃I am quite sure;〃 she replied at length。 〃The face is too disfigured to recognize; but the build and carriage and hair are exact; and besides I noticed this …〃 she pointed to a tiny mole on the dead woman's wrist … 〃while I was talking to her。〃 

〃Bon;〃 approved Poirot。 〃You are an excellent witness; Mademoiselle。 There is then no question as to the identity; but it is strange; all the same。〃 He frowned down on the dead woman in perplexity。 

M。 Caux shrugged his shoulders。 

〃The murderer was carried away by rage; doubtless;〃 he suggested。 

〃If she had been struck down; it would have been prehensible;〃 mused Poirot; 〃but the man who strangled her slipped up behind and caught her unawares。 A little choke … a little gurgle … that is all that would be heard; and then afterwards … that smashing blow on her face。 Now why? Did he hope that if the face were unrecognizable she might not be identified? Or did he hate her so much that he could not resist striking that blow even after she was dead?〃 

Katherine shuddered; and he turned at once to her kindly。 

〃You must not let me distress you; Mademoiselle;〃 he said。 〃To you this is all very terrible。 To me; alas! it is an old story。 One moment; I pray of you both。〃 

They stood against the door watching him as he partment。 He noted the dead woman's clothes neatly folded on the end of the berth; the big fur coat that hung from a hook; and the little red lacquer hat tossed up on the rack。 Then he passed through into the adjoining partment; that in which Katherine had seen the maid sitting。 Here the berth had not been made up。 Three or four rugs were piled loosely on the seat; there was a hat…box and a couple of suitcases。 He turned suddenly to Katherine。 

〃You were in here yesterday;〃 he said。 〃Do you see anything changed; anything missing?〃 

Katherine looked carefully round both partments。 

〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃there is something missing … a scarlet morocco case。 It had the initials 'R。V。K。' on it。 It might have been a small dressing…case or a big jewel…case。 When I saw it; the maid was holding it。〃 

〃Ah!〃 said Poirot。 

〃But; surely;〃 said Katherine。 〃I … of course; I don't know anything about such things; but surely it is plain enough; if the maid and the jewel…case are missing?〃 

〃You mean that it was the maid who was the thief? No; Mademoiselle; there is a very good reason against that;〃 said the missary。


〃The maid was left behind in Paris。〃 

He turned to Poirot。 

〃I should like you to hear the conductor's story yourself;〃 he murmured confidentially。 〃It is very suggestive。〃 

〃Mademoiselle would doubtless like to hear it also;〃 said Poirot。 〃You do not object; Monsieur le missaire?〃 

〃No;〃 said the missary; who clearly did object very much。 〃No; certainly; M。 Poirot; if you say so。 You have finished here?〃 

〃I think so。 One little minute。〃 

He had been turning over the rugs; and now he took one to the window and looked at it; picking something off it with his fingers。 

〃What is it?〃 demanded M。 Caux sharply。 

〃Four auburn hairs。〃 He bent over the dead woman。 〃Yes; they are from the head of Madame。〃 

〃And what of it? Do you attach importance to them?〃 

Poirot let the rug drop back on the seat。 

〃What is important? What is not? One cannot say at this stage。 But we must note each little fact carefully。〃 

They went back again into the first partment; and in a minute or two the conductor of the carriage arrived to be questioned。 

〃Your name is Pierre Michel?〃 said the missary。 

〃Yes; Monsieur le missaire。〃 

〃I should like you to repeat to this gentleman …〃 he indicated Poirot … 〃the story that you told me as to what happened in Paris。〃 

〃Very good; Monsieur le missaire。 It was after we had left the Gare de Lyon。 I came along to make the beds; thinking that Madame would be at dinner; but she had a dinner…basket in her partment。 She said to me that she had been obliged to leave her maid behind in Paris; so that I only need make up one berth。 She took her dinner…basket into the adjoining partment; and sat there while I made up the bed; then she told me that she did not wish to be wakened early in the morning; that she liked to sleep on。 I told her I quite understood; and she wished me 'goodnight。'〃 

〃You yourself did not go into the adjoining partment?〃 

〃No; Monsieur。〃 

〃Then you did not happen to notice if a scarlet morocco case was amongst the luggage there?〃 

〃No; Monsieur; I did not。〃 

〃Would it have been possible for a man to have been concealed in the adjoining partment?〃 

The conductor reflected。 

〃The door was half open;〃 he said。 〃If a man had stood behind that door I should not have been able to see him; but he would; of course; have been perfectly visible to Madame when she went in there。〃 

〃Quite so;〃 said Poirot; 〃Is there anything more you have to tell us?〃 

〃I think that is all; Monsieur。 I can remember nothing else。〃 

〃And now this morning?〃 prompted Poirot。 

〃As Madame had ordered; I did not disturb her。 It was not until just before Cannes that I ventured to knock at the door。 Getting no reply; I opened it。 The lady appeared to be in her bed asleep。 I took her by the shoulder to rouse her; and then …〃 

〃And then you saw what had happened;〃 volunteered Poirot。 〃Très bien。 I think I know all I want to know。〃 

〃I hope; Monsieur le missaire; it is not that I have been guilty of any negligence;〃 said the man piteously。 〃Such an affair to happen on the Blue Train! It is horrible。〃 

〃Console yourself;〃 said the missary。 〃Everything will be done to keep the affair as quiet as possible; if only in the interests of justice。 I cannot think you have been guilty of any negligence。〃 

〃And Monsieur le missaire will report as much to the pany?〃 

〃But certainly; but certainly;〃 said M。 Caux impatiently。 〃That will do now。〃 

The conductor withdrew。 

〃According to the medical evidence;〃 said the missary; 〃the lady was probably dead before the train reached Lyons。 Who then was the murderer? From Mademoiselle's story; it seems clear that somewhere on her journey she was to meet this man of whom she spoke。 Her action in getting rid of the maid seems significant。 Did the man join the train at Paris; and did she conceal him in the adjoining partment? If so; they may have quarrelled; and he may have killed her in a fit of rage。 That is one possibility。 The other; and the more likely to my mind; is that her assailant was a train robber travelling on the train; that he stole along the corridor unseen by the conductor; killed her; and went off with the red morocco case which doubtless contained jewels of some value。 In all probability he left the train at Lyons; and we have already telegraphed to the station there for full particulars of anyone seen leaving the train。〃 

〃Or he might have e on to Nice;〃 suggested Poirot。 

〃He might;〃 agreed the missary; 〃but that would be a very bold course。〃 

Poirot let a minute or two go by before speaking; and then he said: 

〃In the latter case you think the man was an ordinary train robber?〃 

The missary shrugged his shoulders。 

〃It depends。 We must get hold of the maid。 It i
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