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〃I'll not stand for this;〃 he muttered to himself。 〃Poor little girl; it's a good thing she has her old father behind her。〃 

He walked up and down the room for some minutes; his brows drawn together in a scowl。 Knighton still bent assiduously over the desk。 Suddenly Van Aldin came to an abrupt halt。 He took up his overcoat from the chair where he had thrown it。 

〃Are you going out again; sir?〃 

〃Yes; I'm going round to see my daughter。〃 

〃If Colton's people ring up …〃 

〃Tell them to go to the devil;〃 said Van Aldin。 

〃Very well;〃 said the secretary unemotionally。 

Van Aldin had his overcoat on by now。 Cramming his hat upon his head; he went towards the door。 He paused with his hand upon the handle。 

〃You are a good fellow; Knighton;〃 he said。 〃You don't worry me when I am rattled。〃 

Knighton smiled a little; but made no reply。 

〃Ruth is my only child;〃 said Van Aldin; 〃and there is no one on this earth eans to me。〃 

A faint smile irradiated his face。 He slipped his hand into his pocket。 

〃Care to see something; Knighton?〃 

He came back towards the secretary。 

From his pocket he drew out a parcel carelessly wrapped in brown paper。 He tossed off the wrapping and disclosed a big; shabby; red velvet case。 In the centre of it were some twisted initials surmounted by a crown。 He snapped the case open; and the secretary drew in his breath sharply。 Against the slightly dingy white of the interior; the stones glowed like blood。 

〃My God! sir;〃 said Knighton。 〃Are they … are they real?〃 

Van Aldin laughed a quiet little cackle of amusement。 

〃I don't wonder at your asking that。 Amongst these rubies are the three largest in the world。 Katherine of Russia wore them; Knighton。 That centre one there is known as Heart of Fire。 It's perfect … not a flaw in it。〃 

〃But;〃 the secretary murmured; 〃they must be worth a fortune。〃 

〃Four or five hundred thousand dollars;〃 said Van Aldin nonchalantly; 〃and that is apart from the historical interest。〃 

〃And you carry them about … like that; loose in your pocket?〃 

Van Aldin laughed amusedly。 

〃I guess so。 You see; they are my little present for Ruthie。〃 

The secretary smiled discreetly。 

〃I can understand now Mrs Kettering's anxiety over the telephone;〃 he murmured。 But Van Aldin shook his head。 The hard look returned to his face。 

〃You are wrong there;〃 he said。 〃She doesn't know about these; they are my little surprise for her。〃 

He shut the case; and began slowly to wrap it up again。 

〃It's a hard thing; Knighton;〃 he said; 〃how little one can do for those one loves。 I can buy a good portion of the earth for Ruth; if it would be any use to her; but it isn't。 I can hang these things round her neck and give her a moment or two's pleasure; maybe; but …〃 

He shook his head。 

〃When a woman is not happy in her home …〃 

He left the sentence unfinished。 The secretary nodded discreetly。 He knew; none better; the reputation of the Hon Derek Kettering。 Van Aldin sighed。 Slipping the parcel back in his coat pocket; he nodded to Knighton and left the room。 

Chapter 4 


The Hon Mrs Derek Kettering lived in Curzon Street。 The butler who opened the door recognized Rufus Van Aldin at once and permitted himself a discreet smile of greeting。 He led the way upstairs to the big double drawing…room on the first floor。 

A woman who was sitting by the window started up with a cry。 

〃Why; Dad; if that isn't too good for anything! I've been telephoning Major Knighton all day to try and get hold of you; but he couldn't say for sure when you were expected back。〃 

Ruth Kettering was twenty…eight years of age。 Without being beautiful; or in the real sense of the word even pretty; she was striking looking because of her colouring。 Van Aldin had been called Carrots and Ginger in his time; and Ruth's hair was almost pure auburn。 With it went dark eyes and very black lashes … the effect somewhat enhanced by art。 She was tall and slender; and moved well。 At a careless glance it was the face of a Raphael Madonna。 Only if one looked closely did one perceive the same line of jaw and chin as in Van Aldin's face; bespeaking the same hardness and determination。 It suited the man; but suited the woman less well。 From her childhood upward Ruth Van Aldin had been accustomed to having her own way; and anyone who had ever stood up against her soon realized that Rufus Van Aldin's daughter never gave in。 

〃Knighton told me you'd phoned him;〃 said Van Aldin。 〃I only got back from Paris half an hour ago。 What's all this about Derek?〃 

Ruth Kettering flushed angrily。 

〃It's unspeakable。 It's beyond all limits;〃 she cried。 〃He … he doesn't seem to listen to anything I say。〃 

There was bewilderment as well as anger in her voice。 

〃He'll listen to me;〃 said the millionaire grimly。 

Ruth went on。 

〃I've hardly seen him for the last month。 He goes about everywhere with that woman。〃 

〃With what woman?〃 

〃Mirelle。 She dances at the Parthenon; you know。〃 

Van Aldin nodded。 

〃I was down at Leconbury last week。 I … I spoke to Lord Leconbury。 He was awfully sweet to me; sympathized entirely。 He said he'd give Derek a good talking to。〃 

〃Ah!〃 said Van Aldin。 

〃What do you mean by 'Ah!'; Dad?〃 

〃Just what you think I mean; Ruthie。 Poor old Leconbury is a wash…out。 Of course he sympathized with you; of course he tried to soothe you down。 Having got his son and heir married to the daughter of one of the richest men in the States; he naturally doesn't want to mess the thing up。 But he's got one foot in the grave already; everyone knows that; and anything he may say will cut darned little ice with Derek。〃 

〃Can't you do anything; Dad?〃 urged Ruth; after a minute or two。 

〃I might;〃 said the millionaire。 He waited a second reflectively; and then went on。 

〃There are several things I might do; but there's only one that will be any real good。 How much pluck have you got; Ruthie?〃 

She stared at him。 He nodded back at her。 

〃I mean just what I say。 Have you got the grit to admit to all the world that you've made a mistake? There's only one way out of this mess; Ruthie。 Cut your losses and start afresh。〃 

〃You mean …〃 



Van Aldin smiled drily。 

〃You say that word; Ruth; as though you'd never heard it before。 And yet your friends are doing it all round you every day。〃 

〃Oh! I know that。 But …〃 

She stopped; biting her lip。 Her father nodded prehendingly。 

〃I know; Ruth。 You're like me; you can't bear to let go。 But I've learnt; and you've got to learn; that there are times when it's the only way。 I might find ways of whistling Derek back to you; but it would all e to the same in the end。 He's no good; Ruth; he's rotten through and through。 And mind you; I blame myself for ever letting you marry him。 But you were kind of set on having him; and he seemed in earnest about turning over a new leaf … and well; I'd crossed you once; honey。。。〃 

He did not look at her as he said the last words。 Had he done so; he might have seen the swift colour that came up in her face。 

〃You did;〃 she said in a hard voice。 

〃I was too darned soft…hearted to do it a second time。 I can't tell you how I wish I had; though。 You've led a poor kind of life for the last few years; Ruth。〃 

〃It has not been very … agreeable;〃 agreed Mrs Kettering。 

〃That's why I say to you that this thing has got to stop!〃 He brought his hand down with a bang on the table。 〃You may have a hankering after the fellow still。 Cut it out。 Face facts。 Derek Kettering married you for your money。 That's all there is to it。 Get rid of him; Ruth。〃 

Ruth Kettering looked down at the ground for some moments; then she said; without raising her head: 

〃Supposing he doesn't consent?〃 

Van Aldin looked at her in astonishment。 

〃He won't have a say in the matter。〃 

She flushed and bit her lip。 

〃No … no … of course not。 I only meant …〃 

She stopped。 Her father eyed her keenly。 

〃What did you mean?〃 

〃I meant …〃 She paused; choosing her words carefully。 〃He mayn't take it lying down。〃 

The millionaire's chin shot out grimly。 

〃You mean he'll fight the case? Let him! But; as a matter of fact; you're wrong。 He won't fight。 Any solicitor he consults will tell him he hasn't a leg to stand upon。〃 

〃You don't think …〃 she hesitated … 〃I mean … out of sheer spite against me … he might try to make it awkward?〃 

Her father looked at her in some astonishment。 

〃Fight the case; you mean?〃 

He shook his head。 

〃Very unlikely。 You see; he would have to have something to go upon。〃 

Mrs Kettering did not answer。 Van Aldin looked at her sharply。 

〃e; Ruth; out with it。 There's something troubling you … what is it?〃 

〃Nothing; nothing at all。〃 

But her voice was unconvincing。 

〃You are dreading the publicity; eh? Is that it? You leave it to me。 I'll put the whole thing through so smoothly that there will be no fuss at all。〃 

〃Very well; Dad; if you really think it's the best thing to be done。〃 

〃Got a fancy for the fellow still; Ruth? Is that it?〃 


The word came with no uncertain emphasis。 Van Aldin seemed satisfied。 He patted his daughter on the shoulder。 

〃It will be all right; little girl。 Don't you worry any。 Now let's forget all about this。 I have brought you a present from Paris。〃 

〃For me? Something very nice?〃 

〃I hope you'll think so;〃 said Van Aldin; smiling。 

He took the parcel from his coat pocket and handed it to her。 She unwrapped it eagerly; and snapped open the case。 A longdrawn 〃Oh!〃 came from her lips。 Ruth Kettering loved jewels … always had done so。 

〃Dad; how … how wonderful!〃 

〃Rather in a class by themselves; aren't they?〃 said the millionaire; with satisfaction。 〃You like them; eh?〃 

〃Like them? Dad; they're unique。 How did you get hold of them?〃 

Van Aldin smiled。 

〃Ah! that's my secret。 They had to be bought privately; of course。 They are rather well known。 See that big stone in the middle? You have heard of it; maybe; that's the historic 'Heart of Fire。'〃 

〃Heart of Fire!〃 repeated Mrs Kettering。 

She had taken the stones from the case and was holding them against her breast。 

The millio
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