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流泪谷 作者:李良

流泪谷 作者:李良

大小:148K  人气:16  上传:左思右想  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:第一章  沿着黄河北上,有个地方叫黄土坡,那里是个山窝窝。  哥哥你头前走,  小妹妹我随后头,  让我牵上哥哥你的手手,  咱上没人的地方亲口口。  这是陕北民歌,也叫陕北情歌。  黄土坡上虽然贫穷,这里的人却喜欢唱歌。他们结婚唱...
更新时间: 2023-08-17
工作向左 生活向右 - 埃丽卡.奥尔洛夫

工作向左 生活向右 - 埃丽卡.奥

大小:111K  人气:13  上传:丁格  赞(0) 踩(0)
更新时间: 2023-08-17


大小:96K  人气:12  上传:宫本宝藏  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:  一  我母亲和父亲的婚姻是包办婚姻。结婚时,我母亲刘月季已经24岁了,而父亲钟匡民还只是个18岁的学生娃。我那长期患着痨病的祖父选择这门亲事是有他充分的理由的。他认为我母亲的家庭虽然正在败落,但家教的严正是远近闻名的。母亲18岁时我姥...
更新时间: 2023-08-17


大小:139K  人气:13  上传:公主站记  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介: 毕业一年贱作者:茅道1梆子楼下传来房东大婶琐碎的家长里短。凭经验,现在是上午十点左右。房东已从附近的菜市场满载而归,不计半点代价地传播听来的小道消息。手机上有两条短消息,一条是颜大炮的,催我早点儿去店子里看看。再一条是唐莉的,要我...
更新时间: 2023-08-17


大小:68K  人气:14  上传:老山文学  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:邓海一 著第一讲 开悟篇一,撩开古易神秘面纱预测术神奇,但并不神秘.中国预测术门类繁杂,流派众多,追根溯源皆出于"周易"。易学发展了几千年,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,这部溶入祖先智慧的经典之做由两部分构成,一是经文部分,二是对经文...
更新时间: 2023-08-17


大小:76K  人气:12  上传:梦幻天书  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:自序:孔庆东十大罪状  前年及去岁,余客居韩国以避风沙。友人告以国内贤达有识之士仍不时撰文痛斥余之谬言逆行。余闻之甚惴惴,乃请友人网罗此类雄文高论遗余。余读之汗下如注,宿疾大愈。遂披襟秉烛,略归其类为十,赫然书之于壁,以改余过,以悔...
更新时间: 2023-08-17


大小:83K  人气:11  上传:孤悟  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介: 窦娥冤元:关汉卿● 楔子[卜儿蔡婆上,诗云]花有重开日,人无再少年。不须长富贵,安乐是神仙。老身蔡婆婆是也,楚州人氏,嫡亲三口儿家属。不幸夫主亡逝已过,止有一个孩儿,年长八岁,俺娘儿两个,过其日月,...
更新时间: 2023-08-17


大小:43K  人气:12  上传:泰达魔王  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:poor. The rich one was a goldsmith and evil-hearted. The poor onesupported himself by making brooms, and was good and honorable. Hehad two children, who were twin brothers and as like each other astwo drops of water. The two boys ...
更新时间: 2023-08-17
the boss and the machine

the boss and the machine

大小:225K  人气:11  上传:尘小春  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Boss and the Machine, A Chronicle of the Politicians and Party Organizationby Samuel P. OrthCONTENTSI. THE RISE OF THE PARTYII. THE RISE OF THE MACHINEIII. THE TIDE OF MATERIALISMIV. THE POLITICIAN AND THE CITYV. TAMMANY HALLVI. ...
更新时间: 2023-08-17
augustus does his bit

augustus does his bit

大小:39K  人气:12  上传:团团  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Augustus Does His Bitby George Bernard ShawI wish to express my gratitude for certain good offices whichAugustus secured for me in January,1917. I had been invited tovisit the theatre of war in Flanders by the Commander-in-Chief:an i...
更新时间: 2023-08-17
29-blue beard

29-blue beard

大小:10K  人气:32  上传:  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:BLUE BEARDTHERE was a man who had fine houses, both in townand country, a deal of silver and gold plate, embroideredfurniture, and coaches gilded all over with gold. Butthis man was so unlucky as to have a blue beard, whichmade him s...
更新时间: 2023-08-07
an international episode

an international episode

大小:160K  人气:16  上传:老山文学  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:An International Episodeby Henry JamesPART IFour years agoin 1874two young Englishmen had occasion to goto the United States. They crossed the ocean at midsummer,and, arriving in New York on the first day of August,were much struck ...
更新时间: 2023-08-01
the child in the grave

the child in the grave

大小:9K  人气:20  上传:孤悟  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介: FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE CHILD IN THE GRAVEby Hans Christian AndersenIT was a very sad day, and every heart in the house felt thedeepest grief; for the youngest child, a boy of four years old, th...
更新时间: 2023-08-01
hemingway, ernest - men without women

hemingway, ernest - men withou

大小:228K  人气:21  上传:双曲线  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1899 at Oak Park, a highly respectable suburb of Chicago, where his father, a keen sportsman, was a doctor. He was the second of six children. The family spent holidays in a lakeside hunting lodge ...
更新时间: 2023-07-20


大小:10K  人气:17  上传:不是就是  赞(0) 踩(1)
电子书简介:CHAPTER IIIA Caucus-Race and a Long TaleThey were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled on thebankthe birds with draggled feathers, the animals with theirfur clinging close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, anduncomfortable...
更新时间: 2023-07-14


大小:109K  人气:19  上传:上访不如上  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:HieroHieroby XenophonTranslation by H. G. Dakyns1- Page 2-HieroIOnce upon a time Simonides the poet paid a visit to Hiero the...
更新时间: 2023-07-14


大小:147K  人气:16  上传:想聊  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Vendettaby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Puttinati, Milanese Sculptor.VENDETTACHAPTER IPROLOGUEIn the year 1800, toward the close of October, a foreigner,accompanied by a woman and a little gir...
更新时间: 2023-07-14
round the sofa

round the sofa

大小:21K  人气:17  上传:摄氏0度  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Round the Sofaby Elizabeth GaskellLong ago I was placed by my parents under the medical treatment of acertain Mr. Dawson, a surgeon in Edinburgh, who had obtained areputation for the cure of a particular class of diseases. I wassent...
更新时间: 2023-07-14
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