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大小:107K  人气:11  上传:美丽心点  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Joyby John GalsworthyA PLAY ON THE LETTER "I"IN THREE ACTSPERSONS OF THE PLAYCOLONEL HOPE, R.A., retiredMRS. HOPE, his wifeMISS BEECH, their old governessLETTY, their daughterERNEST BLUNT, her husbandMRS. GWYN, their nieceJOY, her da...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
under western eyes

under western eyes

大小:149K  人气:12  上传:冰点沸点  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Under Western Eyesby Joseph Conrad"I would take liberty from any handas a hungry man would snatch a piece of bread."Miss HALDINPART FIRSTTo begin with I wish to disclaim the possession of those highgifts of imagination and expression...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
the garotters

the garotters

大小:54K  人气:13  上传:理性的思索  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Garottersby William D. HowellsPART FIRSTSCENE I: MRS. ROBERTS; THEN MR. ROBERTSAt the window of her apartment in Hotel Bellingham, Mrs. Robertsstands looking out into the early nightfall. A heavy snow isdriving without, and fro...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
amy foster

amy foster

大小:77K  人气:11  上传:九十八度  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:AMY FOSTERby Joseph ConradKennedy is a country doctor, and lives in Cole-brook, on the shores of Eastbay. The highground rising abruptly behind the red roofs of thelittle town crowds the quaint High Street againstthe wall which defe...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
the register

the register

大小:55K  人气:12  上传:寻找山吹  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Registerby William D. HowellsI.SCENE: In an upper chamber of a boarding-house in Melanchthon Place,Boston, a mature, plain young lady, with every appearance ofestablishing herself in the room for the first time, moves about,best...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
by plutarch

by plutarch

大小:11K  人气:13  上传:千顷寒  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenHAVING mentioned the most memorable actions of these great men, ifwe now compare the whole life of the one with that of the other, itwill not be easy to discern the difference between them, lost as...
更新时间: 2023-07-02


大小:38K  人气:11  上传:竹水冷  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:THE BIRTHMARKIn the latter part of the last century there lived a man ofscience, an eminent proficient in every branch of naturalphilosophy, who not long before our story opens had madeexperience of a spiritual affinity more attracti...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
the lady, or the tiger

the lady, or the tiger

大小:15K  人气:13  上传:炒作  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Lady, or the Tiger?by Frank R. StocktonIn the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king, whoseideas, though somewhat polished and sharpened by theprogressiveness of distant Latin neighbors, were still large,florid, and unt...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
peace manoeuvres

peace manoeuvres

大小:36K  人气:13  上传:旅游巴士  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Peace Manoeuvresby Richard Harding DavisThe scout stood where three roads cut three green tunnels in thepine woods, and met at his feet. Above his head an aged sign-postpointed impartially to East Carver, South Carver, and CarverCen...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
a death in the desert

a death in the desert

大小:54K  人气:11  上传:上网找工作  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:"A Death in the Desert"Everett Hilgarde was conscious that the man in the seatacross the aisle was looking at him intently. He was a large,florid man, wore a conspicuous diamond solitaire upon his thirdfinger, and Everett judged him...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
dream days

dream days

大小:222K  人气:11  上传:交通工具类  赞(0) 踩(0)
更新时间: 2023-07-02
a voyage to abyssinia

a voyage to abyssinia

大小:226K  人气:13  上传:绚烂冬季  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:A Voyage to Abyssiniaby Father Jerome Lobotranslated from the French by Samuel Johnson.INTRODUCTION by Henry Morley, Editor of the 1887 editionJeronimo Lobo was born in Lisbon in the year 1593. He entered the Order of the Jesuits at...
更新时间: 2023-07-02


大小:61K  人气:12  上传:无边的寒冷  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Lecture IXCONVERSIONTo be converted, to be regenerated, to receive grace, toexperience religion, to gain an assurance, are so many phraseswhich denote the process, gradual or sudden, by which a selfhitherto divided, and consciously w...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
a wagner matinee

a wagner matinee

大小:20K  人气:11  上传:北方网  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:A Wagner MatineeI received one morning a letter, written in pale ink onglassy, blue-lined notepaper, and bearing the postmark of alittle Nebraska village. This communication, worn and rubbed,looking as though it had been carried for...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
of tragedy

of tragedy

大小:17K  人气:14  上传:独来读网  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:OF TRAGEDYDavid Hume1757It seems an unaccountable pleasure, which the spectators of...
更新时间: 2023-07-02


大小:56K  人气:10  上传:飘雪的季节  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:IIIWEALTHWho shall tell what did befall,Far away in time, when once,Over the lifeless ball,Hung idle stars and suns?What god the element obeyed?Wings of what wind the lichen bore,Wafting the puny seeds of power,Which, lodged in rock,...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
father damien

father damien

大小:31K  人气:11  上传:匆匆  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Father Damienby Robert Louis StevensonAN OPEN LETTER TO THE REVEREND DR. HYDE OF HONOLULUSYDNEY,FEBRUARY 25, 1890.Sir, - It may probably occur to you that we have met, and visited,and conversed; on my side, with interest. You may re...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
09-edward mills and george benton

09-edward mills and george ben

大小:13K  人气:12  上传:做男人挺好  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:EDWARD MILLS AND GEORGE BENTON: A TALEThese two were distantly related to each otherseventh cousins,or something of that sort. While still babies they became orphans,and were adopted by the Brants, a childless couple, who quicklygr...
更新时间: 2023-07-02
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