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the swiss twins

the swiss twins

大小:91K  人气:14  上传:莫再讲  赞(0) 踩(0)
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the adventure of the golden pince-nez

the adventure of the golden pi

大小:49K  人气:12  上传:江暖  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介: SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE GOLDEN PINCE-NEZby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleWhen I look at the three massive manuscript volumes which containour work for the year 1894, I confess that it is very diffi...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
a story from the sand-hills

a story from the sand-hills

大小:74K  人气:14  上传:冥王  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介: FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENA STORY FROM THE SAND-HILLSby Hans Christian AndersenTHIS story is from the sand-dunes or sand-hills of Jutland, but itdoes not begin there in the North, but far away in the ...
更新时间: 2023-06-20


大小:127K  人气:14  上传:孤独半圆  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:STAGE-LAND.STAGE-LAND.By Jerome K. Jerome1- Page 2-STAGE-LAND.THE HERO.His name is George, generally speaking. "Call me George!" he saysto the heroine. She calls him George (in a very low voice, because she is...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the book of nonsense

the book of nonsense

大小:22K  人气:12  上传:左思右想  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Book of Nonsenseby Edward LearThere was an Old Derry down Derry,Who loved to see little folks merry;So he made them a Book,And with laughter they shook,At the fun of that Derry down Derry!TO THE GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN,GRAND-NEPHEWS, AND...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
prometheus bound

prometheus bound

大小:64K  人气:14  上传:猜火车  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:460 BCPROMETHEUS BOUNDby AeschylusCharacters in the PlayKratosBiaHephaestusPrometheusChorus of the OceanidesOceanusIoHermesMountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock,...
更新时间: 2023-06-20


大小:163K  人气:11  上传:津股巡览  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Fourth BookThe PoliticsChapter 33The Insular Supremacy and the Continental Powers North Americaand FranceIn all ages there have been cities or countries which have beenpre-eminent above all others in industry, commerce, and navigati...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the door in the wall

the door in the wall

大小:37K  人气:13  上传:吻火  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:THE DOOR IN THE WALLIOne confidential evening, not three months ago, Lionel Wallace toldme this story of the Door in the Wall. And at the time I thoughtthat so far as he was concerned it was a true story.He told it me with such a di...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the house of pride(傲慢之家)

the house of pride(傲慢之家)

大小:231K  人气:14  上传:淘气  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:THE HOUSE OF PRIDETHE HOUSE OF PRIDEBy Jack London1- Page 2-THE HOUSE OF PRIDEPercival Ford wondered why he had come. He did not dance. Hedid not care much for army people. Yet he knew them allg...
更新时间: 2023-06-20


大小:80K  人气:13  上传:两块  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:410 BCELECTRAby Sophoclestranslated by R. C. JebbCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYORESTES, son of Agamemnon and CLYTEMNESTRAELECTRA } sister of ORESTESCHRYSOTHEMIS} " " "AN OLD MAN, formerly the PAEDAGOGUS or Attendant Of ORESTES...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the ancien regime(古兵团)

the ancien regime(古兵团)

大小:207K  人气:11  上传:谁与争疯  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:THE ANCIEN REGIMETHE ANCIEN REGIMEby Charles Kingsley1- Page 2-THE ANCIEN REGIMEPREFACEThe rules of the Royal Institution forbid (and wisely) religious or...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
32-a voyage to lilliput

32-a voyage to lilliput

大小:39K  人气:12  上传:冬恋  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:A VOYAGE TO LILLIPUTCHAPTER IMY father had a small estate in Nottinghamshire, andI was the third of four sons. He sent me to Cambridgeat fourteen years old, and after studying there threeyears I was bound apprentice to Mr. Bates, a f...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
arms and the man

arms and the man

大小:140K  人气:14  上传:中国长城网  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Arms and the Manby George Bernard ShawINTRODUCTIONTo the irreverentand which of us will claim entire exemption from thatcomfortable classification?there is something very amusing in theattitude of the orthodox criticism toward Bernar...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the essays of montaigne, v10

the essays of montaigne, v10

大小:136K  人气:12  上传:小秋  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Essays of Montaigne, V10by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 10.VII. Of recompenses of honour.VIII. Of the affection of fathers to their children.IX. ...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the case of the registered letter

the case of the registered let

大小:80K  人气:13  上传:  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Case of the Registered Letterby Grace Isabel Colbron and Augusta GronerINTRODUCTION TO JOE MULLERJoseph Muller, Secret Service detective of the Imperial Austrianpolice, is one of the great experts in his profession. Inpersonalit...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
the cask of amontillado

the cask of amontillado

大小:13K  人气:16  上传:南方网  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:The Cask of Amontilladoby Edgar Allen PoeThe thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I bestcould, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, whoso well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, thatI ...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
greville fane

greville fane

大小:41K  人气:12  上传:爱之冰点  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Greville Faneby Henry JamesComing in to dress for dinner, I found a telegram: "Mrs. Stormerdying; can you give us half a column for to-morrow evening? Let heroff easy, but not too easy." I was late; I was in a hurry; I hadvery lit...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
studies of lowell

studies of lowell

大小:67K  人气:11  上传:大刀阔斧  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:Studies of Lowellby William Dean HowellsI have already spoken of my earliest meetings with Lowell at Cambridgewhen I came to New England on a literary pilgrimage from the West in1860. I saw him more and more after I went to live in ...
更新时间: 2023-06-20
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